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32278 Technic Liftarm 1 x 15 Straight 1×15厚连杆 4274 32002 Technic Pin 1/2 Technic Pin 3/4 1/2销 3/4销 光销 摩擦销 长摩擦销 3673 Technic Pin 4459 Technic Pin with Friction 6558 Technic Pin Long with Friction Technic Pin Long with Stop 32054 Bush 轴套长销 32136 Technic Pin 3L Double 双倍销 75535 Technic Pin Joiner Round 连销器 轴销 2#轴 2#限位轴 3#轴 3#突点轴 3749 Technic Axle Pin 3704 Technic Axle 2 32062 Technic Axle 2 Notched 4519 Technic Axle 3 6587 Technic Axle 3 with Stud 3705 Technic Axle 4 4#轴 32073 Technic Axle 5 5#轴 3706 Technic Axle 6 6#轴 3707 Technic Axle 8 8#轴 3737 Technic Axle 10 10#轴 3708 Technic Axle 12 12#轴 32200 Technic Axle Flexible 12 12#软轴 32201 Technic Axle Flexible 14 14#软轴 32202 Technic Axle Flexible 16 16#软轴 4265c 4265a 3713 Technic Bush 1/2 Smooth Technic Bush 1/2 Type I Technic Bush 半轴套 齿型半轴套 轴套 1#连接器 32013 Technic Angle Connector #1 32034 Technic Angle Connector #2 2#连接器 32016 Technic Angle Connector #3 3#连接器 924 Technic Angle Connector #4 4#连接器 32015 Technic Angle Connector #5 5#连接器 32014 Technic Angle Connector #6 6#连接器 6538 Technic Axle Joiner Technic Axle Joiner 6536 连轴器 正交连轴器 Perpendicular Technic Axle Joiner 32291 正交双圆孔连轴器 Perpendicular Double Technic Axle Joiner 32184 正交双轴孔连轴器 Perpendicular 3L Technic Axle Joiner 32068 长正交连轴器 Perpendicular 3 Long 3651 Technic Connector 销轴连接器 Technic Connector with 32039 Axlehole 双轴连接器 32137 Technic Connector Block 3 x 2 x 2 3×2×2连接器 2853 Technic Engine Crankshaft Technic Engine Crankshaft Centre 摇柄 曲柄 2854 6553 Technic Pole Reverser Handle 极性转换手柄 9244 Technic Universal Joint 万向节 3647 Technic Gear 8 Tooth 8齿圆柱齿轮 12齿单面斜齿轮 6589 Technic Gear 12 Tooth Bevel Technic Gear 12 Tooth 32270 Double Bevel 12齿双面斜齿轮 4019 Technic Gear 16 Tooth 16齿圆柱齿轮 Technic Gear 20 Tooth Double Bevel 32296 20齿双面斜齿轮 3648 Technic Gear 24 Tooth 24齿圆柱齿轮 60c01 Technic Gear 24 Tooth Clutch 24齿离合齿轮 3650A Technic Gear 24 Tooth Crown 24齿冠齿轮 3649 Technic Gear 40 Tooth 40齿圆柱齿轮 3711 Technic Link Chain 细链条 宽链条 3873 Technic Link Tread 3743 Technic Gear Rack 1 x 4 1×4齿条 Technic Gear Rack 1 x 8 with Holes 6630 1×8带孔齿条 6592 Technic Gear Rack 1 x 10 with Holes 1×10带孔齿条 4716 Technic Worm Screw 蜗杆 6588 Technic Gearbox 2 x 4 x 7 2×4×7变速箱 6573 Technic Differential New 差速器 2855 Technic Turntable Top 大转盘转子 2856 Technic Turntable Base 大转盘底座 6575 Technic Cam 凸轮 2983 Electric Technic Micromotor Pulley 微马达滑轮



