T: Praise! Won derful won derful yeah yeah yeah. T: Now excha nged. You are cat! cat cat cat. Ss2: cat cat cat.
T: You are mouse! Mouse mouse mouse. Ss1: mouse mouse mouse. Ss1: Meow!
Ss2: Cat! Run run run! T: Greet! Clap your han ds.
T: Ok, who wa nt to be the cat? (老师拿出手偶让一对儿小朋友单独来上表演聪明有灵气的孩子上来作展示.小朋友在老师的带领下唱着Walking退场.)
T: Who want to be the mouse? S1:cat. S2: mouse. Perform
T: Praise! Won derful won derful yeah yeah yeah! T: Clap your han ds.
T: Now turn back and say good bye toour Daddy and Mummy! Good-bye Daddy! Ss: Good-bye Daddy! T: Good-bye Mummy! Ss: Good-bye Mummy! T: Turn left! Atte ntio n! Ss: One two! T: Walk ing ready go!