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Module 1 My classmates Unit 1 Nice to meet you. 教学设计 黄穗燕



2.教学重难点分析:本单元重点为同学们呈现了七(4)班李老师和新同学见面时的对话。本单元没有太多心的句型和语法,而是以一般现在时的简单句“主语+be动词”为主,教学重点是自我介绍(包括说话人的年龄、姓名、来自何地等),并借此引入新单词。 3.教学方法:任务教学法、情景教学法、小组合作教学法。 4.教学目标: 知识与技能:

1、能运用动词“be”的一般现在时的陈述和一般疑问形式。 2、能运用代词I,my,you,your,he,his,she,her。 3、能听懂别人的自我介绍。

4、能利用“be”动词作简单的自我介绍或询问对方个人信息。 过程与方法:

1、 通过小组合作交流,争取更多的参与活动和展现自我机会。

2、 掌握自我介绍的表达方式,结识朋友,形成一个学习的集体,互相帮助。 情感态度与价值观:

1、 掌握在作自我介绍时英美人士和中国人的不同对答习惯。

2、 培养良好的人际交流态度,交流时要尊重对方的习惯,令对方感到舒服。


1.Review: read the words and play a bombing game to consolidate the words.(3mins)

2.Pre-set homework:(4mins)

(1). Write down the nationality. 国家 国家人

China (中国) → Chinese America (美国) → American England (英国) → English *Japan (日本) → Japanese *Russia (俄罗斯) → Russian (2). write down the pronouns:

主格 宾格 形容词性物主代词 Eg:I 我 me我 my 我的 you she he

3.Present: T introduce herself and ask ss questions to present the dialogue. (8mins)

“Hello, everyone, my name is Wendy, I’m your English teacher and you’re my students. I’m Chinese, I’m from Puning. My favourite color is blue and I like playing basketball !Nice to meet you! ” T ask one ss to introduce themselves: S1, What’s your name? Nice to meet you! How old are you? Are you American? Where are you from? What class are you in? S2….S3…

Ask ss to retell the questions above.

“Who can tell me what I have asked?”(write down on the blackboard)

4. Listening: (3mins)

“Now,We have two friends here, they are Tony and Betty,and they are in Ms Li’s class. do you want to know where they are from? Let’s listen to the tape twice, and finish the exercise.” Name Age City Country Ms Li 1. 2. Lingling 3. 4. China Daming 5. Beijing 6. Tony 7. Betty 8. Chart-1 5.post-listening: (10mins)

(1).Ask ss to write down the answers and check by other ss. Then follow the tape to read.

(2).let ss find out 含“Be动词”的句子. Write down the “Be”(am are is)on blackboard. Am: 1.I’m your teacher. 2.I’m Chinese.

3.I’m from Wuhan. =I come from Wuhan She’s from Huizhou= She comes from Huizhou.

4.I’m from Beijing.= I come from Beijing 5.I’m thirteen years old. 6.I’m Tony Smith. 7.No, I’m not.


1.Your’re my students. 4.Are you from America? 2.Where are you from ? 5.Are you English too? 3.How old are you? 6.Tony and Betty are our friend. is

1.My name’s Miss Li. 3.My name’s Lingling 2.What’s your name?

(3)Ask ss to discuss in groups and finish Chart-2 to summarize the usage of“Be” 主语 I

she/he/it/单数名词 we/they/you/复数名词


否定:在________ 后加______.



(4). look at Chart-1 and use the general questions to ask and answer.(一般疑问句) : Eg:Is Ms Li from Beijing? No,she isn’t. She is from Wuhan. Is Daming from Wuhan? No Is Lingling from Beijing? Yes Is Tony from America? No. Is Betty English? No

5. Practice.(5 mins)

Find out how to introduce oneself and give complements then practice in groups and some groups act out.

6.Summary and Consolidate:(9mins)

1)ask ss to summarize the key points we learned.

2)Finish the exercise by choosing the numbers with different points。(5mins) 1. She’s Ms Li. She’s a ________and She’s from________.(2 points)

2. Her name is Lingling. She’s from______. She’s _______ ______ old. She’s a ________.(3points) 3. His name is Daming. He’s a _______。 He comes from _______.He is ______ _____old. (3points) 4. Betty and Tony are our _____. Betty is from ________. She is ________ . Tony comes from _____ . He’s ______.(5points)

5. Amy在7年级9班。Amy _____ _____ Class Nine _______Seven . Jack不是英国人. Jack ______ ______ _______.(4points) 6. 我们是中国人。 We ______ __________.

他是我的好朋友 He _______ ______ _______.(3points) 7. 她们不是来自美国。They ______ ______ _______.

他们来自惠州吗? ______they______ Huizhou? (3points)



