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考试日期: Reading Passage 1 2014年9月27日 Title: Question types: 骨头鉴定 TRUE/FALSE/NOT GIVEN (4) F1ow-Chart Completion (5) Sentence Completion (4) 一个人在河边发现一根柠头,警察去调查无果,后来专家鉴N是头 文章内容回顾 件,病理学家鉴左这是某位欧洲妇女的头计。此发现震惊很多人,因 为此头什的主人早于记录中第一个发现新西兰的白人。 本篇文章题型难度系数偏低。三种题型均是对于细节的考查,且均 具题型难度分析 有顺序性,而流程图填空和完成句子填空对于考生来说是抓住基础 分的福音,所以只要细心,这篇文章的正确率完全可以保证。 是非无判断题到2014年目前为止只缺席了一场,岀现频率极髙。 可以泄位的词:特殊泄位词(数字,大写,特殊符号)和划词。 一定要带2-3个定位词一起定位,确保快速准确。 考点:1.数字是否精确和准确,注意数字前的nearly, almost, in excess of, exceed, more than, over 题型技巧分析 2. 比较级,最高级,注意形容词的比较级和最高级,(not) as.. . as, the most 3. 绝对限左词:all, only, fully, must, every, each, any, widely, largely 等 4. 因果关系词,as a result of, due to, lead to, contribute to, as, since,注意原因和结果,不要弄反了。 剑 8 TESTI PASSAGE1 A Chronicle of Timekeeping 剑桥雅思推荐 原文练习 Reading Passage 2 Title: Question types: 纸币的发展史 Which paragraph contains the following information TRUE/FALSE/NOT GIVEN Multiple Choices (2/5) 最初Coin是财富的象征,如金币和银币。 文章内容回顾 讲了制适纸币白勺三要素:ink, paper and engraving methods Mark Polo将14世纪中国的纸币技术引进了欧洲。还提到纸币未 来的发展趋势。 From approximately 1000 BC money in the shape of small knives and spades made of bronze were in use in the society of China, with cast bronze replicas of cowrie shells in use before this? The first manufactured coins seems to have taken place separately in India, China, and in cities around the Aegean sea between 700 and 500 BC? While these Aegean coins were stamped (heated and hammered with insignia), the Indian coins (from the Ganges river valley) were punched metal disks, and Chinese coins (first developed in the Great Plain) were cast bronze with holes in the center to be strung together? The different forms and metallurgical process implies a separate development?

The first ruler in the Mediterranean known to have officially set standards of weight and money was Pheidon? Minting occurred in the latter parts of the 7th century amongst the cities of Grecian Asia Minor, spreading to Aegean parts of the Greek islands and the south of Italy by 500 BC? The first stamped money (having the mark of some authority in the form of a picture or words) can be seen in the Biblioth6que Nationale of Paris? It is an electrum stater of a turtle coin, coined at Aegina island? This coin dates about 700 BC?

Other coins made of Electrum (a naturally occurring alloy

相关英文原文 of silver and gold) were manufactured on a larger scale about 650 BC 阅读

in Lydia (on the coast of what is now Turkey)? Similar coinage was adopted and manufactured to their own standards in nearby cities of Ionia, including Mytilene and Phokaia (using coins of Electrum) and Aegina (using silver) during the 6th century BC? and soon became adopted in mainland Greece itself, and the Persian Empire (after it incorporated Lydia in 547 BC)?

The use and export of silver coinage, along with soldiers paid in coins, contributed to the Athenian Empire's 5th century BC, dominance of the region. The silver used was mined in southern Attica at Laurium and Thorikos by a huge workforce of slave labour? A major silver vein discovery at Laurium in 483 BC led to the huge expansion of the Athenian military fleet?

It was the discovery of the touchstone which led the way for metal-based commodity money and coinage? Any soft metal can be tested for purity on a touchstone, allowing one to quickly calculate the total content of a particular metal in a lump? Gold is a soft metal, which is also hard to come by, dense, and storable? As a result, monetary gold spread very quickly from Asia Minor, where it first gained wide usage, to the entire world?

Using such a system still required several steps and mathematical calculation? The touchstone allows one to estimate the amount of gold in an alloy, which is then multiplied by the

weight to find the amount of gold alone in a lump. To make this process easier, the concept of standard coinage was introduced? Coins were pre-weighed and pre-alloyed, so as long as the manufacturer was aware of the origin of the coin, no use of the touchstone was required? Coins were typically minted by governments in a carefully protected process, and then stamped with an emblem that guaranteed the weight and value of the meta 1? It was, however, extremely common for governments to assert that the value of such money lay in its emblem and thus to subsequently reduce the value of the currency by lowering the content of valuable metal Gold and silver were used as the most common form of money throughout history. In many languages, such as Spanish, French, and Italian, the word for silver is still directly related to the word for money? Although gold and silver were commonly used to mint coins, other metals were used? For instance, Ancient Sparta minted coins from iron to discourage its citizens from engaging in foreign trade? In the early seventeenth century Sweden lacked more precious metal and so produced \slabs of copper approximately 50 cm or more in length and width, appropriately stamped with indications of their value? Gold coinage began to be minted again in Europe in the thirteenth century. Frederick the II is credited with having re-introduced the metal to currency during the time of the Crusades? During the fourteenth century Europe had en masse converted from use of silver in currency to minting of gold? Vienna transferred from minting silver to instead gold during 1328? Metal based coins had the advantage of carrying their value within the coins themselves - on the other hand, they induced manipulations: the clipping of coins in the attempt to get and recycle the precious meta1? A greater problem was the simultaneous co-existence of gold, silver and copper coins in Europe? English and Spanish traders valued gold coins more than silver coins, as many of their neighbors did, with the effect that the English gold-based guinea coin began to rise against the English silver based crown in the 1670s and 1680s? Consequently, silver was ultimately pulled out of England for dubious amounts of gold coming into the country at a rate no other European nation would share? The effect was worsened with Asian traders not sharing the European appreciation of gold altogether — gold left Asia and silver left Europe in quantities European observers like Isaac Newton, Master of the Royal Mint observed with unease? 10月难度趋势适中,历史类、教冇类话题是最有可能涉及的话题方向。下半年历史类 话题增多,且重点考察考古和某物的起源发展,考生可使用剑桥和机经原文了解相关背景, 从而让自己更好更快地理解文章。从题型上说,判断和单选几乎主宰了今年已有的全部考 试,必然是练习重点。10月髙频预警是万年难题配对题。Heading持续低频可适当准备, 但不排除有触底反弹的可能性。



