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四川省宜宾县双龙镇初级中学校八年级英语下册《Unit 5 What were you doing w

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《Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came》section B 2b-2e

【学习内容】 Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came ? sectionb 2b-2e 【学习目标】 阅读训练。 【自主学习】


1.段落 2.学生 3.完全地 4.沉默 5.不久前 6.日期 7.恐怖分子 8.塔楼 9.意识到 二、认真预习P2a-2e内容找出下列短语和句型。

1.历史上 2.默默地 3.毁掉 4.首先 5.向窗外看

6.人们常常会记得当他们听到历史上重大事件的消息时他们正在做什么。 7.我的父母都彻底地惊呆了。

8.甚至这一天------2001年9月11日------对于大多数的美国人来说都很有意义。 9.她记得它在两个塔楼附近的办公室里工作。

10.最初我不相信他,但是我向窗外看后,我意识到那是真的。 11.我是如此的害怕,以至于在那之后我不能清晰的思考。 【合作探究】


_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 二、完成2c-2e

【小组展示】展示探究成果。 【检测反馈】 一、单项选择:

1.In America,people start celebrating the New Year__________31st December. A.in B.at C.on

2.Remember __________ off the lights when you leave the room,please. A.to turn B.turning C.turn

3.Marry likes helping others . __________, she often helps the old cross the road. A.Such as B.For example C.Like 4.What you when the captain came in? A.are ;doing B.did ;do C.were;doing 5.The teacher asked Li Hua __________.

A.why he was late for class B.why was he late for class C.why is he late for class 二、根据汉语意思完成句子。

6.On that day,many poor people __________(杀害).

7.They keep on walking for a while __________ (默默地). 8.Do you think we should __________ (拆除) these old houses?

9. __________ (向外看)the car window ,there’s a sheep crossing the road.

10.When the audience saw Jeremy Lin ,they got__________excited__________ (如此.....以至于) they cried out.

11.I didn’t think he was telling the__________ (真相) about the event. 12. __________ (最近) I bought an iPad 4,the price of which was very good


四川省宜宾县双龙镇初级中学校八年级英语下册《Unit 5 What were you doing w


