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2019-2020学年高中英语 Unit2 What is happiness to you?Reading教案 牛津译林版选修6.doc

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2019-2020学年高中英语 Unit2 What is happiness to you?Reading

教案 牛津译林版选修6


以丰富的图片引入话题,以阅读技巧贯穿这个阅读课堂。 二.【教学目标】

After learning this period, the students will be able to: 1.describe their own understanding of happiness; 2. talk about the gymnast Sang Lan; 3. describe feelings and emotions;

4. learn some new words and phrases and language points.


Analyze real happiness to all kind of people, especially our students 四.【教学环节】

Teaching procedures: Step1 Lead in

What is happiness to these people?(some pictures in welcome) Step2. Fast reading

1. What kind of TV programme is this text? 2. What’s the topic of it? 3. Who is the guest?

4. Who did he take as an example to present his point of view? Step3Reading Strategy : How to read a interview? ①What is an interview?

②Where can we find the topic sentence of the interview? ③How can we get a better understanding of the topic? Step4. Detailed reading

1. Why did Dr. Brain use Sang Lan as an example to present his view of point? 2. How does Sang Lan find her happiness?

3. Fill in the forms about Sang lan’s life story: Name Personality Devoted Sports Life goal Experiences 1987 1991 1998 About the accident Sex Age Birthplace Places & time Cause Consequence

4. According to Dr Brain, which of the following is NOT Sang Lan’s reaction to the accident?

A. She thinks more about what she can do to get better.

B. She feels proud of her own past achievements and is happy for her teammates’ successes.

C. She cries about what she has lost and feels hopeless. D. She remains cheerful and in good spirits. 5. How does she manage to adapt to her new life?

A. Thinking about positive things and staying optimistic

B. Hosting a sports programme about the 2008 Beijing Olympics. C. Studying journalism at Peking University D. All the above

6. What’s the main idea of the text?

A. Telling the story of the gymnast Sang Lan. B. Telling people how to learn from Sang Lan. C. Telling people how they can find happiness.

D. Showing us how Sang Lan overcomes her disappointment.

7. What information is the conversation between the host and Dr. Brain meant to show us?

A.Happiness belongs only to normal people

B.Only those who have been injured or struggle with a physically disability can find happiness.

C. When you are in difficulty, staying positive and optimistic may help you cheer up.

D. Real happiness means a healthy body and a rich life.

Step5 Consolidation Task-based reading (新学案P33)

1.________ 2._________ 3.________ 4._________ 5._________ 6.________ 7._________ 8.________ 9._________ 10._________

Step6 Discussion What is happiness to you?

Step7 Reading comprehension & Writing 根据下列提示写一篇关于桑兰的报道




4.但是她并没有因此而气馁,积极参与各项社会活动,努力调整自己适应新生活,学习新事物,保持乐观态度。 5.她的事迹给人们的启示。


找出文章中的重点单词,并在下一个导学案中进行记录。 五.【板书设计】 六.【家庭作业】

1. 复习本节课所学内容。

2. 教师根据教辅资料布置相应的阅读作业。

2019-2020学年高中英语 Unit2 What is happiness to you?Reading教案 牛津译林版选修6.doc


