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another friend, family member, or colleague. And so a chain of information is created.
Typically, advertisers talk about how good their product is. Although they say things like, “Studies show that our product is the best,” or “Everyone loves this product,” it can sound insincere or unconvincing. It’s much more believable to hear about a product from someone who did not make it. Our friends’ opinions are very important to us, so we often listen to their advice about a product.
Word-of-mouth advertising has other advantages, too. It’s cost-effective (after all, it’s free) and a company doesn’t have to create a complex business plan to do it. Here is some advice for small business about word-of-mouth advertising:
? Be prepared to talk about your company at any time. You never know who you will meet. Always carry business cards.
? Only say positive things about your company. Don’t say negative things about your company. ? Help other companies by referring people to them. The more you help others, the more good fortune will come back to you.
Speaking & Communication
Audio Track 4-5-12
Noun: He gave me a beautiful present.
Verb: Tomorrow I will present my ideas to the board of directors.
Audio Track 4-5-13
1. a. I buy my produce at the market. b. We produce stereos and CD players. 2. a. No one buys records anymore.
b. I like to record my voice and listen to it. 3. a. I can’t deliver it without an address. b. You need to address the envelope.
Audio Track 4-5-14
Host: So, welcome to our show. Why don’t you tell our listeners who you are and what you do. Woman: My name is Beverly Smith. I’m the CEO for TalkBack Communications. Host: Can you tell us about your company?
Woman: Certainly. Our company was founded in 1995. We’re based in New York City. We have about 10,000 employees worldwide.
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Host: What does your company do?
Woman: We do business in a large number of fields, such as telecommunications and computers. Our main area of business is new cell phone technology. Host: I hear your company is doing quite well.
Woman: Well, we made over five million dollars profit last year. Experts say our company will grow by up to 10% next year.
Audio Track 4-5-15
Conversation 1
A: What’s the name of your company? B: It’s called Moonlights.
A: Can you tell us about your company?
B: Certainly. Our company was founded in 1999. We’re based in Seattle. We have over 5,000 employees.
A: What does your company do?
B: Moonlights produces and sells bottled coffee drinks. We also purchase coffee from farmers and sell it in our stores. Moonlights has over 3,000 stores worldwide. A: I hear your company is growing.
B: Well, we made approximately 100 million dollars in profit last year. Experts say our company will grow by up to 10 percent next year. Conversation 2
A: What’s the name of your company? B: It’s called Wasedosoft.
A: Can you tell us about your company?
B: Certainly. Our company was founded in XXXX. We’re based in Tokyo. We have over 12,000 employees.
A: What does your company do?
B: Wasedosoft produces millions of computer games and ships them to many countries. We also purchase computer games from freelancers and sell them in our stores. Wasedosoft has over 4,000 stores worldwide.
A: I hear your company is growing.
B: Well, we made approximately 1.5 billion dollars in profit last year. Experts say our company will grow by up to 15 percent next year.
Audio Track 4-5-16
History of Yahoo!
This company was originally started as a hobby by two students in 1994. In the beginning it was called “Jerry and David’s Guide to the World Wide Web.” Their product was placed on two computers. The computers were named after two sumo wrestlers. The company grew quickly. Many stories were broadcast about it in the 1990s.
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Yahoo! Today
This company’s Internet destination is visited by millions of people worldwide. It is used to find information. Free e-mail services are offered, too. Most of its profit is provided by advertising. Its main offices are found in California.
Video Course
Video Track 4-5-1
Catherine: I’m a lawyer and the company I work for, we help people in the city … um … get assistance in a lot of different ways. We help them get housing, food, shelter …
Gian: My company is a management consulting firm. We do education for executives. I make brochures that I send out to many executives throughout the United States. We invite those people to come to our trainings.
Kevin: My friends and I founded a smoothie business back in college. We advertise by word of mouth and we also hand out flyers to students on campus.
Malinda: The company that I work for employs about thirty people. We do a lot of things so that other people will know the kinds of work that we do. We talk to reporters to try to get articles in the newspaper, and we take lots of photographs.
Calum: For my … um … classes I had to study a company. And I chose a company that produces advertisements. The adverts are usually quite complex, but they also have to be easy to remember. David: My friend’s dad’s business is a janitorial service. And businesses call him and he has people come in and clean the building, after hours. The business is successful because he’s a very hard worker.
Video Track 4-5-2
Gian: My company is a management consulting firm. We do education for executives. I make brochures that I send out to many executives throughout the United States. We invite those people to come to our trainings.
Kevin: My friends and I founded a smoothie business back in college. We advertise by word of mouth and we also hand out flyers to students on campus.
David: My friend’s dad’s business is a janitorial service. And businesses call him and he has people come in and clean the building, after hours. The business is successful because he’s a very hard worker.
Video Track 4-5-3
Takeshi: By the way Mike, thanks a lot for helping me out with this. I can’t believe Tara got sick!
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And on the day of my first real commercial shoot. Can you believe it?
Mike: Don’t worry about it. It’s going to be great … especially since you have a “lovely assistant” like me.
Takeshi: Right … there, that should do it. Got your signs? Mike: Check!
Takeshi: Ready Mr. Howard? (Mr. Howard nods ) And rolling … OK … “Furniture Showroom” commercial — take one.
Mr. Howard: Hello there! My name is John Howard, president of Furniture Showroom, and I’m here to tell you why we’re one of the most successful furniture stores around. The keys to our success are excellent quality, great design, and affordable prices. And who are these keys for? Why for you — our customers! And that’s why I’m here today to show you some of our premier pieces. Like this sleek and stylish lounge chair. All our loungers are covered in 100% genuine leather, and built with solid steel-frame construction. Take a look at that — talk about well-made. Or take a look at this Super Sleeper Sofa… why it’s one of the most comfortable sofas you’ll ever lay your head on! It’s true! See for yourself! (Mike lies down on sofa ) You know, folks, Furniture Showroom is not one of those flyby- night operations — “here today, gone tomorrow.” Our company was founded in 1982 with only three hard-working employees: my wife, my son, and me. Here at Furniture Showroom, we really pride ourselves in giving you the best product at the right price! So come on down to Furniture Showroom and take a look at our … (interrupted by Mike’s snore)
Tara: Hey, what happened to that TV commercial? The one I couldn’t do because I was sick?
Takeshi: You mean the one where Mike fell asleep on my first paying client? I just sent in the tape last week. Who … who knows what’ll happen.
Mike: Look, I said I was sorry. Plus that couch was really comfortable …
Takeshi: (phone rings) Hello? This is. Oh, hello, Mr. Howard! Yeah … uh-huh … OK … great! Thank you! Tara: Well?
Takeshi: They loved it. They just booked me for another five commercials! Mr. Howard said that the big guy who fell asleep on the couch was the best part! Mike: Well, you know what this calls for, don’t you? Takeshi: Yeah … an apology.
Mike: No, an encore! (jumps on sofa )
Video Track 4-5-4
Takeshi: By the way Mike, thanks a lot for helping me out with this. I can’t believe Tara got sick! And on the day of my first real commercial shoot. Can you believe it?
Mike: Don’t worry about it. It’s going to be great … especially since you have a “lovely assistant” like me.
Takeshi: Right … there, that should do it. Got your signs? Mike: Check!
Takeshi: Ready Mr. Howard? (Mr. Howard nods ) And rolling … OK … “Furniture Showroom” commercial — take one.
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Mr. Howard: Hello there! My name is John Howard, president of Furniture Showroom, and I’m here to tell you why we’re one of the most successful furniture stores around. The keys to our success are excellent quality, great design, and affordable prices. And who are these keys for? Why for you — our customers! And that’s why I’m here today to show you some of our premier pieces. Like this sleek and stylish lounge chair. All our loungers are covered in 100% genuine leather, and built with solid steel-frame construction. Take a look at that — talk about well-made. Or take a look at this Super Sleeper Sofa… why it’s one of the most comfortable sofas you’ll ever lay your head on! It’s true! See for yourself! (Mike lies down on sofa ) You know, folks, Furniture Showroom is not one of those flyby- night operations — “here today, gone tomorrow.” Our company was founded in 1982 with only three hard-working employees: my wife, my son, and me. Here at Furniture Showroom, we really pride ourselves in giving you the best product at the right price! So come on down to Furniture Showroom and take a look at our … (interrupted by Mike’s snore)
Video Track 4-5-5
Tara: Hey, what happened to that TV commercial? The one I couldn’t do because I was sick?
Takeshi: You mean the one where Mike fell asleep on my first paying client? I just sent in the tape last week. Who … who knows what’ll happen.
Mike: Look, I said I was sorry. Plus that couch was really comfortable …
Takeshi: (phone rings ) Hello? This is. Oh, hello, Mr. Howard! Yeah … uh-huh … OK … great! Thank you! Tara: Well?
Takeshi: They loved it. They just booked me for another five commercials! Mr. Howard said that the big guy who fell asleep on the couch was the best part! Mike: Well, you know what this calls for, don’t you? Takeshi: Yeah … an apology.
Mike: No, an encore! (jumps on sofa )
Audio Track 4-5-17
Mike was helping Takeshi shoot a TV commercial for a store called Furniture Showroom. The president of Furniture Showroom, Mr. Howard, was starring in the commercial. First Mr. Howard talked about the company, which was founded in 1982. Then Mike helped show off the furniture while Mr. Howard described it and elaborated on how well each piece was made. However, while Mr. Howard was describing one of the sofas, Mike lay down on it and fell asleep!
Later, Tara asked Takeshi about the TV commercial that she had failed to help him with. While Takeshi was telling Tara about the commercial, the phone rang and it was Mr. Howard! Mr. Howard said that his company loved the commercial, so they had decided to hire Takeshi to make five more commercials!
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