【期刊名称】《安徽农业科学》 【年(卷),期】2011(039)008
【摘要】[目的]探求应用RAPD技术区分麻蝇种类.[方法]用RAPD技术对黑尾黑麻蝇、棕尾别麻蝇、红尾粪麻蝇进行扩增,并对反应体系和程序进行一系列优化,从中选出可以区分3种麻蝇的引物和特异性条带.[结果]引物S247、S266对3种麻蝇扩增结果存在显著差异.[结论]RAPD技术是一种可以有效区分3种麻蝇的方法.%[ Objective] The aim was to apply RAPD technology to distinguish the types of Sarcophagidae. [ Method ] RAPD technique was used to amplify three species, such as Helicophagella melanura, Boettcherisca peregrina and Bercaea cruentata. The reaction system and program were optimized, the primers and specific bands were selected to distinguish the above three species. [ Result] The amplification results had significant difference by using primer S247, S266 to amplify the above three species. [ Conclusion] RAPD technique has become an effective method for distinguishing three species of Sarcophagidae as a new identification method. 【总页数】2页(4730-4731) 【关键词】RAPD;麻蝇;应用 【作者】吴薇