leading cadres ' awareness of right in place, study the party Constitution and party rules, series of speeches can make proper effect. Party cadres to \the impact of multiple values, the \\looking at the whole operation globally, but only man can do to knowledge. \education extends of important initiatives. Vast numbers of party members and cadres in the course of two, should be体 育 课 教 案
课次教学目标课的部分开始部分教材起动、转身、运球内容1.复习篮球起动、转身、运球基本技术,提高技术熟练程度。2.通过以上练习发展学生上下肢协调性。5教学内容及手段1.体育委员整队集合,报告人数。2.检查服装。3.宣布本课内容任务。4.安排见习生。组织:组 织 教 法时间3`准备****************************************************△要求:快、静、齐。一、起跑练习。组织:一路纵队绕篮球场跑。二、游戏:“传球游戏”要求:队伍整齐,精神饱满。方法:如学生分成人数相等的两组,组织:一组传球,一组防守,一人盯一人,传球两分钟两组交换做,在规定的时间内,看哪组传球次数最多为胜。规则:不许运球,不许走步,在半场 内。8`部分一、复习起动转身练习方法:1.徒手做前后转身练习二列体操队,复习前转身,后转身动作,以二脚轮流做中枢脚复习体会若干次后在教师的口令下两列轮流做,互相观摩,纠正动作。2.持球做前后转身练习两列体操队形,每人一球,先体会持球做跨步、转身,球的摆动及护球动作。然后两列轮流相对做持球的转身动作,互相纠正动作。3.起动——急停——转身综合练习方法:学生在端线外分散站二列横队,第一排学生听到教师信号后立即起动,跑至三分球线处自动急停做前后转身各一次。组织:二列体操队形。教法:1.示范技术动作。2.讲解动作方法。3.学生练习。4.教师根据学生练习情况,纠正错误动作。要求:认真观察教师动作,重视基本姿势练习。30`基本部分based on their actual, striving to be \become law-abiding model. Is not no rules. If there is no iron discipline, party members and cadres will become a mess, it will lose its fighting strength and vitality, purity and naturally much less advanced. By \pioneer, pioneering and enterprising spirit, and constantly improve our own capacity and level of service, according to positions and make contributions. Hearts change, lead more strict \ Party cadres only opinions, Foundation, Constitution Party rules, series to better address outside in shape, \capacityleading cadres ' awareness of right in place, study the party Constitution and party rules, series of speeches can make proper effect. Party cadres to \the impact of multiple values, the \\looking at the whole operation globally, but only man can do to knowledge. \education extends of important initiatives. Vast numbers of party members and cadres in the course of two, should be二、复习运球1.原地圆形运球练习方法:如图每人一球,原地做圆形运球练习,左右手交替练习。组织:(1):(2)基2.绕圆圈运球方法:分三组各站在罚球圈和中线圈旁,每组一球,听到口令后,各组第一名绕罚球圈或中线圈运球,运完一圈后把球传给下一名,依次继续进行。或在运完一圈后,换手运一圈返回,再把球传组下一名学生。本部分四、教学比赛结束部分一、整队集合。二、小结讲评。三、放松——静力拉伸。四、收拾器材。4`组织:四列横队。教法:教师示范,学生跟着练习。要求:放松充分,认真听讲评。based on their actual, striving to be \become law-abiding model. Is not no rules. If there is no iron discipline, party members and cadres will become a mess, it will lose its fighting strength and vitality, purity and naturally much less advanced. By \pioneer, pioneering and enterprising spirit, and constantly improve our own capacity and level of service, according to positions and make contributions. Hearts change, lead more strict \ Party cadres only opinions, Foundation, Constitution Party rules, series to better address outside in shape, \capacityleading cadres ' awareness of right in place, study the party Constitution and party rules, series of speeches can make proper effect. Party cadres to \the impact of multiple values, the \\looking at the whole operation globally, but only man can do to knowledge. \education extends of important initiatives. Vast numbers of party members and cadres in the course of two, should be体 育 课 教 案
课次教学目标课的部分开始部分教材滑步、行进间单手高手上篮内容1.复习篮球急停基本技术,提高技术熟练程度。2.学习滑步基本动作及篮球行进间单手高手上篮基本技术。3.通过以上练习发展学生上下肢协调性。6教学内容及手段1.体育委员整队集合,报告人数。2.检查服装。3.宣布本课内容任务。4.安排见习生。组织:组 织 教 法****************************************************△要求:快、静、齐。组织:时间3`准备部分一、追逐游戏方法:如图所示,学生成二列横队相距一米面对站立,甲队为单数,乙队为双数。双方队员根据教师发出的数字信号进行追逐,信号为奇数则甲队追乙队,信号为偶数则乙队追甲队,若在限制区内拍触到对方队员则得一分,累计得分多的队为胜队。二、高运球:绕球场地跑两圈。8`基本部分组织:一路纵队绕篮球场跑。要求:队伍整齐,精神饱满。一、学习滑步动作。组织:二列体操队形。1.动作方法:保持两腿弯曲,两脚教法:前后或左右开立的基本姿势,滑步1.示范技术动作。时,用移动方向异侧脚前掌内侧蹬2.讲解动作方法。地,同时另一脚向移动方向迈一步,3.学生练习。在落地同时蹬地脚也随之滑动并立(1)滑步的基本姿势练习。即再蹬地,从而形成连续动作。(2)慢速体会滑步动作方法的2.动作要领:练习。(1)用移动方向茧侧脚前脚掌蹬(3)横向、前后滑步练习。地,蹬地同时另一脚向移动方向迈4.教师根据学生练习情况,纠正出。错误动作。(2)迈出脚脚跟先着地再过渡到要求:滑步时保持正确的基本姿前脚掌。势,不要因怕累而提高重心,滑(3)保持两脚弯曲,重心在两脚动时重心平稳。之间。30`based on their actual, striving to be \become law-abiding model. Is not no rules. If there is no iron discipline, party members and cadres will become a mess, it will lose its fighting strength and vitality, purity and naturally much less advanced. By \pioneer, pioneering and enterprising spirit, and constantly improve our own capacity and level of service, according to positions and make contributions. Hearts change, lead more strict \ Party cadres only opinions, Foundation, Constitution Party rules, series to better address outside in shape, \capacityleading cadres ' awareness of right in place, study the party Constitution and party rules, series of speeches can make proper effect. Party cadres to \the impact of multiple values, the \\looking at the whole operation globally, but only man can do to knowledge. \education extends of important initiatives. Vast numbers of party members and cadres in the course of two, should be二、复习急停组织::二路纵队,由端线开始,两个排头先做,听教师的信号后先用中速跑,再听到信号后做跳步急停,排头做出一次急停后,下两个人开始做,依次做下去。(2)基三、学习行进间单手高手投篮1.动作方法:以右手投篮为例,在跑动过程中右脚向前跨出一大步,双手迎前接球,左脚接着上一步,脚跟先着地迅速过渡到前脚掌起跳,同时双手持球上举,右腿屈膝向上抬配合左腿起跳。当身体腾空到最高点进,手臂上伸掌心向上,用扣(3)腕和手指拔球,柔和地将球投出。此时右腿与左腿并拢落地。2.动作要领:(1)跨右腿接球,跨左腿起跳、引球,手脚配合协调。(2)用扣腕与手指拔球,柔和地将球投出。本部分教法:1.讲解、示范。2.组织学生练习。3.纠正错误动作。要求:做到第一步大第二步小向上跳,步法与接球配合。结束部分一、整队集合。二、小结讲评。三、放松——静力拉伸。四、收拾器材。4`组织:四列横队。教法:教师示范,学生跟着练习。要求:放松充分,认真听讲评。based on their actual, striving to be \become law-abiding model. Is not no rules. If there is no iron discipline, party members and cadres will become a mess, it will lose its fighting strength and vitality, purity and naturally much less advanced. By \pioneer, pioneering and enterprising spirit, and constantly improve our own capacity and level of service, according to positions and make contributions. Hearts change, lead more strict \ Party cadres only opinions, Foundation, Constitution Party rules, series to better address outside in shape, \capacityleading cadres ' awareness of right in place, study the party Constitution and party rules, series of speeches can make proper effect. Party cadres to \the impact of multiple values, the \\looking at the whole operation globally, but only man can do to knowledge. \education extends of important initiatives. Vast numbers of party members and cadres in the course of two, should be体 育 课 教 案
based on their actual, striving to be \become law-abiding model. Is not no rules. If there is no iron discipline, party members and cadres will become a mess, it will lose its fighting strength and vitality, purity and naturally much less advanced. By \pioneer, pioneering and enterprising spirit, and constantly improve our own capacity and level of service, according to positions and make contributions. Hearts change, lead more strict \ Party cadres only opinions, Foundation, Constitution Party rules, series to better address outside in shape, \capacity