Archimedes worm Archimedesworm
Safety factor safetyfactor FACTOROFSAFETY
Safety load safeload
A concavity, concavity
Wrench wrench
Leaf spring flatleafspring
Semicircle key woodruffkey
Deformation deformation
Pendulum rod oscillatingbar
Oscillating follower oscillatingfollower
Oscillating follower cam mechanism camwithoscillatingfollower
Oscillating guide bar mechanism oscillatingguide-barmechanism
Cycloidal gear cycloidalgear
Cycloid gear cycloidaltoothprofile
Motion law of cycloid cycloidalmotion
Cycloidal pin cycloidal-pinwheel
Wrap angle angleofcontact
Holder cage
To install back-to-backarrangement
Dorsal cone backcone; normalcone
Back cone angle backangle
Back cone distance backconedistance
Scale scale
Specific heat capacity specificheatcapacity
Closed chain closedkinematicchain
Closed chain mechanism closedchainmechanism Arm arm
Frequency converter frequencyconverters
Variable frequency speed regulation frequencycontrolofmotorspeed
Variable speed speedchange
Transmission gear changegear, changewheel
Modification gear modifiedgear
Deflection coefficient modificationcoefficient
Standard gear standardgear
Standard spur gear standardspurgear
Surface quality coefficient superficialmassfactor
Surface heat transfer coefficient surfacecoefficientofheattransfer
Surface roughness surfaceroughness
Parallel combination combinationinparallel
Parallel mechanism parallelmechanism
Parallel assembly mechanism parallelcombinedmechanism
Concurrent engineering concurrentengineering
Parallel design concurreddesign, CD
Unbalanced phase phaseangleofunbalance
Unbalanced imbalanceorunbalance