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orts from the United Nations.

It was the eighth straight year that the General Assembly's passed a resolution calling on the United States to lift its trade sanctions against Cuba, and as in past years, it was approved overwhelmingly. This year's vote was 155 to 2, with always the United States and Israel voting \8 nations abstaining. Ricardo Alacon, President of the Cuban National Assembly and formerly this nation's ambassador to the United Nations, repeatedly referred to \favor of the resolution. Mr. Alacon also said Cuba will file a 100-billion-dollar lawsuit against the United States because of the embargo, but he did not say where such a lawsuit would be filed. The United States representative Peter Burly said the US embargo against Cuba is a matter of bilateral trade policy, and has no place in the UN General Assembly.

Task 3

【答案】 A. 1) T 2) F 3) T 4) F B.

1) Shelter for the Homeless 2) a set of stamps/six stamps 3) building homes

4) information; the UN; government; institutions; worldwide 【原文】 Narrator: Since 1946, when the United Nations General Assembly recommended that inter-national arrangements be set up to promote and coordinate research and the ex-change of information on housing, the United Nations has given increasing attention to the subject of human settlements. This year, the United Nations observes the International Year of Shelter for the Homeless. In commemoration of the year, the UN Postal Administration has released a special stamp issue. I recently spoke with Gisela Grunewald, Chief of the Postal Administration, who described the set and explained its significance.

Grunewald: We issued six stamps in honor of the Intemational Year for Shelter for the Homeless, and these six stamps should really show the positive efforts that are being done around the world to help the homeless and to find shelter for them. So what we are showing on these six stamps are six different scenes that are aspects of building homes. You have surveying the terrain; you have putting windows in a house; you have the actual building of the walls and a number of steps in between, and the last stamp in this set actually shows one family that happily and proudly stands in front of its new home. So, as I said initially, we like to portray the positive side and the solutions that are proposed by the Organization


when it is tackling a problem.

Narrator: So, in a sense, it's a progression as seen from beginning to end.

Grunewald: That is right. We know that the subject is shelter for the homeless, so the homelessness as such is not shown but the solutions to the problem of the homelessness.

Narrator: And what is the impact of such a stamp issue How can it really influence people's lives

Grunewald: Well, one of the functions that United Nations stamps have is to inform the public about what the Organization is doing. So, the impact of these stamps will certainly be one of spreading information about the International Year. We have more than 100,000 collectors throughout the world who will receive these stamps and they will get the information about this International Year with our stamps. Also, all the stamps which are going to be used to mail out mail from the three UN offices in New York, Geneva and Vienna will again send out the message that this is the International Year for Shelter for the Homeless, and will show that the UN is working on this problem. As far as the homeless people themselves are concerned, I think the impact of the stamps will be, again, by way of sensitizing and informing people about the problem that this is something that has to be tackled by governments and by other institutions and that it is a worldwide problem.

Task 4

【答案】 A. News Items 1 Participants Number of Demonstrators of Place(s) Demands demonstrators tens mainly longterm thousands unemployed Paris and Protest the several other level of un- cities employment and call for higher welfare payments Demand more government action to deal with the problems of the countryside 2 Some rural A quarter Central interest groups . of a million London farmers, agriculture workers, hunters and village dwellers


News Item 1 1) T 2) F

News Item 2


3) F 4) F

【原文】 News Item 1

Tens of thousands of demonstrators in France have been taking part in marches in Paris and several other cities, protesting the level of unemployment and calling for higher welfare payments. The march is a part of the campaign that began last year with the occupation of Welfare Offices by the long-term unemployed. But as Steven Jasol, our Paris correspondent, explains, the marches may indicate that the protest movement is losing momentum.

News Item 2

Here in Britain about a quarter of a million people have taken part in a march through central London to demand more government action to deal with the problems of the countryside. A number of rural interest groups have been taking part--farmers, agriculture workers, hunters and village dwellers: The movement grew out of opposition to a proposal to ban fox hunting, a traditional rural sport. But it expanded to take in a number of issues.

Task 5

【答案】 A. Countries the US Russia China

B. 1) F 2) T 3) F 4) T 5) F 6) F


The United States won only one of the 24 gold medals awarded here on the final day, but still led all nations after 16 days of sporting events with 39 gold, 25 silver and 33 bronze medals for a total of 97. It's the first time outside of home soil since 1968 that the USA has topped the Olympic medals table. Russia was second with 32 gold, 28 silver and 28 bronze for a total of 88. China was third with 59, including 28 gold, 16 silver and 15 bronze. In all, 80 nations won at least one medal. The United States won medals in 22 sports led by the swimmers with 33, and the track-and-field team with 20. The US men's basketball team of NBA stars beat the French in the gold medal match on the final day 85 to 75, but the Americans know, after barely getting into the final with a 2-point win over Lithuania, the Olympic


Number of Medals Gold 39 32 28 Silver 25 28 16 Bronze 33 28 15 Total 97 88 59 gold medal is no longer a guarantee. The final day of the Olympics was not without controversy: three athletes were disqualified by the IOC for positive drug tests; only one was a medalist, Armenian Arshed Danianian, who was stripped of his bronze in weight lifting.

Task 6

【答案】 A.

1) A strategic partnership agreement.

2) It strengthens ties between the two countries in a variety of areas including security cooperation, diplomatic activity at the UN and trade and finance.

3) A package of arms deals. 4) First, they have agreed to an accord that will allow India to buy more diamonds from Russia. Second, India will get some advanced nuclear technology from Russia for its nuclear power projects.

5) India hopes to reduce its dependence on imported oil. B.

1) tanks; fighter bombers; aircraft carrier 2) military hardware; three billion dollars 3) low; longstanding ties 4) importer; cutter; producer 【原文】 On the second day of Russian President Vladimir Putin's visit to New Delhi, India and Russia have signed a strategic partnership agreement. VOA's Jim Teeple reports the object of the agreement is to seek peace, and failing that, sell guns.

The strategic partnership agreement signed in New Delhi significantly strengthens ties between New Delhi and Moscow in a variety of areas, including security cooperation, diplomatic activity at the United Nations and trade and finance. Officials close to the talks say discussions are ongoing about a package of arms deals, which include T-90 tanks, Sukhoi fighter bombers and the acquisition of a Russian aircraft carrier for the Indian Navy. India buys more than 70 percent of its military hardware from Russia, and this year New Delhi increased its defense budget by an estimated three billion dollars. While arms deals will dominate the discussions, Indian officials also say they want to increase commercial trade with Russia. India's Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee says trade between the two countries is too low, considering their long-standing ties. Towards that end, Russia and India have agreed to an accord that will allow India, the world's largest importer and cutter of diamonds, to buy more diamonds from Russia, the world's largest producer. Indian officials are also eager to acquire — and Russia has reportedly agreed to supply — advanced nuclear technology to be used in the production of nuclear power for commercial purposes. India currently has 12 nuclear reactors and plans to build 16 more to lessen its dependence on imported oil.

Task 7

【答案】 high; downturn; investment; reforms; terrorism; slowdown; percent; 8; similar;


cars; houses; tours; internal; money; market; barriers; domestic


China's government says its economy will continue growing briskly this year, even though much of the rest of the world is in an economic downturn. Chinese officials say they will boost internal demand, encourage investment, and push reforms to help sustain growth. In a meeting with reporters, China's top economic planner says the world's \growth more difficult for China. He says the war on terrorism and a slowdown in trade make it harder for China's manufacturers to export their goods.

Speaking through a translator, Mr. Zeng says China's economy grew at about percent last year and will grow at a similar pace this year. \this situation, I think, some friends may ask, 'When the world economic situation is not very good, can China still maintain the last year's growth' And I think, my answer is that we can continue to do so in the new year.\last year, but Mr. Zeng says he is \of confidence\that China can continue the economic growth that has transformed much of the country.

He says internal demand was up about 10 percent last year and urban incomes grew more than 8 percent. Mr. Zeng also says foreign trade and foreign capital utilized both hit record highs for China. Mr. Zeng says this year China will encourage consumers to buy cars, build houses, go to school and take tours to boost internal demand. He says the government will further stimulate the economy by issuing bonds to raise money to bring paved roads, electricity and other services to poverty-stricken areas in China's West. Many economists have noted in the past that government spending has been responsible for most of China's growth in the past few years.

Mr. Zeng says China's new membership in the World Trade Organization will afford exporters new access to other markets, and clear away tariff and other obstacles to China's market. He says the result will be an increase in foreign and domestic investment in China, which will help growth, Twenty years of economic reform and opening up to the outside world have more than doubled the size of China's economy and greatly increased the incomes of urban residents. Scholars say continued economic growth is important because it is a key to social stability in China by absorbing some of the country's millions of unemployed workers.

Task 8

【答案】 A. Year 1831 1945 19Events Charles Darwin set out from Plymouth for a 5-year surveying expedition of the Southern Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Foreign Ministers from the former Allied nations agreed to divide Korea into two separate occupation zones and govern the nation for 5 years. The first manned mission to the moon/Apollo 8 returned safely to the 5



