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Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are

delicious! Section B



1. Tom is too young, but he _______ ( 穿衣 ) himself every day.

2. When driving, you need to know the flashing yellow light ______ ( 意味着 )3. The kind teacher _____ ( 对待 )the students as her own children. 4. When do people ______ ( 庆祝 )Easter ?

5. It is a tradition to play ______ ( 花招 ) on people on April 1 st.



1. It is said that ______ (who) drank the magic medicine could live forever. 2. My mother often warns me ______ (be) careful in the street. 3. Honggaoliang was _______ (write) by Mo Yan. 4. Can you tell me the ______ (mean) of “ punish ”? 5. My pet dog Smart has been _____ (die) for three days.


1. Dose he still live in that street? I don 合并为一句)k now.(

I don 't know _________ he still ______ in that street.

2. Did Peter come here yesterday? Li Lei wants to know. ( 合并为一句) Li Lei wants to know ______ Peter _______ here yesterday. 3. He won ' t come. I thinl合并为一句) I _______ th i n k he ______ come. 4. Mike is a clever boy. ( 改为感叹句 ) ________ ________ _____ boy Mike is!

5. Dose Mr Brown enjoy living in China? Could you tell me? ( 合并为一句)

you must stop.


Could you tell me _____ Mr Brow n_______ living in China.



( )1. — What ' s the of the car at present? ——It ' s about 70 kilometers an hour. A. place (


B. speed

C. price

D. mark

— How nice the fish tastes! Could you tell me who taught you to cook it? —To be honest, I learnt it

______ watching TV. I learn to cook many dishes _______ TV.

C. in; on D. in; in

A. by; in (

B. by; on

)3. — Jenny, do Chinese people celebrate _______ Easter Day?

—No. This is the first time I

' ve celebraesdival. A. the; the (

B. the; a C. /; the D. /; a

)4. When you come across new words in reading, it is not a good idea to ________ ______ in

a dict ionary at once. A. make up them C. make them up

B. look up them

( )5. — What did Tina say? —Sorry, I didn ' t

D. look them up

A. pay atte nti on

to (

what she said.

B. get on with

D. look forward to

C. hold on to )6. — I won der if I can lear n En glish well.

— _______ . All thi ngs are difficult before they are easy. A. I am afraid so C. It takes time

B. You ' re slow

D. It ' s a piece of cake

( )7. I don't know _______ they have passed the exam. A. what B. if

C. whe n

D. where

( )8. -Can you spare time to come to our Than ksgivi ng party?

—Well, I don ' t know ____________

A. that I can finish my work by the n B. if can I finish the work by the n


C. that can I finish the work by the n D. whether I can finish the work by the n (

)9. We will have two family parties this autu mn. One is at Hallowee n and ________________ is

at Than ksgivi ng. A. other (

B. the other

C. ano ther

D. the others

)10. — Have you found the poor dog yet?

—Yes. But he was ____ whe n we found him. The bad weather killed him.

A. dyi ng B. died C. dead D. die


After, every one, found, would, lot From, photo, what, stop, helped One Thursday morning in Blue Town, I no ticed __ 1 __ of people going to church. Later, all the people in the streets ___ 2 ____ and just stood where they were. All of them stayed quiet for two mi nu tes. __ 3 ____ looked serious.

I ___ 4 ____ it stra nge and asked a woma n ___ 5 ___ was happe ning. She said that they were commemorating (纪念)the birthday of St. George. He ______ 6 ___ the farmers of the town to get back their land ___ 7 __ the king, but the king killed him .In that afternoon, I saw some people weari ng and selli ng flowers on the street. They told me they __ 8 ___ use the money to help poor farmers.

__ 9 ___ that trip, I lear ned more about Blue Town. And I often tell my friends about this experie nee and show them some _______ 10 __ I took there.




1. dresses 2. means 3. treats


4. celebrate 5. tricks




1. 答案: 2. 答案: 3. 答案: 4. 答案: 5. 答案:

whoever to be written meaning dead


1. 解析:根据句意 2. 3. 4. 5.

解析:词组搭配 warn sb. to do 解析:后置定语 解析:名词格式

解析: 形容词形式 二、按要求完成句子。


1. if lives

2. if/whether came 3. don't will 4. What a clever 5. if /whether enjoys


1. 2. 3.

宾语从句用 if/whether, 动词加上时态 宾语从句用 if/whether, 动词加上时态 组合成宾语从句的用法

4. What +a +adj+n. 结构 5.

宾语从句用 if/whether, 动词加上时态







6-10 CBDBC

1. 2.

解析:根据句意完成选项、 解析:根据词组的搭配

by doing sth.

3.解析: 4.解释: 5.解释: 6.解释: 7.解释: 8.解释: 9.解释: 10.解释:


look up词组的用法,代词放在动副短语中间

根据句意 根据句意 宾语从句的用法

宾语从句中,特殊疑问词后面跟陈诉句 短语 one.....the other 短语 be dead



1.答案: lots 2.答案: stopped 3.答案: Every one 4.答案: found 5.答案: what 6.答案: helped 7.答案: from 8.答案: would 9.答案: After 10.答案:



1.解释: 2.解释: 3.解释: 4.解释:

短语的搭配lots of 根据两边的时态和句意 根据句意每个人,注意大写 根据句意



