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alleviation crucial further development to accelerate the process of well-off society has created a great opportunity. 18 since the Central and provincial poverty alleviation and development into the overall strategic planning, priority and \\Million tonnes of controlled atmosphere fruit and freezing and drying food production line, a number of major projects implemented, handicap, Liu Lihe reservoir project work smoothly, these projects originated from the \of structural reform, low skills, hard work will become increasingly difficult, labor income jump more and more我们献上一篇《时代》杂志编辑们撰写的文章,以此开始审视全球气候变暖问题。文章收集了取自美国和世界各地的证据,说明气候变化正在给我们带来的影响。文章接着探讨了若这一趋势继续发展下去会产生的一些有害后果,以及气候变化的速度会急剧加快的可能性。

hing at a tim 6 从迈阿密到希什玛瑞夫,以及这两地之间的许多地方,人们都说气候看起来不再正常了。但客观地说,本来就没有正常气候这回事。正如美国中西部农民常说的,\如果你不喜欢这天气,只需等五分钟。\很少有正常季节。有些年份冬季的降雪量和夏季的热浪打破了平均水平,而另一些年份则低于平均水平。面对这些自然波动,想看出气候总的变化,很难。例如,一年甚至连续三年异乎寻常地炎热并不一定意味着总的趋势出现了显著的变化。

7 然而,地球上的气候确实不断变化。在冰期地球连续好几万年都冻住,暖热期则把热带地区大大推进到现在的温带。但是,考虑到每年都有的正常变化,能显示这种可能在

e and5 因此,阿拉斯加的冰川在融化;虫子在吞噬着大片森林;融解的冻土使得道路、管道和家园下沉。北冰洋里的冰加速度地缩小了5%至10%。\希什玛瑞夫像煤矿里的金丝雀——成了预示别处将要发生什么的风向标,\阿拉斯加大学北极研究合作学院主任冈特·韦勒说道。\大量证据表明人类已经改变了气候。\

All thin4 发生什么情况了?由于工厂和汽车烧石油和煤气而部分地导致的全球气候变暖,不仅使墨西哥湾遭受创伤,而且殃及极地,与雪、永久冻土和冰关联的复杂的气象变化过程加大了气候变暖给极地带来的影响。发表在2004年《科学》杂志上的一项研究发现,如今南极西部地区的冰川变薄的速度是20世纪90年代的两倍。在过去三十年间,阿拉斯加的年平均气温上升了华氏4度至5度,而世界范围上升的平均幅度不到华氏1度。

gs in th 3 由于每年海洋结冰期延迟了,希什玛瑞夫过去通常在十月开始的冰下捕鱼季节现在十二月才开始。浆果采摘从七月开始,而不是原来的八月。最让纽皮亚克人苦恼的是薄冰使捕髯海豹变得很困难,而髯海豹是他们日常吃的主食, 也是他们文化中的一种主要元素。

eir be2 小镇希什玛瑞夫(人口600)是一个坐落在狭长形堰洲岛上说纽皮亚克语的爱斯基摩人村庄,位于安克雷奇以北625英里处。当《时代》杂志记者玛戈特· 罗斯福于2004年走访该村庄时,她发现它正\融入海洋\。它已失去100-300英尺海岸线——其中一半是自1997以来消失的。海滩下面的永久冻土正在解冻,海洋里的冰正在变薄,使居民越来越容易受到强风暴的侵袭。一所房屋倒塌了,另有十八所房屋连同小镇上大型燃料储存罐只得搬到高一点的地方。巨大的海浪冲走了学校的操场,毁坏了价值100,000美元的船只、猎具和晒鱼架。\太可怕了,\该村的官员露西·恩尼英格沃克告诉罗斯福。\每年我们都万分担心下次风暴会把我们卷走。\

ing are g《时代》杂志编辑


ood for somethinalleviation crucial further development to accelerate the process of well-off society has created a great opportunity. 18 since the Central and provincial poverty alleviation and development into the overall strategic planning, priority and \\Million tonnes of controlled atmosphere fruit and freezing and drying food production line, a number of major projects implemented, handicap, Liu Lihe reservoir project work smoothly, these projects originated from the \of structural reform, low skills, hard work will become increasingly difficult, labor income jump more and more酝酿中的变动的唯一可靠信号,只能是世界范围内气温的长期变化情况。

hing at a14 一些科学家不仅仅在研究气候变化,而且还在研究气候突然变化这种甚至更加骇人的现象。大家知道,像大气这样的复杂系统从一种稳定状态转到另一种状态,其间只有非常短暂的过渡期。(就说水吧:把水放在火焰上方时,水会越烧越热,直到突然变成蒸汽。)由宾夕法尼亚州立大学地球科学家理查德·阿莱在20世纪90年代从格陵兰岛取回的冰核显示,上一次冰期不是在地质时间缓慢进行中结束的,而是在现实时间快速变化中结束的,整个地球在短短三年内便突然变暖了。

15 类似这样的研究也许还不足以令怀疑全球气候变暖的人信服。但似乎完全可以肯定的

time and13\毫无疑问,气候在发生变化,对此人类要负一部分责任,\科罗拉多州博耳德的国家大气研究中心气候分析部主任凯文·特伦泊斯对《时代》杂志如是说。\气候朝着可能会有更多强风暴和更大降雨量的方向变化。\国家大气研究中心气象学家格雷格·霍蓝德说:\这些不是小变化。我们是在谈论一场非常大的变化。\

All thin12 公共卫生会遭受损害。上升的海平面让盐污染淡水供应。强阳光和暖气候会令城市臭氧含量增高从而加剧呼吸系统疾病。暖气候会扩大携带疾病的啮齿目动物和诸如蚊子壁虱等虫子的活动范围,因而提高登革热、疟疾、脑炎、莱姆病(关节炎)和其它疾病的发生率。人们,尤其是较贫穷国家的人们,要适应变化将会碰到许多困难,但是对于野生动植物来说,这种变化的后果会是毁灭性的。

gs in11如果气温上升幅度大到一定程度,后果会是灾难性的。倘若海平面上升高达3英尺,大片人口稠密的地区——佛罗里达州沿海地区、路易斯安那州大部分地方、尼罗河三角洲、马尔代夫、孟加拉国——将无法居住。整个气候带可能会明显移动,使加拿大中部看上去更像伊利诺斯州中部,佐治亚州更像危地马拉。农业将陷入混乱状态。千百万人将被迫从无法居住的地区迁走。

their be10 面对这些确凿的事实,多数科学家不再怀疑全球正在变暖,而且几乎没有人质疑人类对此至少负一部分责任。变化还没有结束。与工业化以前水平相比,人类已将二氧化碳这一大气中最多的聚集热量的气体的浓度提高了30% ——百分比每年都在增长。显而易见的结论是:气温将继续上升。

ing ar9 如今再也不是那样了。来自受人尊重的科学机构的报告、研究和文章业已表明,过去一个世纪里世界范围的气温上升了华氏1度多,20世纪90年代是有史以来最热的十年。请朝四周看看:雪原,包括遐尔闻名的乞力马扎罗雪山的积雪,正从全球山顶上消失。随着大海变得太热,再无舒适可言,珊瑚礁正在相继死去。干旱在亚洲和非洲的部分地区已成为常态。引发东太平洋灾难性气候的厄尔尼诺现象更加频繁出现。北极的永久冻土开始解冻。寒冷地区的江河湖泊每年结冰推迟,解冻提早。动植物把它们的生长区向极地和高地移动,种类迥异的动物如北极熊、蝴蝶和白鲸,其迁徙方式正被搅乱。

e good for8 这就是正在发生的事情。1988年,当《时代》杂志把地球命名为年度之星球时,关于世界因人类活动而变暖的想法很大程度上仅存在于理论上。我们知道,自18世纪工业革命开始以来,工厂、发电厂、汽车和农场一直把聚集热量的气体排入大气层中。但气候确实在变热的证据当时依然不明显。

somethinalleviation crucial further development to accelerate the process of well-off society has created a great opportunity. 18 since the Central and provincial poverty alleviation and development into the overall strategic planning, priority and \\Million tonnes of controlled atmosphere fruit and freezing and drying food production line, a number of major projects implemented, handicap, Liu Lihe reservoir project work smoothly, these projects originated from the \of structural reform, low skills, hard work will become increasingly difficult, labor income jump more and morePartsParagraphsMain IdeasBy citing the example of Shishmaref, the Part Oneglobal warming.The authors provide evidence from across America and around the world in illustration of the impact that climate temperature continues to rise the Part ThreeParas. 11-14consequences would be disastrous, and ll thinPart FourParas. 15 A是,那些怀疑论者越来越少了——就像希什玛瑞夫的永久冻土。. t a time andPlaces

gs in ththat the pace of climate change may increase dramatically.The authors conclude that it seems certain that the number of skeptics on global warming is getting smaller.hing aeirThe authors point out that if worldwide air bechange is having.Effects of global warming

ingPart TwoParas. 4-10 are gooParas. 1-3authors introduce the theme of the essay: d for somethinalleviation crucial further development to accelerate the process of well-off society has created a great opportunity. 18 since the Central and provincial poverty alleviation and development into the overall strategic planning, priority and \\Million tonnes of controlled atmosphere fruit and freezing and drying food production line, a number of major projects implemented, handicap, Liu Lihe reservoir project work smoothly, these projects originated from the \of structural reform, low skills, hard work will become increasingly difficult, labor income jump more and moreFloridaIt was battered by four monster hurricanes in 2004.

Mississippi in 2005.

It has lost 100 to 300 ft. of coastline. The permafrost is thawing, and the sea ice is thinning, leaving residents vulnerable to violent storms. Houses have collapsed or have


had to be moved to higher ground. Giant waves have washed away the school playground and destroyed 100,000 dollars

the time for berry picking has moved forward.

Glaciers are melting; insects are devouring vast swaths of


forest; thawing permafrost is sinking roads, pipelines and homes.

hing at a tim1) Its profits shrank from $5 million to $1.25 million in the last global financial


e a(1) Answer: densely populated (2) Answer: uninhabitable (3) Answer: thrown into (4) Answer: migrate

(5) Answer: contaminate (6) Answer: respiratory

(7) Answer: widen the range (8) Answer: incidence (9) Answer: adjusting (10) Answer: wildlife

nd All things in their beworth of property. The ice-fishing season is now later and

ing are good forNew Orleans, Mississippi

Katrina swamped New Orleans and hammered the coast of

somethinalleviation crucial further development to accelerate the process of well-off society has created a great opportunity. 18 since the Central and provincial poverty alleviation and development into the overall strategic planning, priority and \\Million tonnes of controlled atmosphere fruit and freezing and drying food production line, a number of major projects implemented, handicap, Liu Lihe reservoir project work smoothly, these projects originated from the \of structural reform, low skills, hard work will become increasingly difficult, labor income jump more and more2) They will have to adhere to the cultural norms of the organization in order to be successful with their database project.

3) My hometown is/lies halfway in between Salk Lake City and Denver.

4) I saw waves battering (against) the rocks at the bottom of the cliff.

1) Your report on the new car park is fine, but why don't you beef it up with some figures?

2) There is a wide variation among Internet providers in cost, features, software, reliability and customer service.

3) Poverty is one of the reasons for the high incidence of crime in this

4) I suggested we sing and dance for the elderly people in the nursing home, and

hing at a timall my roommates were in favor of my idea.

5) Doctors who are compelled to work 36 hours at a stretch cannot possibly be

e and Aneighborhood.

ll things in their beoutside world

ing5) Flood waters washed away the only bridge connecting the village to the

are good for somethinalleviation crucial further development to accelerate the process of well-off society has created a great opportunity. 18 since the Central and provincial poverty alleviation and development into the overall strategic planning, priority and \\Million tonnes of controlled atmosphere fruit and freezing and drying food production line, a number of major projects implemented, handicap, Liu Lihe reservoir project work smoothly, these projects originated from the \of structural reform, low skills, hard work will become increasingly difficult, labor income jump more and morefully efficient

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