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Tara: In the computer lab?

Prof. Morgan: Yeah, that’s all we had. I’ll never forget, one spring, during final exams. Everybody was working on their term papers, and the electricity went out! Tara: So? No big deal … laptops have batteries …

Prof. Morgan: Yes, but remember, in those days we didn’t have laptops. If your computer crashed, you lost everything. Tara: Everything?

Prof. Morgan: Everything. We used to lose information all the time, but that time it was terrible. Everybody lost their papers that afternoon … including me.

Video Track 4-2-6

Tara: What did you do?

Prof. Morgan: I went back to the good, oldfashioned way. Tara: You mean typewriters?

Prof. Morgan: Nope. I used something more affordable, portable, reliable, disposable, something that always worked. Tara: What was that?

Prof. Morgan: (holds up pencil and paper) The first word processor.

Unit 3 Newspapers and the News


Audio Track 4-3-1

In my view, international correspondents have the most glamorous job because they can travel worldwide and they get to interview many international figures and write interesting stories. At the same time, it can also be a dangerous job because they may be asked to report from war zones or other unsafe locations. The copyeditor’s job is perhaps the most boring, although it is very important to ensure the newspaper is error free before it is printed.

Perhaps the most creative job is the cartoonist, because you get to create funny drawings for the newspaper.

Audio Track 4-3-2/Audio Track 4-3-3

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Conversation 1

Woman 1: What are you watching? Woman 2: Oh, just the news.

Woman 1: Can I change the channel?

Woman 2: In just a minute. I want to see the end of this report. Woman 1: I didn’t know you were interested in the news.

Woman 2: Well, it’s Christiane Amanpour. She’s really great. She usually reports from London — the city where she was born. Woman 1: I don’t know her.

Woman 2: She’s an international correspondent. She goes to some really dangerous places. When there’s a war, she’s usually there. Woman 1: Sounds scary.

Woman 2: Yeah. And — get this — she’s a wife and mother, too. Woman 1: That’s very impressive! Conversation 2

Man 1: That’s a strange-looking book. What is it?

Man 2: It’s the writings and photos of Dan Eldon. He was a photojournalist. Man 1: A photojournalist?

Man 2: Yeah. A photographer and a journalist. He was born in London in 1970. The book tells all about his life and his dangerous adventures.

Man 1: Well, the book certainly looks interesting. Has he written anything else?

Man 2: He wrote a book when he was younger. Unfortunately, he won’t be writing anything else — he was killed. Man 1: He died?

Man 2: Yeah. It’s really sad. He was only 22. He was killed while working in Africa.

Audio Track 4-3-4/Audio Track 4-3-5

Joe: What are you reading, Maria? Maria: The Daily News.

Joe: The News ? Ugh! That’s a terrible paper. Maria: Oh, Joe, it’s not so bad.

Joe: Not so bad? Look at that headline on the front page! It’s so sensational. Maria: Well, they’ve got great comics. I can’t live without my comics.

Joe: I know. But the news coverage is so poor, especially the international news. It’s a joke, really. Maria: I’m not so interested in the international news. Besides, they have so many other good features.

Joe: Like what?

Maria: Like … the daily horoscope, for example. I love it.

Joe: That’s not a good reason to buy a newspaper … for the horoscope! Maria: Look, the newspaper only costs 50 cents. What do you expect?

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Joe: Good point.

Maria: Besides the horoscope, I also like the entertainment news. I like to read about the stars and their love affairs.

Joe: Well, you can keep The Daily News. I’m going to stick with The Times.

Audio Track 4-3-6/Audio Track 4-3-7

Amy: John, I’ve never noticed this old photo of your family before. John: My mother just found it in the attic. She decided to hang it up. Amy: It’s a nice picture of your family.

John: I think it’s embarrassing. And I look stupid.

Amy: Well, you could’ve combed your hair … it’s a nice shot, though. Look at how young you are! How old were you in the photo?

John: Eight … no wait, I’d just turned nine. Amy: I guess these two people are your parents.

John: Yep. They were married when that picture was taken. Now they’re divorced. Amy: Oh. What do they do?

John: My father’s retired. Mom works in a hospital. Amy: What are their names?

John: Well, my father’s name is Joseph. My mother is Olivia — she was named after a popular actress.

Amy: How great! I have an aunt with the same name. I love the name Olivia … Who’s that guy? John: Which one?

Amy: The guy standing behind you. Is that your brother, Tom?

John: No, that’s my Uncle Randy. He’s only two years older than my brother. Amy: He’s cute. I love a guy with a mustache.

John: Um, sorry, but he’s married now. His wife just had a baby.

Amy: I was just making a comment … So the other young guy must be your brother. John: Yes. That’s Tom.

Amy: How old is he in the picture?

John: Let’s see … he’s nine years older than me, … so he would’ve been 18 then. Amy: And there’s your little sister, Tina. She’s so cute!

John: Yeah. She’s two years younger than me. It’s hard to believe she’s in high school now!

Audio Track 4-3-8/Audio Track 4-3-9

1. A bank robbery in Virginia, USA, was stopped when the robber and the bank teller couldn’t reach an agreement. The robber pushed a holdup note under the window, but the teller looked at it, said, “I can’t read this,” and gave it back. The robber pushed the note through a second time. The teller crumpled the note up and threw it at the robber. He picked it up and walked out of the bank. 2. A professional ice hockey player will miss the rest of this season’s games because he injured himself. National Hockey League goalie Jean-Louis Blanchard went on the injured list after he fell

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and seriously hurt his back. He was walking out of a restaurant in Ottawa, Canada, when he slipped on some ice.

3. The first international camel beauty contest was held last week in Alxa, in western China. More than 100 dressed-up camels entered the contest. The judges examined them for shiny hair, tall humps, and beautiful costumes. Unlike human beauty contests, though, there were no interviews with the contestants.

4. Police in Sheffield, England, arrested a 41-year-old man for stealing five cars. Graham Owens went to car dealers and said he wanted to buy a car, and borrowed a car to test-drive. Each time, he drove the car around, then cleaned it inside and washed it outside — before leaving it at the side of the road, and walking home.

Audio Track 4-3-10/Audio Track 4-3-11

Nutty news Story One

Lulu is a kangaroo. For 10 years she has lived with the Richards family. Lulu was adopted by the family after they found her next to her dead mother.

Mr. Ken Richards is a farmer. He was working on his farm when a heavy tree branch suddenly fell on top of him.

Lulu stood next to Mr. Richards’ body. She started barking and didn’t leave Mr. Richards’ side. “I’ve never heard Lulu bark like that — she sounded like a dog. She barked and barked and she didn’t stop,” said Celeste, Mr. Richards’ daughter.

After 15 minutes, the Richards family went to investigate. They found Ken on the ground and he was unconscious.

“Lulu is a hero,” said Celeste. “She saved my father.”

Mr. Middleton, an expert veterinarian, said that Lulu’s story is rare. “I have never seen a kangaroo act like that.

Maybe Lulu helped Ken Richards because the Richards family is the only family she has ever known.”

Lulu has always followed Ken around the farm. She’s a loyal, friendly, and very intelligent kangaroo. After Ken leaves the hospital, he is planning to go everywhere with Lulu. Story Two

Approximately 175,000 people live in the Republic of Vanuatu, an island chain east of Australia. It is a popular tourist destination because there’s a lot to do there: you can visit waterfalls, go horseback riding, take an aerial tour, or visit a traditional Ni-Vanuatu village. Vanuatu is most famous for its scuba diving and snorkeling.

In an effort to draw attention to these popular water sports, Vanuatu has created a world’s “first” — the government has opened an underwater post office. You have to be a certified scuba diver to work there. The office is three meters below the surface in an area on the outskirts of Port Vila, the capital city.

So far, the post office has hired four workers. They will work in a room surrounded by the beauty of Vanuatu’s underwater world. Customers will buy waterproof postcards on land and then dive down to the post office to receive a special waterproof stamp.

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Audio Track 4-3-12

1. Christiane is an international correspondent. 2. Sid is the guy reporting on political problems. 3. Mark is a famous fashion photographer.

Speaking & Communication

Audio Track 4-3-13

Peter: Hello. I’m Peter Daniels. I’m a reporter from the Center City News. Peggy: It’s nice to meet you, Mr. Daniels. My name is Peggy Sims.

Peter: Hi, Peggy. I’m looking for the owner of the Golden Pearl Restaurant. Do you know him? Peggy: Yes. He’s standing over there. Peter: That tall man in the sweater?

Peggy: No, that’s an employee. The owner is the man wearing the suit. Peter: Oh, I see him. Thanks a lot.

Audio Track 4-3-14

A: Hi, can you help me identify Pat Rich? B: Sure, Pat is sitting near the window. A: That guy wearing white socks? B: No, that’s not Pat. A: What is Pat wearing?

B: Pat is wearing a pink shirt.

A: Ah! I’ve spotted her. Thanks a lot.

Audio Track 4-3-15

Talk 1

I think web-based movie critic is the most suitable one for me. I’m not afraid to express my opinions and I like the idea of working from home. *Talk 2

Editorial assistant may be the most suitable job for me. I have good attention to detail and am good at doing research. The salary and benefits are reasonable, too. **Talk 3

I’d really love to be a travel writer and I think I’d be good at it because I have relevant experience.

新世纪大学英语系列教材(第二版)视听说教程4学生用书 听力答案.pdf


