参考答案: Acti on Resp on sible Pers on Objective Priority Steps (who) Due date (whe n) Status 1 C Jack Brow n September 15 Completed Reduce office supply costs by 10% by the end of the 4th quarter. 2 D Mike Jon es September 15 Completed 3 B Mike Jon es October 1 Completed 4 A Jack/Mike October30 Completed 5 H Jack November 15 In Process 6
E Jack November 15 In Process z
7 F Jack December 15 In Process 8 G Jack/Mike Mike January 15 Not started Complete the apology letter with the given Chinese.z
Dear Mrs. Smith,
I am writing to ______ 1 ____ 为 .. 道歉)passing notes in class.
I realize that you were discuss ing importa nt con cepts that are going to help us write our upco ming an alysis essays and do well on the final, and I should have been ____ 2 ____ (
密切关注). ____ 3 ___ 现在开始),I' ll limit
my classroom com muni catio n to helpful comme nts that are __ 4 ____ (有关)the subject matter and wait to discuss pers onal things un til after class.
I also wan ted to tha nk you for giving me a warning ___ 5 _____ ( 代替)dete nti on because my coach would have benched me if I had been late to practice. I ____ 6 ____ ( 承诺)you won ' t have to make that decision again. ____ 7 __ 谨上),
KellyTammen 参考答案:1. apologize for 2. paying closer attention
3. From nowon 4. related to
5. in stead of 6. promise you 7. Sincerely/Sincerely yours writ ing should in elude the followi ngs. Write a compositi on on My Dream Job. Your 1. position: customer service representative
2. ability: com muni cati on and customer service skills
3. reas on: an expert in the product line and strong relati on ships with customers
What I look for in a job, and what I love about this customer service represe ntative positi on, is the ability to utilize my com muni cati on and customer service skills. I love in teract ing with customers and quickly and effectively problem solving with them. Down the road, after becoming an expert in your product line and develop ing strong relatio nships with your customers, I would love to work in sales.
Write about an eve nt based on the followi ng in formati on. You may n eed the 5Ws and 1H eleme nts. Titan ic The largest ship afloat; 31 May 1911 She was laun ched with a gross tonn age of 46,328 tons 10 April 1912 maide n voyage from Southampt on to New York at 11:40 p.m. on Su nday 14
hit an iceberg; 2227 passe ngers and crew on board z