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No, they‘re not free. They might have to meet their friends. 四、词语辨析

1、prepare意为―准备‖,强调准备的动作与过程。宾语是这一动作的承受者。其后也可接双宾语,还可接不定式。 prepare for sth. 为…准备好。for的宾语不是动作的承受者,而是表示准备的目的,即所要应付的情况。 / prepare to do sth 准备做某事。

prepare 强调准备的动作与过程。宾语是这一动作的承受者。其后也可接双宾语,还可接不定式。

get/be ready意为―准备好‖,强调准备的结果。常见结构有:①be ready(for sth.)②get sth. ready ③be ready(for sth)④be get ready to do(准备干某事,乐于干某事)

We _____ the mid-term examination. Miss Li said, ―Everyone should ______before class.

2. have the flu 患感冒, have a cold 感冒 ,have a cough 咳嗽, have a fever 发烧 , have a sore throat 喉咙痛, have a headache 头痛 ,have a toothache 牙痛,

3. hang out 常去某处,泡在某处, hang on 紧紧抓住, hang about 闲荡, hang up 挂电话,悬挂,挂起 4. catch you =see you = bye bye ,catch a cold感冒 , catch sb‘s eye引起某人注意, catch the train 赶上火车 catch up with =keep up with 赶上,跟上 ,catch hold of=take hold of 抓住

5.accept 接受 , 反义词为: refuse。 accept指主观上愿意接受,receive 收到,指客观上收到或拿到,但主观上不一定会接受。 I received his gift yesterday, but I wouldn‘t like to accept it.

1. turn down = refuse 拒绝 turn up 放大,调高 turn over 翻身 take turns 依次,轮流 2. help sb.(to) do sth 帮助某人做某事 help sb. with sth 在某方面帮助人 help oneself to sth 随便吃 3. at the end of 在…末尾,在…尽头, by the end of 到…末为止 in the end of 终于 4. surprised 形容词,感到意外的,主语是人be surprised to do sth 对做某事感到意外

surprising 形容词,令人惊讶的,主语是物 The news was surpring.

surprise 名词,惊奇、惊讶 to one‘s surprise使某人吃惊,动词,使惊奇,使感到意外 It surprise sb to do sth. 5. look forward to 期待,盼望,to 是介词,后跟名词,代词或动名词作宾语。

hear from sb. 收到某人的来信 = receive a letter from sb. hear of = hear about 听说

6. make it 在约定的时间内到达,能够来 = arrive in time; Glad you could make it.

商量确定的时间,表示将来某项计划的安排,后接时间状语。 Let‘s make it at seven o‘clock on Tuesday. 成功办成某事 = succeed After years of hard work, he finally made it.

7. reply 回答,指用口头或书面形式回答,不及物动词 reply to sb/sth. 对…..作出回答。

作及物动词,意为 回答,回答说。作名词,意为:答道,回信,答复,后跟介词 to . answer 是最普通的用语,包括口头,书面或行动的回答,可作及物和不及物动词。

Unit 10 If you go to the party, you’ll have a great time!


1、go to the party 参加晚会, 2、have a great /good time 玩的开心, 3、 stay at home,呆在家, 4、take the bus乘公交车, 5、 tomorrow night明天晚上, 6、have a class party 开班级晚会, 7、have a class meeting 开班会, 8、half the class 全班一半人, 9、 make some food 做食物, 10、at the party 在晚会上, 11、 order food 预定食物, 12、potato chips薯条,

13、be angry with sb.对某人生气,

14、give sb some advice给某人建议/劝告, 15、travel around the world 周游世界, 16、go to college 上大学,

17、make(a lot of)money 挣钱/赚钱 18、get an education上学/受教育 , 19、work hard 努力工作/努力学习, 20、a soccer player 一个足球运动员, 21、keep…to oneself

把…留给自己/独处/避免与人交往, 22、talk to sb.与某人谈话, 23、in life在一生中, 24、 in the end 在最后,

25、be angry at/about sth 因某事而生气,

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26、 make mistakes 弄错/出差错, 27、in the future 在将来, 28、run away逃跑, 29、the first step第一步, 二、习惯用法、搭配

1、ask sb. to do sth 请某人做某事, 2、give sb sth.给某人某物,

3、tell sb. to do sth 告诉某人做某事, 4、too…to do sth太…不能做某事, 5、be afraid to do sth. 害怕做某事, 6、advise sb to do sth劝说某人做某事, 7、It‘s best (not)to do sth.做某事最好。 8、need to do sth需要做某事, 三、重要句子(语法)

1、I think I‘ll take the bus to the party. 2、If you do, you‘ll be late.

3、What will happen if they have the party today? 4、If they have it today, half the class won‘t come. 5、Should we ask people to bring food? 6、If we ask people to bring food,

7、They‘ll just bring potato chips and chocolate.

30、in half 成半,

31、solve a problem解决难题, 32、school clean-up学校大扫除





1. A---A---A型(现在式、过去式和过去分词同形) 动词原形(现在式) 过去式 过去分词 cost cost cost 花费 cut cut cut 割,切 hit hit hit 打 let let let 让 put put put 放下 read read read 读 hurt hurt hurt 伤

2. A---A---B型(现在式和过去式同形) beat beat beaten 打

3. A---B---A型(现在式和过去分词同形) come came come 来 become became become 变 run ran run 跑 4. A ---B ---B型 (1)在动词原形后

加一个辅音字母d或t构成过去式或过去分词。 burn burnt burnt 燃烧

learn learned/learnt learned/learnt 学习

mean meant meant 意思 hear heard heard 听见

(2)把动词原形的最后一个辅音字母“d”改为“t” 构成过去式或过去分词。 build built built 建筑 lend lent lent 借给 lose lost lost 失去 send sent sent 送 spend spent spent 花费 (3)其他 pay paid paid 付 lay laid laid 下蛋 say said said 说

bring brought brought 带来 buy bought bought 买 think thought thought 想 sleep slept slept 睡 keep kept kept 保持 sweep swept swept 扫 stand stood stood 站

understand understood understood 明白 win won won 得胜

shine shone/shined shone/shined 发光 catch caught caught 抓住

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teach taught taught 教 feel felt felt 觉得 fight fought fought 战斗 find found found 发现 get got got 得到

hang hanged/ hung hanged/ hung 绞死 挂 have had had 有 hold held held 盛,握 leave lef t left 离开 make made made 制造 meet met met 遇见 sell sold sold 卖 shoot shot shot 射击 tell told told 告诉

smell smelt/smelled smelt/smelled 嗅,闻 sit sat sat 坐 dig dug dug 挖

5. A---B---C型(现在式、过去式和过去分词都不相同) (1)在动词原形后加-n或-en构成过去分词。 eat ate eaten 吃 fall fell fallen 落下 steal stole stolen 偷 give gave given 给 freeze froze frozen 冻结 take took taken 拿 see saw seen 看见 write wrote written 写 ride rode ridden 骑 drive drove driven 驾驶


throw threw thrown 抛,扔 blow blew blown 吹 grow grew grown 生长 know knew known 知道 fly flew flown 飞

draw drew drawn 拉,绘画 show showed shown 展示

(2)过去式加-n或-en构成过去分词。 speak spoke spoken 说话 break broke broken 破碎,折断 wake waked/ woke waked/ waken 醒 choose chose chosen 选择 forget forgot forgotten 忘记 (3)变单词在重读音节中的元音字母 “i”分别为“a”(过去式)和“u”(过去分词)。 begin began begun 开始 ring rang rung 按铃 sing sang sung 唱 sink sank sunk 沉 swim swam swum 游泳 drink drank drunk 饮 (4)其他不规则动词的变化。 be(am, is) was/ were been 是 be(are) were been 是 do did done 做 go went gone 去 lie lay lain 躺 wear wore worn 穿戴

1、构成:数词?单数名词、数词?单数名词?形容词(每两词间用连字符 ?) 2、用法:A:常作定语,用于名词前,一般不单独使用。 eg: an eight- year-old boy\\ a ten-metre-tall tree

B:复合形容词后加复数,表示一类人或物,可独立作主语。Holiday(C) 选择:

( )1、He is_____ and he has an _____ sister. A. ten years old ,8 –year-old B. ten-year-old, ten years old ( )2、We will have a______ holiday after the exam. A. two month B. two-month C. two -months ( )3、I think______ can choose their own life style.

A .nineteen-year-old B. nineteen-year-olds C. nineteen years old D. nineteen-year olds

( )4、There is a ____tree in the park. A. four hundred years B. four-hundred-year-old C. four-hundred-year old ( )5、Nie Haisheng had a ______flight in space. A. five-days B. five-day C. five day‘s

( )6、I‘d like to spend ________holiday in the country. A. a two-day B. two-day C. two days‘ ( )7、The little boy wrote a______letter to his uncle. A. five-hundred words B. five-hundred-word

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