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2014 年安徽省统考英语试卷(小学)

一、单选(10 分)

1. We now face an embarrassing _____: Should we stay or go? A.circumstance B.expectation C.enquiry D.dilemma

2. ____ a child, and you will find that he is happy every day in whatever he does. A. Observe B. To observe C. Observed D. Observing

3. Bob’s very______. He does all the odd jobs around the house. A.practical B.clever C.cautious D.careless

4. This is a binding(有约束力的) contract. ____, we recommended that you review (反复 审阅)it with a lawyer.

A.Furthermore B.Meanwhile C. Therefore D.Nevertheless

5. We thought that _____we were in the area, we’d stop by(顺便拜访) and visit them. A.where B.since C.unless D.until

6. --Jenny took the 8:00 bus to Beijing this morning.

---Really? She ____ the 9:00 train. It’s more comfortable and safer to travel by train. A.could take B.must take C.could have taken D.must have taken

7. It has long been recognized that cultural variables influence the way children understand the word, present themselves, and ____experiences.

A.interpret(阐述) B.reproduce C.create D.explain

8. Every culture has its own body language and one absorbs its meaning along with ______ languages.

A.literal B.hand C.signal D.spoken

9. Being a boy’s book specially written for adults, ____ is Mark Twain’s most representative work, describing a Journey down the Mississippi undertaken by Huck and Jim. A.Innocent Abroad B. Adventures of Huckleberry Finn C.Life on the Mississippi D. The Gilded Age

10. “If winter comes, cann spring far behind?” is an epigrammatic poem by _____ A.J. Keats B.W. Blake C.W. Wordsworth D.P.B. Shelley 二、完型填空(20 分)

Reading aloud and silent reading are two different types of reading practice commonly found in classrooms. Each has a function in the teaching of reading and should not be __11__ by the other. However, we need to be aware when we use them. When we __12__ teaching reading or developing reading skills, we are mostly referring to silent reading. To develop ___13__ readers in a language, silent reading must be given enough __14__ and time in class with the proper guidance from the __15__. Reading aloud has its particular ___16__for our students who are learning English as a foreign language. __17__ can help them acquire good pronunciation and intonation , __18___ them with new words and the stress patterns of English, help___19__ their confidence in speaking the language. Therefore, opportunities should be __20__ for students to


read aloud only after they have comprehended the text___21___ before comprehension. Comprehension can be very __22___ and it can easily destroy their self-confidence. With __23__ reading, it sets up a poor reading model for other students as well. It is __24___ that we first help students learn the text through ___25___ reading activities and deal with comprehension. We give our students practice by using an audio tape to__26___ a good model for practicing reading aloud. With adequate __27___, we may ask the students to read aloud to the whole class to __28___their motivation and confidence. By asking the students to read aloud, it is also a good chance for the teacher to get __29___on the students’ comprehension as we can notice __30__ there are wrong pauses or mispronounced words which indicate possible difficulties or misunderstandings of the text.

11. A.described B.provided C.explained D.replaced 12. A.work out B.run into C.talk about D.take on 13. A.proficient 14. A.money

B.enjoyable C.considerate D.straight forward B.attention



15. A.colleague B.teacher 16. A.quality 17. A.It 18. A.involve

C.headmaster D.actor

B.conclusion C.value D.frustration B.one B.supply

C.we C.charge

D.They D.familiarize

19. A.go through 20. A.available

B.build up C.show off D.wipe out B.particular

C.attractive D.dependable

21. A.apart from B.as well as C.instead of D.better than 22. A.impressive B.systematic C.dominant D.difficult 23. A.complete 24. A.better

B.broken B.worse

C.careful C.negative

D.disgusting D.unfair

25. A.simplified B.overwhelming C.silent D.desperate 26. A.celebrate B.represent 27. A.practice 28. A.respect

B.material B.check



C.knowledge D.amount C.boost


29. A.suggestion B.feedback C.promotion D.inspiration 30. A.where

B.why C.how



三、阅读理解(24 分) A:

Primary education is compulsory in Britain and four in Northern Ireland, school and they finish their primary education at the age of 11. In addition to the many state primary schools which do not ask their pupils to pay fees, there are also some fee-paying independent primary schools. The most famous fee-paying primary schools are the preparatory schools which admit children from 7 to 13 years old.

Primary schools are almost always mixed sex, and usually located close to the child’s home. Children tend to be with the same group throughout the day, and one teacher has responsibility for most of the work they do. But parents are strongly encouraged to help their children, particularly with reading and writing, and small amounts of homework are set to all children after school. Scotland has its own qualification framework that is separate from that in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. After seven years of primary education and four years of compulsory secondary education, students aged 15 to 16 may take the Scottish Certificate of Education (SCE). The Scottish Certificate of Education is recognized throughout the UK as the equivalent to A-levels and is usually the entry qualification for university.

British universities are funded directly by central government grants. They enjoyed complete academic freedom, appoint their own staff, decide which students to admit, provide their own courses and award their own degree. Admission is by selection on the basis of A-Level results, school references and an interview. Higher education in Britain is not compulsory and students would have to pay fees, but the government would give students financial help if they need the help. There are some 90 universities, including the Open University in Britain. The most famous ones after Oxford and Cambridge. There is also the Open University which is “open” to all that want to continue to study, mainly adult students. 31. The first paragraph functions are as________

A. a review B.a comment C.an introduction D.an explanation

32. Students are expected to complete primary education at the age of ______ A.11 B.13 C.15 D.16 33. Which of the following is true?


A.It is easier for Scottish students to enter university without A-level B. Central government offers fund to British universities directly C.Scottish Certificate of Education is partially recognized in the UK D.Scotland has the same qualification framework as other parts of UK have 34.We can learn from the last paragraph that _______. A.Students with financial problem are rejected by universities B.Open University is available to everyone except adult students C.British universities have all the rights on academic affairs D.British government determines the appointment of university staff


In a disaster such as earthquake or terrorist attack, nearly two thirds of U.S.parents would disregard orders to evacuate and would rush to pick up their kids from school according to a new survey......

The authors of the study, released Thursday on the seventh anniversary of the September 11 attacks, said that despite years of government efforts to enhance disaster preparedness, schools need to do more to plan for disasters and parents need to be made aware of the plans. Among parents of school-age children, 45% said they do not know the location where their children would be evacuated as part of the school’s disaster plan. “there should be an outer’s from parents to push their schools and their school districts to develop a plan that makes sense” said Irwin Redlener, president of the children’s health fund.

The federal department of homeland security has allocated billions of dollars to help state and local government set up disaster contingency plans, but just 44% of the U.S. Residents surveyed this year said they have all or some of the basic elements of a disaster preparedness plan, including food, water, a flashlight with extra batteries and a meeting place in case of evacuation.

Parents said Thursday they were not surprised by the finding that most of them would disregard evacuation orders and pick up their children. Diana Enen, a mother of three said, “ as a Mom, you wouldn’t be able to keep me away from picking up my children, my first instinct would be to get the at all costs, I would literally run the entire distance to get them, I believe most parents would feel the same.”


35. What would most U.S. Parents do in a disaster? A.They ignored orders to reunited with their children B. They would try all they can to hinder the traffic

C. They would like to help police deal with the traffic congestion D. They blamed schools for the terrible disasters preparedness plan. 36. We can learn from the second paragraph that ______ A. Parents care little about the disaster plan. B. There is an outcry to enlarge school districts. C. School should do more in the disaster preparedness. D. Places for children to evacuate are known to all parents.

37. According to the text, ____ of the school--age children’s parents are not sure where their children will be evacuated in a disaster. A.44% B.45% C.63% D.66% 38. It can be inferred from the text that____

A. Reasonable plans for disasters should be developed B. U.S. government has been well prepared for disasters C. Parents are expected to take children home in a disaster D. U.S. Schools and government protect children at all costs.


Everyone agrees that innovation is key to solving many challenges we face as a country, from health care to education to the environment, and is fundamental to restoring economic growth and prosperity. But I would put it a slightly different way. We must find a way to rebuild the “innovation infrastructure” in this country.

The problem is not that Americans aren’t as inherently innovative as ever-we are. And the level of interest among Americans in the process of innovation--determining the best recipes to make it happen--has been skyrocketing over the past few years. For example, the number of times the word “innovation” appeared in Google news stores has increased by approximately five from Obama’s inauguration to today. Google the term “innovation” and you’ll get 342 million hits,




