关键词:中小企业 Excel 账务处理 会计信息化
Title The application and studies of Excel in the accounting of middle and small enterprise
As the development of computer technology in the social economy, there’s a inevitable trend that the enterprise accounting will turn into informational. Our traditional manual ways of dealing with accounting business have many disadvantages, so it will be replaced by financial software because its trivial process and easily mistaken. Yet many small and medium enterprises still refused to use financial software because they can’t afford the high price of the financial software. So there still some enterprises have not been realized accounting informational. Therefore, we need Excel this electronic form that we all familiar to everybody, and use its own basic functions to build more powerful function of accounting treatment system for small and medium-sized enterprise to solve the puzzle.
As the fundamental purpose of this paper, we promote small and medium enterprises to realize reasonable accounting information, and make survey and analysis to small and medium enterprise accounting work. Then we can use analysis on this basis to give some treatment system designs on Excel, and reach some analysis of the system's function modules. We discussed Excel accounting treatment system in the development of small and medium enterprises, and combined with the advantages and disadvantages in the accounting software analysis of the Excel, then discussed the small and medium enterprise accounting information development path.
Keywords Small and medium-sized enterprises Excel Accounting treatment Accounting information
目 录
1 引言............................................................. 1 1.1 选题背景........................................................ 1 1.2 选题目的及意义.................................................. 1 1.3 文献综述........................................................ 2 1.4 研究内容及方法.................................................. 2 2 中小型企业概述................................................... 2 2.1 中小型企业的界定................................................ 2 2.2 中小型企业生产经营特点.......................................... 3 2.3 中小型企业会计工作特点.......................................... 4 2.4 中小型企业实施会计电算化的意义.................................. 5 3 Excel账务处理系统的分析与设计 .................................. 5 3.1 Excel账务处理系统的可行性分析 .................................. 5 3.2 Excel账务处理系统的设计思路 .................................... 6 3.3建立Excel账务处理系统的意义及其缺点 ........................... 13 4 中小型企业实施会计信息化的展望................................. 14 4.1 在线租用财务软件............................................... 14 4.2 会计电算化代理记账............................................. 15 4.3 网络会计软件的发展............................................. 15 结 论............................................................. 16 参考文献........................................................... 17 致 谢............................................................. 18