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1. watch a talk show/talkshows 看脱口秀(谈话节目) 2. mind sth./doing sth.介意某事(物)/介意做某事 3. can't stand news 无法忍受新闻 stood(stand的过去式)

4. can't stand doing sth. 无法忍受做某事 5. find out 查明;弄清

6. have a discussion aboutsth.关于某事进行一次讨论 7. learn some great jokesfrom sitcoms 从情景喜剧中学到一些很棒的笑话

. more educational 更有教育意义的 9. think of 想到;认为

10. plan to watch a sportsshow打算看一个体育节目 11. watch cartoons/action movies/ soap operas/ sports shows/ comedies

看动画片/动作片/肥皂剧/体育节目/喜剧 12. expect to do sth. 期待做某事

13. more meaningless 更加无意义的 14. scary movies 恐怖片

15. in American culture 在美国文化里

16. one of the most famous symbols最著名的象征之一

17. the black mouse with two large round ears 长着两只又大又圆耳朵的黑色老鼠 1. over 0 years ago 0多年前

19. come out(书、电影等)出版;发行

20. the first cartoon with sound and music第一部有声配乐的动画片

21. become very rich and successful变得非常富有和成功


22. in the 1930s 在20世纪30年代 23. make cartoons 拍动画片

24. be like a common man 像一个普通人 25. in his early films 在他的早期电影中

26. have many problems such as losing his house or girl fri

有很多麻烦比如失去他的房子或女朋友 27. cartoon characters 卡通角色

2. have problems doing sth. 做某事有困难 29. one of the main reasons主要原因之一 30. face danger 面对危险

31. get/be ready to do sth.准备做某事

32. try one's best to do sth.尽某人最大努力做某事 33. not as/so simple as... 不像……那样简单 simpler, simplest(simple的比较级与最高级)

34. a symbol of Chinese culture中国文化的一个象征 35. dress up 乔装打扮

36. take one's place 代替某人 37. do a good job 干得好 3. fight in the army 在军中打仗

39. show her love for her family, fris and country表达了她对家人、朋友和国家的爱



