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2019年小升初名校冲刺英语试题(2) 人教版(PEP) 含答案

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A. —What's this in English, Danny? —It is a shirt. B. —What's this in English, Danny? —It is a blouse. C. —What's this in English, Danny? —It is a hat. 2.听录音,选出你所听到的句子( )

A. Do you like blue? B. Do you like green? 3.根据录音,选择正确的答句

A. I like singing and dancing. B. I live in Beijing. C. I like pizza very much. 4.听录音,选择相应的图片( )

A. B.


A. healthy food B. her food C. healthy soup 6.选出所听问句的答语( )

A. Here you are. B. Thank you. C. How are you ? 7.听音,选出正确的答语( )

A. I'm going to paint a picture. B. I'm going to the beach. 8.听音,选出你所听到的句子( )

A. Don't talk in the library. B. Don't eat in class.

9.听录音,选出你听到的单词( )

A. car B. card C. class 10.听录音,选择相应的答语( ) A. I'm going to study French. B. I'm going to school by bike. C. I'm going to school at 7:30.



The________ is far from my home. This morning I wanted to ________ a book about animals. First, I ________ straight along the street. And then I turned left at the second crossing. I ________ the No.2 bus and got off at the cinema. Soon I ________ a white building.


12.write right ________


13.听短文,选出正确答案 (1)John is form .

A. Britain. B. The United States. C. Spain. (2) are Chinese.

A. Chen and Huang. B. Emma. C. John. (3)Emma is from .

A. Malaysia B. USA C. Spain (4)There are foreign student in my class.

A. many. B. no C. some (5)John and I are .

A. friends B. cousins C. brother


14.根据听到的内容与问题,选择正确的答案( )

A. Sue likes singing. B. Mary likes singing. C. Mary likes dancing.


15.判断下列句子是否符合你听到的短文内容 (1)There was a big fire in a cinema.

(2)About 300 people died in the fire and over ~00 people were injured. (3)The fire started on Christmas Eve.

(4)There was no water near the cinema, but the firemen found some fire extinguishers. (5)A burning cigarette end caused the fire.

(6)The firemen arrive at the place soon after the fire started.



Jimmy was________on the steps in front of a________. A salesman ________ up and asked him, \your mother at home?\rang and rang, but there was no answer. At last, he turned to Jimmy and said, \home, didn't you?\


17.听对话,回答问题( )

A. Shanghai. B. Pudong. C. England.


18.Jack and his brother ________ their puppy in the street, but they didn't ________ it. They were worried about it.

A. looked for; found B. found; looked for C. looked for; find 19.What can you draw?

A. Yes, I can draw. B. I can draw a rabbit. 20.Sometimes, the looks like a boat in the sky.

A. moon B. star C. bird 21.In summer, the sun

A. grows and grows B. shines and shines C. blows and blows 22.If I want to do something well, I should ________.

A. be careful B. am careful C. is careful

23.This is my ___________.

A. mother B. father C. mom 24.—Happy birthday! —

A. Thank you. B. Me too. C. Happy birthday! 25.We must write on of the paper.

A. one side B. both sides C. both pieces 26.I can wear my new dress ______.

A. also B. too C. either 27.Eddie is a _________.

A. boy B. girl C. bag



⑴Lingling can cook. ________ A.

⑵Mary can draw. ________ B.

⑶John can sing. ________ C.

⑷Tom can swim.________ D.

⑸Ann can read.________ E.



A boy and a wolf

Ha! Ha! No wolves. You are a bad boy. Don't tell a lie.

2019年小升初名校冲刺英语试题(2) 人教版(PEP) 含答案


