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( ) 64---_______ is the boy? ---He is Jim’s brother.

A. What B. Who C. Where D. How

( ) 65.Please e-mail me Tina126 @qq.com. A. at B. to C. for D. in ( ) 66. ---Is that your father?

---No. It’s my uncle, my mother’s_______ . A. son B. sister C. daughter D. brother

( ) 67. ---Are these your grandparents? - --No,_______.

A. these aren’t B. they aren’t C. they are D. he isn’t

( ) 68 .--Where is the map?

---It’s my room. A. on, parent’s B. in, parent’s C. on, parents’ D. in, parents’

( )69 .I’m tidy, Gina is not. A. and B. but C. always D. everywhere

( )70 .---Hi, Sally. Your watch is nice.


A. No, thanks B. Yes, please C. It isn’t nice D. Thank you


71. The book is on the desk.The clock is on the desk.(合并为一个句子)

The book ________ the clock ________ on the desk. 72. Are they your parents? (改为同义句)

Are they your ________ and your ? 73.His hat is on his head.(改为复数句)

Their hats on heads. 74.This banana is yellow .(就划线部分提问) is this banana? 75. My schoolbag is on the chair.(就划线部分提问) ________ is__________ schoolbag? 三.交际运用(10分)


A: Excuse me, Mike. I can’t find my watch. 76 B: Sorry, I don’t know. 77 A: No, it isn’t. B: Is it on the table? A: No. 78 B: Oh, is it under the table?

A: No, it isn’t my watch. 79 . It is my sister’s. Here is blue.

B: Is it in the drawer? A: Yes, it is. 80 .

76.________ 77._______78._________79.__________80.__________ Ⅻ.根据实际情况回答问题.(5分) 81. What color is your schoolbag?

A. Is it in your schoolbag? B. What color is it? C. Mine is green. D. You’re welcome. E. Some books are on it. F. And my keys are in it, too. G. Do you know where is it? _______________________________________ 82.What’s your telephone number??

________________________________________ 83. Are you 12 years old(岁)?

___________________________________________ 84. What’s your English name?


85. Who is your good friend?


四. 阅读部分(20分)

ⅩⅢ. 完形填空(10分)

This is Mrs. Green's nice room. We can see 86 pictures and a map of China 87 the wall(墙). Three books are on the desk. A cup is on the 88 ,too. A 89 is under the desk,and her bag is on the chair. The bed is next to (挨着) her desk. A picture 90 Mrs. Green's family is on the bed. 91 people are in the picture:Mr. Green,Mrs. Green and their 92 . Mr. Green and Mrs. Green are 93 . 94 daughters—Lucy and Lily are 95 . They are in No. 2 Middle school.

( )86.A.a B. an C. some D. the

( )87.A.under B. on C. of D. at

( )88.A.wall B. chair C. table D. desk

( )89.A.chair B. bed C. table D. chairs

( )90.A.on B. of C. for D.


( )91.A.Three B. Four C. Five D. Six

( )92.A.parents B. daughters C. uncle D. father

( )93.A.teachers B. teacher C. student D. friend

( )94.A.His B. Her C. Their D. Hers

( )95.A.students B. boys C. teachers D. parents



Lost:A white dog My name is Alan Green. My phone number is 216-0911.You can e-mail me at alan6512@163.com. Found:A purple schoolbag An English book,a dictionary and some keys are in it. My name is Jenny Black. My phone number is 612-7878. Found:A photo I found a photo in the school library. A teacher,a girl and a boy are in the photo. The teacher is in a blue jacket.



