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v1.0 可编辑可修改 新概念英语第一册Lesson87-88

(2012-10-27 14:26:44) 转载

标签: 分类: 新概念英语第一册 杂谈

Lesson 87 A car crash 车祸

Listen to the tape then answer this question. Can the mechanics repair Mr. Wood's car?

听录音,然后回答问题。修理工能否修复伍德先生的汽车 MR. WOOD: Is my car ready yet? ATTENDANT: I don't know. sir. What's the number of your car?

MR. WOOD: It's is LFZ 312G.

ATTENDANT: When did you bring it to us? MR. WOOD: I brought it here three days ago.

ATTENDANT: Ah, yes, I remember now. MR. WOOD: Have your mechanics finished yet?

ATTENDANT: No, they're still working on


v1.0 可编辑可修改 it. Let's go into the garage and have a look at it. ATTENDANT: Isn't that your car? MR. WOOD: Well, it was my car. ATTENDANT: Didn't you have a crash? MR. WOOD: That's right. I drove it into a lamp-post. Can your mechanics repair it? ATTENDANT: Well,

they're trying to repair it, sir.

But to tell you the truth. you need a new car!

New Word and expressions 生词和短语

attendant n. 接待员

bring(brought, brought) v. 带来,送来 garage n. 车库,汽车修理厂 crash n. 碰撞 lamp-post 灯杆


v1.0 可编辑可修改 repair v. 修理 try v. 努力,设法 参考译文

伍德先生:我的汽车修好了吗? 服 务 员:我不知道,先生。 您的汽车牌号是多少? 伍德先生:是 LFZ312G。 服 务 员:您什么时候送来的? 伍德先生:3天前。

服 务 员:啊,是的,我现在记起来了。 伍德先生:你们的机械师修好了吗? 服 务 员:没有,他们还在修呢。 我们到车库去看一下吧。

服 务 员:这难道不是您的车吗? 伍德先生:唔,这曾是我的车。 服 务 员:难说您没有出车祸吗?

伍德先生:是啊。我把汽车撞在电线杆上了。 你们的机械师能修好吗?

服 务 员:啊,他们正设法修呢,先生。 不过说实在的,您需要一辆


v1.0 可编辑可修改 新车了。

Lesson88 Have you ...yet 你已经......么 Have you met Mrs Jones yet Yes, I have.

When did you meet her I met her two weeks ago. 2. Has the boss left yet Yes, he has. When did he leave

He left ten minutes ago. 3. Have you had breakfast yet Yes, we have.

When did you have it

We had it at half past seven. 4. Has she found her pen yet Yes, she has.

When did she find it She found it an hour ago. 不规则动词过去式和过去分词 buy - bought -bought


v1.0 可编辑可修改 find- found - found get- got - got have- had - had hear- heard- heard leave- left- left lose- lost- lost make- made- made meet- met -met send- sent- sent sweep- swept - swept tell- told - told Exercises


1. The ________( attend) works in a garage. 2. Have you finished ________(read) the book yet 3. Remember ______(bring) me some medicine.

4. They are trying their ________(good) to repair it. 5. There are a number of _______(student) in the classroom. 6. \ 7. Have you tried ______( eat) the new fruit




