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标题Section A 3a—4 主备 审核 初三英语备课组 内容:1、教学目标 知识目标: 1. 重点单词: consider, lively, sight, including, tower, church, underground, wine, translate, pack, light 2.重点短语:the capital of, one of…, in general, be supposed to do sth. 3.重点句子。 1) Why not consider visiting Paris ? 2) Isn’t it supposed to be very hot? 能力目标:讨论自己喜欢去的地方 情感目标:培养自信,谈论个人喜好。 【教学重、难点】:描述旅游胜地。 【自学环节】课前预习 探索新知 任务一:自读教材P54的内容,找到下列词汇并记忆 Words: 1.考虑,认为 2.充满活力的 3.名胜 4.包含 5.塔楼 6.教堂 7.地下的 8.葡萄酒 9.打包 Phrases: 1.……的首都 2.考虑做…… 3.……之一 4.总体而言 5.一个相当高消费的地方 任务二:判断正误(T)(F) 1 Paris is the capital of France and is the liveliest city in Europe.( ) 2 It doesn’t have any beaches or mountains( ) 3 Travelling around Paris by taxi is cheaper than by underground train.() 4 wine is not expensive in France.() 5 Most people in France don’t learn English and they don’t speak English.() 预习诊断:完成句子 1.为什么不考虑参观新加坡呢?Wnot Singer pore? 2.上海是亚洲最具活力的城市之一 Shang h个人增删 is the in Asia. 3.乘地铁去参观巴黎的许多地方是很便利的 It’s very tathe to most places in Pari4.除非你自己会说法语,你最好旅行时带上一个能当翻译人 So you can speak French ,its travel with someone can things for you. 预习反思 :小组交流一下,如果有疑问请记录下来吧。 【教学过程】 Step 1 . Warming-up Step 2 . Lead-in :introduce sthing about Paris. Step 3. Pairwork ( Practice3a ) Step 4 . Pairwork practice3b Step5 . 精讲点拨 1: consider:(1)表示思考、考虑,后接名词、动名词、从句 She is considering going to Tianjin./ I’m considering where to go. 2.one of+ 形容词的最高级 + 可数名词的复数,表示“最。。。。之一” 3. quite a/an+adj.+可数名词的单数 相当。。。的一个。。。 It’s quite an interesting book. 4. be supposed to do sth:被假定、被认为做。。。或译为应当做。。。 You are not supposed to play on the road.=You shouldn’t plat on the road. Step6:拓展延伸 activity3b :write a place that you like to visit.或仿写3a Step 7系统总结(把你的收获说出来,记下来) 三、限时作业 满分:10+11分 得分:______ + ______ 基础题 10’ 填空 I have ever been to Paris before, it’s one of the in Europe, It doesn’t have any beaches mountains, but there are many things there. It has some fantastic , Eiffel Tower and Notre Dame Cathedral. If you want to travel around Paris, it’s to take the underground train,. And the in France is very cheap. Most people in France don’t speak English , if you want to travel ,it’s best or you to take a with you. I love Paris. 选做题 从方框中选择适当的短语完成句子,每个用一次。 help ;work out; include; lively; translate;supposed to 1Most of us wouldn’t like to go out on a rainy nighmy parents. 2The old man is often consideriothers. 3.Beijing is one of the cities the world. 4It’s impossible for him thproblem in such a short time. 5.I think you ask your parents fhelp when you are in trouble. 6 You’d better take a when yvisit Paris. 7.为什么不考虑参观新加坡呢?Wnot Singer pore? 8.上海是亚洲最具活力的城市之一 Shang his the in Asia. 9乘地铁去参观巴黎的许多地方是很便利的 It’s very- tathe to most places in Pari10除非你自己会说法语,你最好旅行时带上一个能当翻译人 So you can speak French ,its travel with someone can things for you. 11.一般情况下,我的爸爸不喝酒 ,my father doesn’t drink



