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中国文化特色词语英译 (一)宗教及传统文

拜年: pay a New Year call 财运: luck in making money

江南水乡: the south of the lower reaches of the Yangtze River 禅宗: Chan Sect/Zen Sect 出家人: ascetic 祠堂:memorial temple

倒春寒:an unusually cold spell in an otherwise warm early spring 道教:Taoism 道士:Taoist priest

法师:Master 方丈:Buddhist abbot 佛教:Buddhism

恭喜发财:May you be prosperous 和尚:Buddhism monk

华表:ornamental column/cloud pillar/stele

红包:red envelope containing money as a gift; bribe/kickback(贬义用法) 华盖:canopy 回教:Islam

慧根:the organ of wisdom

甲骨文:inscriptions on oracle bones 戒律:precept/discipline 金刚经:Diamond Sutra 京剧票友:Perking Opera fan

京剧人物脸谱:types of facial make-up in Perking Opera/Perking Opera masks 旧教/天主教:Catholicism 坎儿井:karez 喇嘛:Lama

老字号:an old and famous shop/enterprise 尼姑:Buddhism nun 涅槃:Nirvana 旗袍:cheongsam 三藏经:Tripitaka

三教(儒、释、道):Confucianism, Buddhism, Taoism 时运:luck/fortune

四大皆空:all space directions being void 新教,耶稣教:Protestantism 真人:Taoism pure man 族人:clansman

坐禅:sitting in meditation

(二)名胜古迹 阿里山:Ali Mountain 碑林:Forest of Steles

兵马俑:the Terra-cotta Warriors and Horses 布达拉宫:Potala Palace

长春观:Changchun Taoism Temple

承德避暑山庄:Chengde Mountain Resort /the Imperial Mountain Summer Resort 大屿山:Lantau Island

大运河:Grand Canal 滇池:Dianci Lake 都江堰:Dujiangyan Weir

二七纪念馆:February 7 Memorial Hall 鼓浪屿:Gulang yu Islet/Gulang yu Island 归元寺:Guiyuan Buddhist Temple 龟山:Tortoise Hill

华清池:Huaqing Hot Spring 黄鹤楼:Yellow Crane Tower 居庸关:Juyongguan Pass 橘子洲:Orange Island

孔庙/夫子庙:the Temple of Confucius 坤宁宫:Palace of Earthly Tranquility 乐山大佛:Leshan Giant Buddha 灵隐寺:Temple of Soul’s Retreat 龙门石窟:Longmen Grottoes 芦笛岩:Reed Flute Cave

毛主席纪念堂:Chairman Mao Memorial Hall 莫高窟:Mogao Grotto in Dunhuang 蓬莱阁:Penglai Pavilion

人民大会堂:the Great Hall of the People

人民英雄纪念碑:Monument of the People’s Heroes 日月潭:Sun Moon Lake

三峡:the Three Gorges on the Yangtze River/ the Three Gorges of the Yangtze River

少林寺:Shaolin Temple/ Shaolin Monastery 蛇山:Snake Hill 狮子林:Lion Grove 十三陵:the Ming Tombs 石林:Stone Forest

苏州园林:Suzhou Gardens/the Gardens of Suzhou 太和殿:Hall of Supreme Harmony 太湖:Lake Taihu

天安门广场:Tian An Men Square 天坛:the Temple of Heaven 外滩:the Bund

武侯祠:Temple Dedicated to the Memory of Zhuge Liang 西湖:the West Lake 象鼻山:Elephant Trunk Hill 养心殿:Hall of Mental Cultivation

颐和园(夏宫):the Imperial Garden /the Summer Palace 雍和宫:Yonghegong Lamasery

雨花台:the Terrace of the Raining Flowers 玉渊潭公园:Jade Abyss Pool Park

豫园(上海城隍庙):Yuyuan Garden/Shanghai’s Town God’s Temple 岳阳楼:Yueyang Tower

中山陵:Dr. Sun Yet-sen’s Mausoleum 紫金山天文台:Purple Hills Observatory 紫竹院公园:Purple Bamboo Court Park

(三)二十四节气 二十四节气:the twenty-four solar terms 立春:the Beginning of Spring (1st solar term) 雨水:Rain Water(2nd solar term)

惊蛰:the Walking of Insects(3rd solar term) 春分:the Spring Equinox(4th solar term) 清明:Pure Brightness(5th solar term) 谷雨:Grain Rain(6th solar term)

立夏:the Beginning of Summer(7th solar term) 小满:Grain Full(8th solar term) 芒种:Grain in Ear(9th solar term)

夏至:the summer solstice(10th solar term) 小暑:Slight Heat(11th solar term) 大暑:Great Heat(12th solar system)

立秋:the Beginning of Autumn(13th solar term) 处暑:the Limit of Heat(14th solar term) 白露:White Dew(15th solar term)

秋分:the Autumnal Equinox(16th solar term) 寒露:Cold Dew(17th solar term) 霜降:Frost’s Descent(18th solar term) 立冬:the Beginning of Winter(19th solar term) 小雪: Lesser Snow(20th solar term) 大雪:Greater Snow(21st solar term) 冬至:the Winter Solstice(22nd solar term)



