应变Si全耗尽S0I MOSFET二维亚阈电流模型
【期刊名称】《物理学报》 【年(卷),期】2011(060)005
【摘要】本文通过求解二维泊松方程,为应变Si全耗SOI MOSFET建立了全耗尽条件下表面势模型,利用传统的漂移-扩散理论.在表面势模型的基础上,得到了应变Si全耗SOI MOSFET的亚阈电流模型,并通过与二维器件数值模拟工具ISE的结果做比较,证明了所建立的模型的正确性.根据所建立的模型,分析了亚阈电流跟应变Si应变度的大小,应变Si膜的厚度和掺杂浓度的关系,为应变Si全耗SOI MOSFET物理参数设计提供了重要参考.%An analytical model for the subthreshold current of fully depleted strained -SOI MOSFET was developed by solving the two-dimensional (2D) Poisson equation and the conventional drift-diffusion theory.Model verification was carried out using the 2D device simulator ISE.Good agreement was obtained between the model's calculations and the simulated results.By analyzing the model, the dependence of current on the strained Si layer strain, thickness and doping was studied.This subthreshold current model provides valuable reference to the FD-SSOI MOSFET design. 【总页数】5页(784-788)
【关键词】应变硅;FD-SOI MOSFET;表面势;亚阈电流 【作者】秦珊珊;张鹤鸣;胡辉勇;屈江涛;王冠宇;肖庆;舒钰
应变Si全耗尽S0I MOSFET二维亚阈电流模型