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52.When the son was_____ , he went to see Nasreddin. A. short of money B. quite poor and sick C. in trouble D. quite poor and alone

53.The young man was very glad because Nasreddin said that____. A. he would become rich again B. he would soon feel much happier C. he would become clever D. he would have more friends 54.Nasreddin meant the young man______.

A. would get rich again B. would get used to having nothing C. would get used to being in trouble D. would get out of poorness 55.What this story tells us is________.

A. that money is everything B. that money makes the mare go C. to save each penny D. that misfortune tests the sincerity of friends E

About 300 years ago man began to study the nature’s color. The famous English scientist, Issac Newton, did the experiments in 1665, which are even the basis for much of our knowledge of colors today. He found that when he passed a narrow beam of sunlight or “white light” through a prism(棱镜),the white split into a colored beam. This colored beam was made up of violet, blue, green, indigo, yellow, orange and red. People called it a spectrum later.

He also found that he could pass the color spectrum through another prism and produce white light. Thus, Newton first discovered that white light was a mixture of all the colors.

56. When did man begin to study nature‘s colors?

A. For 300 years. B. In 1700’s. C.300 years later D. in 1970’s 57. How many colors make up the colored beam that was called a spectrum? A. Five B. Six C. Seven D. Eight

58. Can you guess the meaning of the word “spectrum”? A. 光线 B.光芒 C.光缆 D.光谱

59. Which of the following titles can be best summarize the passage? A. Newton’s Discovery B. Nature’s Colors C. How to use a prism D. What is color?

60. Which of the following is not included in a white beam? A. Red b. B. Brown C. Yellow D. Green


It is 8:00at night, and Rose is usually at home by now. But she isn’t today. Her father is very worried about her. He has called everyone who may know where Rose is. Below is what Mr. Bronte has heard on the phone. Uma, Rose’s teacher:

“I saw her walking with Pam after school. It was about four thirty in the afternoon .”

Pam, Rose’s classmate:

“Rose was with me on my way home, and she said she was going to see her boyfriend.

I got home at five.”

Tony, who lives next door:

“I saw Rose carrying some food just half an hour ago. She was with a red-haired boy. They were in a burry, talking about buying tickets or something.” Peter, the shopkeeper:

“Rose? She bought some snacks and drinks around seven in the evening with a red-haired boy called …Ray.” Rachel, Ray’s sister:

“Ray? Ray went out to meet his girlfriend. They were going to a party in the park next to Best Buy Supermarket. The party started at eight, I think.”

Now Mr. Bronte knows what happened. How dare she do that? He is irritated and waits for Rose to come home.

( )61. Why was Rose’s father worried?

A. Because Rose didn’t call him at 8:00 B. Because Rose didn’t finish her homework.

C. Because Rose didn’t come back on time. D. Because Rose spent much time on computer games.

( )62. Where does Mr. Bronte think Rose is now?

A. In a park. B. At pam’s house C. At a snack shop. D. In a supermarket.

( )63. The underlined word “ irritated” probably means .

A. excited B. angry C. interested D. sad ( )64. Who did NOT see Rose today?

A. Ray. B. Peter. C. Tony. D. Rachel. ( )65. What do we know from the material?

A. Rose is at a party with a friend. B. Rose left school at noon. C. Rose usually gets home late. D. Mr. Bronte went out to look for Rose. 五、英汉互译 40分 1.我很久没有见到你了。



4.We can talk with with the help of eye contact.

5.Life is all about choices.

6.A football team is made up of 23 players.

7.Each time something happens, I can choose to learn a good lesson.

8.An association is the mental connection we make between two things or ideas.



