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2020-2021学年牛津译林版高中英语必修3教案:Unit2 Language Word版含解析

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Unit 2 Language

□vocabulary n. □nowadays adv. □mainland n. □mixture n. □aside adv.

□servant n.

□official adj. □entire adj.

□therefore adv. □mutton n. □bacon n.

□high-class adj.

□Greek adj.& n. □phrase n.

□plural n.& adj.

□process n.

□distinction n. □spelling n. □accent n. □unique adj. □gentle adj. □alphabet n.

□pure adj.

□character n. □bark n.& vi. □racial adj. □backwards adv. □custom n. □deed n.

□writing n.

□mistaken adj. □hunt vi.& vt.

□appearance n. □drawing n. □shortcoming n. □ink n. □battle n.& vi. □pattern n. □thus adv.

□combine vt.& vi. □indicate vt. □eyesight n. □wire n. □drag vt.

□practical adj. □version n.

□typewriter n.

1.(2020·全国卷Ⅱ)Nicolo and another bidder battled until Nicolo finally won the paintings for $32.vi.竞争

2.(2020·江苏卷)Chinese customs began NAT (核酸检测) on inbound arrivals at all points of entry.n.海关

3.(2019·天津卷)My progress in reading raised my curiosity,and I wanted to know everything.vt.增加;提升

4.(2018·北京卷)Now Mr.Anderson has set up an online campaign to raise money for Mr.Smith and other homeless people in the area,which by yesterday had received


5.(2018·浙江卷) The steam-powered printing press was still in its early stages;the literacy (识字) rate in England was under 50%.n.印刷机

6.(2018·天津卷)Future 3D food printers could make processed food healthier.


7.(2018·北京卷)Anger is rarely looked upon as a beneficial character trait,and is usually advised to reduce it.n.性格;个性

[单词 拼写·运用]

核心单词 1.occupy vt.占领;占用(时间、空间等) 2.consist vi.组成,构成 3.raise vt.养育,培养;举起;增加,提高;筹募;提及 核心单词 语境运用 2.(2019·浙江卷)Rock music consists (consist) of many different styles. 4.conclusion n.结论;推论 5.replace vt.替换,代替,取代 6.defeat vt.击败,战胜 7.ban vt.& n.禁止;取缔 8.distinguish vt.区分,辨别;使具有某种特征 9.interrupt vi.& vt.插嘴,打断,暂停 10.represent vt.代表;展示,描绘 3.(2019·全国卷Ⅲ)This indicates that there is a certain way quantity is_represented (represent) in their brains. 4.I'm glad you raised(raise)the subject of money. 5.The child is perfectly capable of distinguishing(distinguish) reality from fantasy. 6.In the USA a growing number of states have adopted laws to_ban (ban) throwing e-waste. 派生单词 1.access vt.进入;使用 n.通道;(使语境运用 用所给词的适当形式填空。 语境运用 用所给词的适当形式填空。 1.(2020·全国卷Ⅰ) We're thinking about how we can engineer plants to_replace(replace) functions of the things that we use every day...

用的)机会,权利→accessible adj.可到达的;可接近的 1.He showed concern for agriculture and wrote two essays concerning it,but he was 2.differ vi.相异,有区别→different concerned that neither could be adj.不同的→difference n.不同 3.contribute vt.& vi.贡献→contribution n.贡献,促成因素;捐赠 4.concern n.关心;忧虑 vt.涉及;使担忧;对……感兴趣→concerned adj.担心的,关心的→concerning prep.关于 5.embarrass vt.使尴尬,使难堪→embarrassing adj.令人难堪的,使人published.(concern) 2.My most embarrassing moment was when I tried to introduce a woman whose name I couldn't remember,and it also made the woman embarrassed.(embarrass) 3.My house is conveniently located just off the High Street.It's convenient for you to drop in.Please come at your convenience.(convenient) 4.Free Internet access at home is a huge 尴尬的→embarrassed adj.感到尴尬的,step in making online education 难堪的 6.convenient adj.方便的accessible to everybody.(access) 5.From the appearance,we can not tell →convenience n.方便→conveniently the differences between the twins,though adv.方便地,附近地 they always have some different ideas.As for this phenomenon,ideas differ among many people.(differ) 6.WHO welcomes China's contribution of mobile laboratory to west Africa against Ebola,which can contribute to fighting the disease.(contribute) [短语 理解·运用] 高频短语 1.lead_to 导致 2.aside_from除……之外 3.name_after 以……命名 4.differ_from 和……不同,不同于 5.make_fun_of 取笑 6.consist_of/be_made_up_of 由……组成(构成) 语境运用 填入一个适当的词。 As we all know,English differs ①from Chinese although it is made up ②of grammar and vocabulary.At first I found it hard to learn English.Aside ③from my limited vocabulary,I had difficulty understanding grammar,which led ④to my poor results.Then with the help of my

2020-2021学年牛津译林版高中英语必修3教案:Unit2 Language Word版含解析


