单元操作 Unit operation
Unit operation is a general term for a series of material handling, transportation, heating, cooling, mixing and separation of materials in the chemical industry and other process industries. The study of these operations is an important branch of chemical engineering. Various unit operations according to different physical and chemical principles, the application of the corresponding equipment, to achieve the purpose of their respective processes. Such as distillation according to the difference of the volatile capacity of the liquid mixture, can achieve the purpose of separation of components in liquid mixture or a group of purification. Based on the theory of physical chemistry, transfer process and chemical thermodynamics, the research on the operation of the unit has focused on the process and equipment of realizing the operation of each unit, so the unit operation is also called the chemical process and equipment. Application of unit operation in chemical industry, metallurgy, energy, food, light industry, nuclear energy and environmental protection departments, the production of these departments and the modernization of large-scale play an important role. 单元操作沿革
Unit operation evolution
单元操作在化学工业的发展过程中,人们最初以具体产品为对象,分别进行各种产品的生产过程和设备的研究。随着化工生产的发展,人们逐渐认识到,各种不同产品的生产过程是由为数不多的基本操作和各种化学反应过程所组成的。在19世纪末英国学者G.E.戴维斯便提出了这种观点,但当时未引起足够重视。1915年美国学者A.D.利特尔首先提出单元操作这一概念,明确指出:“任何化工生产过程不论规模如何,皆可分解为一系列名为单元操作的过程,例如粉碎、混合、加热、吸收、冷凝、浸取、沉降、结晶、过滤等。” 1923年W.H.华克尔,W.K.刘易斯和W.H.麦克亚当斯等合著的《化工原理》一书出版,成为第一本全面阐述单元操作的著作。从此单元操作得到了广泛重视,成为化学工程中的奠基学科,常称为化工原理。 Unit operation in the chemical industry development process, people first to specific products as the object, respectively, a variety of products, the production process and equipment. With the development of chemical industry, people come to realize that the production process of various kinds of products is composed of a few basic operations and a variety of chemical reactions. At the end of the nineteenth Century British scholar G.E. Davies put forward this view, but did not cause enough attention. In 1915, American scholar A.D. Littell first proposed the concept of unit operation, clearly pointed out: \chemical production process regardless of size, can be decomposed into a series of unit operation process, such as crushing, mixing, heating, condensation, absorption, extraction, crystallization, filtration, sedimentation.\1923 W.H. Hua Kerr, W.K. Lewis and W.H. Mcadams, CO authored the \became the first comprehensive exposition of the work of the unit operation. Since the unit
operation has been widely valued and become the foundation of chemical engineering disciplines, often referred to as the principle of chemical engineering. 单元操作分类
Unit operation classification
With the development of chemical industry, the research and development of unit operation is quite active. Now commonly used in chemical production unit operation has reached more than twenty (see table). According to the basic principle, the unit operation is divided into: 1. This is a kind of unit operation based on the momentum transfer as the main theoretical basis. It has the fluid transportation, sedimentation, filtration, mixing and so on. Heat transfer process. This is a class of heat transfer as the main theoretical basis of the unit operation, there is heat exchange, evaporation, etc.. Mass transfer separation process. It is a kind of unit operation, which is based on the mass transfer as the main theoretical basis. It is used for the separation of homogeneous mixtures, such as distillation, absorption, extraction and so on. The heat and mass transfer process. This is a class by the heat transfer and mass transfer of the two kinds of law together determine the operation of the unit. This process is different from the process of heat transfer and mass transfer, its rate calculation is more complicated, and the limit of the process is no longer thermal equilibrium and phase equilibrium. This process includes the increase of humidity, humidity, drying, crystallization and other elements of the operation. The thermodynamic process. This is a kind of unit operation based on thermodynamics as the main theoretical basis, such as. The powder engineering. This is related to the operation of solid particles, movement, etc., there are crushing, fluidization, particle classification, etc.. 单元操作发展
Unit operation development 随着化学工业的发展,单元操作一直处在不断的发展之中,其中最活跃的领域是混合物的分离。近年来单元操作的研究开发所取得的主要成果有以下几方面:①新的分离技术不断得到开发和应用,如膜分离、区域熔炼、电磁分离、泡沫分离、超临界流体萃取和超离心分离等。②在原有分离技术方面,处理能力加大、效率提高的新型设备不断出现;设备的放大效应逐步得到解决;研究成功许多合理利用能量的操作流程;一些高效的吸收剂、萃取剂等不断出现并在生产中应用。③计算机模拟和辅助设计不断取得成果,缩短了新过程的开发周期;使设备的设计和操作更趋合理,从而提高了产品质量,降低了能量消耗。生产的发展对于单元操作不断提出新的课题。这些新课题的解决既促进了化工生产的发展,又推动了单元操作学科的发展。
With the development of chemical industry, unit operation has been in constant development, among which the most active field is the separation of the mixture. The main achievements
obtained in the research on the development of unit operations in recent years are the following: the new separation technology has been developed and applied, such as membrane separation, zone melting, electromagnetic separation, foam separation, supercritical fluid extraction and ultra centrifugation etc.. The original separation technology, new equipment, improve the efficiency of processing capacity increased constantly; amplification equipment gradually resolved; on many rational use of energy operation process; some efficient absorbent, extraction agent appear and applied in production. The results of computer simulation and aided design have been achieved, which shorten the development cycle of the new process, make the design and operation of the equipment more reasonable, thus improving the quality of the product and reducing the energy consumption. The development of the production for the unit operation and constantly put forward new issues. The solution of these new projects not only promotes the development of chemical industry, but also promotes the development of unit operation.