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人教九年级(全)Units 3—4


(A)1.Gina used to______ on weekends,but now she is used to ______ insects with her friends.

A.watch TV;studying B.watching TV;studying C.watch TV;study D.watching TV;study

(B)2.It's interesting ______the cultures of different countries. A.learn B.to learn C.learns D.to learning

(A)3.(2018滨州中考)—More and more foreigners are becoming interested in Beijing Opera.

—That's true.It's an important part of Chinese______. A.culture B.invention C.custom D.influence

(B)4.(2018昆明中考)—Excuse me,could you please tell me______? —It's on Center Street and across from the bank. A.where can I find the library B.where I can find the library C.how far the library is from here D.how far is the library from here

(A)5.—Nancy,would you mind turning down the music? Your father is writing his report.


A.Sorry.I'll do it right away B.Yes,please

C.Sorry.I won't do it again D.No,thanks



You should try to have a good relationship with your neighbours,because you never know__1__you may need their help.If they do something to annoy(让……不高兴) you,it is__2__ to discuss it in a polite way than to have an argument(争论) about it.

For example,if your neighbours are playing loud music that you do not like,ask them politely to__3__the music instead of__4__ the police directly for help.

Trees and fences(围栏) can also be a__5__of disagreement between neighbours.My grandmother likes sitting__6__ in the sun after lunch,but her neighbour has put up a high fence that__7__ sunshine from going into her yard in the early afternoon.My grandmother does not want to be__8__ with him,because he__9__her a lot of support when my grandfather died last year.So she went to talk with the neighbour in a friendly way.

Then,her neighbour lowered the fence just enough to give her some sunshine__10__ losing his privacy (私人空间).My grandmother cut down the tree that was above his garden and dropped leaves all over his lawn(草坪) in the autumn.Finally,they reached an agreement which made both pleased.

(D)1.A.after B.before C.while D.when (D)2.A.more B.best C.most D.better

(A)3.A.turn down B.turn up C.turn off D.turn on (C)4.A.going B.shouting C.calling D.getting (B)5.A.corner B.cause C.result D.message (C)6.A.inside B.into C.outside D.onto (A)7.A.stops B.opens C.shows D.steals (C)8.A.lonely B.silly C.angry D.awful (D)9.A.took B.carried C.bought D.gave (B)10.A.within B.without C.along D.above 三、综合填空。

Is eating breakfast important for students? Recently I have 1.made__ a survey among 100 students of Senior One in our school.About 45 percent students go to school


without breakfast.About 35 percent students do not treat breakfast

2.__seriously__(serious).They sometimes eat an egg,a piece of bread or a cup of milk.Only 20 percent students have enough breakfast with 3.__several__(几个) kinds of food every morning.

Some students who stay up late to study choose to skip breakfast so that they can have a few extra 4.__minutes__(minute) in bed.They are too tired.Others are 5.__given__(give) money by parents to buy their breakfast on the way to school,because their parents are 6.__too__ busy to prepare it for them.In fact,these students don't probably buy their breakfast,because they think it is a waste of time.In addition,a few school girls want to stay slim and often go to school 7.__without__ breakfast.

In fact,it's very important for students to 8.have__ breakfast.It can make them have a good 9.__memory__(记忆力) and be energetic,and make them in good state.So students should start 10.__their__(they) days with a regular good breakfast.


When I first arrived on this island,I had nothing.But I've found the ship and made a small boat.I've brought back many things I can use—food and drink,tools,knives and guns.Although I have lost everything,I have not lost my life.So I will not give up and I will wait for another ship.(A)我已经砍了树,建了一个房子。 I go out with my gun almost every day to kill animals and birds for food.I'm even learning to grow fruit and vegetables.

A few weeks ago,I found the marks of another man's feet on the sand.(B)my,else,who,island,is,on?(C)Not__long__after__that,I__saw__some__cannibals(食人族)__trying__to__kill__two__men__from__a__broken__ship. One of them died but the other ran towards my house.I helped him kill the cannibals.This man now lives with me and helps me.(D)I named him Friday

because__that__day__was__the__day__I__met__him.He is smart and I have already taught him some English.

—Taken from Robinson Crusoe



I have already__cut__ __down__ trees and built a house. 2.连词成句。请将(B)处的单词连成意义完整的句子。 __Who__else__is__on__my__island? 3.英译汉。请将(C)句译成中文。

__不久之后,我看见一些食人族正试图杀死从破船上下来的两个人。 4.句子提问。请就(D)句的画线部分提问。 __Why__ __did__ you name the man Friday? 5.What is Robinson learning to grow? __Fruit__and__vegetables._ 五、(2018钦州一模改编)书面表达。

初中的学习生活即将结束,请你以“How I Have Changed”为题,用英文写一篇90词左右的短文,描述你初中三年里的变化。写作要点包括外貌、兴趣爱好、学习习惯等方面。

写作要求:1.必须包括题目所给的写作要点,紧扣主题,适当发挥,使文章内容充实; 2.短文中不得出现真实的人名和校名。 How I Have Changed

I have changed a lot in the past three years.I was a little thin and short when I came into the middle school.At that time,I was interested in computer games.

But now I like sports and I often play basketball with my classmates after school.I become taller and stronger than before.I like reading,too.I go to the library to read books every Saturday.Good habits help me study better and become healthier.My parents and teachers are pleased with me.




