Treatment of osteoporotic vertebral body compression fractures by percutaneous vertebroplasty
Treatment of osteoporotic vertebral body compression fractures by percutaneous
Hongmin Zang;Yiheng Liu;Junchang Chen
【期刊名称】《生物医学研究杂志(英文版)》 【年(卷),期】2005(019)002
【摘要】Objective: To explore the effect of percutaneous vertebroplasty to treat osteoporotic vertebral body compression fractures. Methods: Seventeen patients with compression fractures at 27 different levels came in for percutaneous vertebroplasty. Under the guidance of C-arm image intensifier, bone needle was inserted into the fracture vertebral bodies via a unilateral transpedicular approach.Polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) was injected slowly under continuous fluoroscopic control. Then the effect was evaluated after operation.Results: Follow-up results among 15 patients were studied, other two patients lost contact. The follow-up period was from three to seven months. No patient had relapse of compression fracture. Leakage of the cement outside the vertebral body was seen in four bodies. All patients had a complete relief after Percutaneous vertebroplasty(PVP). Conclusion: PVP is an efficient minimally invasive technique to treat osteoporotic vertebral body compression fractures. 【总页数】3页(106-108)
Treatment of osteoporotic vertebral body compression fractures by percutaneous vertebroplasty