【期刊名称】《中州煤炭》 【年(卷),期】2017(039)008
【摘要】常村煤矿21170工作面巷道掘进过程中冲击地压灾害严重,原设计中的防冲技术措施无法满足安全生产需要,基于冲击矿压的强度弱化减冲理论,并通过监测数据对防冲措施效果分析、优化,总结出在F16断层影响下21170巷道掘进过程中有效降低冲击危险性、提高解危效率的防冲措施,为巷道的安全掘进提供技术支持.%In the process of roadway driving in the 21170 working face of Changcun Coal Mine,the ground burst disaster is serious,and the design of the anti shock technology can not meet the needs of the safety production.According to the strength of the impact of the impulse weakening theory,the effect of control of rock burst was analysed and optimized,and the effective rock burst prevention coutermeasures were proposed for roadway excavation in the 21170 roadway excavation under the influence of F16 fault,which has provided technical support for the safety excavation of the roadway. 【总页数】4页(127-129,134)
【关键词】断层;应力;微震;大小循环;防冲;卸压 【作者】苏士杰
【作者单位】河南大有能源股份有限公司 常村煤矿,河南 三门峡 472000 【正文语种】中文
【中图分类】TD324.2 【相关文献】
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