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什么是胚胎植入前基因检测 (PGT)


为了增加怀孕和拥有一个没有遗传疾病和染色体疾病的健康婴儿的几率,爱嗣国际合作的生殖中心提供植入前基因测试,以配合IVF治疗。随着父母年龄的增长,孩子患唐氏综合症或染色体异常等遗传疾病导致流产的可能性会增加。另外,如果患者是遗传疾病的携带者,那么有可能遗传给孩子或者影响生育能力。植入前基因检测解决了这些挑战,防止遗传疾病和染色体异常的遗传。 原理:



植入前基因诊断 (PGD)




PGS是一种使用作下一代试管治疗的一部分的技术,以确保患者的胚胎有正常的染色体数目,以提高试管婴儿患者成功怀孕的机会,并有一个健康的宝宝。 统计数据显示,五分之一的妊娠以流产告终,超过50%的流产是由染色体异常引起的。染色体异常还会导致遗传疾病,如唐氏综合症、爱德华综合症、帕托综合症、特纳综合症和任何与性别有关的疾病。

通过PGS,我们筛选,选择和转移最强壮的胚胎免于染色体异常。它可以防止多胎妊娠,因为我们可以移植单个胚胎,而不是移植多个质量不一的胚胎。 基于这个原因,我们推荐NextGen IVF技术用于年龄较大的夫妇、有流产史或试管受精失败的夫妇、或希望避免多次怀孕但同时提高成功率的夫妇。

Preimplantation Genetic Testing (PGT)

Preimplantation genetic testing screens for genetic disorders and abnormalities and increases your chances of successfully conceiving a healthy baby.

For your peace of mind.

To increase your chances of conceiving and having a healthy baby free from genetic diseases and chromosome disorders, we offer Preimplantation Genetic Testing to be used in conjunction with IVF treatment.

The possibility of having a baby with a genetic condition such as Down syndrome or chromosome abnormality that can cause miscarriage, increases with age. Alternatively, if you’re a carrier of a genetic disorder, there is a risk it can be passed on to your baby or affect your ability to conceive.

Preimplantation Genetic Testing resolves these challenges, preventing the transmission of genetic diseases and chromosome abnormalities.

How it works

Preimplantation Genetic Testing screens for genetic conditions and allows us to choose the healthiest embryo for implantation. While traditional forms of IVF can lead to multiple pregnancies, such as twins or even triplets, Preimplantation Genetic Testing enables us to transfer a single embryo, helping you conceive one child at a time.

There are two forms of Preimplantation Genetic Testing called Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD) and Preimplantation Genetic Screening (PGS).

Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD)

If you have a known genetic condition such as Thalassemia or haemophilia, you may consider PGD. PGD at Sunfert International uses advance genetic technique called Karyomapping to select embryos free from genetic abnormalities so you can have a healthy baby.

We are particularly passionate about screening for Thalassemia, a serious blood condition in which one in 20 Malaysians are carriers, mainly of Chinese descent. When both parents are carriers, there is a 25% the child will have major Thalassemia. PGD stops the Thalassemia gene from being passed onto subsequent generations.

Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD)

PGS is a technique we use as part of our NextGen IVF treatment to ensure that your embryos have the correct number of chromosomes to improve your chances of a successful pregnancy and having a healthy baby.

Statistics show that 1 in 5 pregnancies end in miscarriage and more than 50% are due to chromosomal abnormalities. Chromosomal abnormalities also cause genetic conditions such as Down syndrome, Edward Syndrome, Patau Syndrome, Turner Syndrome and any sex-linked diseases.

PGS allows us to screen, select and transfer the strongest embryo free from Chromosomal abnormalities. It prevents multiple pregnancies as we are able to transfer a single embryo with the best chance of implantation, rather than transferring multiple embryos of varying quality.

For this reason, we recommend NextGen IVF for older couples, couples with a history of miscarriage or failed IVF, or couples who want to avoid multiple pregnancies while improving chances of success.



