If the charge enters in the direction of the field lines (场力线), it will not be affected, but if it enters
perpendicularly ([, p?:p?n'dikjul?]垂直地) to the field, it will move at constant speed on a circle. Its radius, called the radius of gyration ([,d?ai?'rei??n]回旋半径), is r = mv/eB, such that . Let the angular speed (角速度) be ? (omega), equal to v/r. Using the formula for r, we find ? = eB/m. If the charge enters at some other angle, it will move in a path called a helix (螺旋状) , like a wire door spring (金属丝制的门弹簧).
Finally, let us release a charge in a region where the magnetic field B is changing with time. If the electron were inside the metal of a circular loop (圆环) of wire of area A as in Fig.10.3, it would experience an electric force induced by the change in magnetic flux (磁通量) BA. The same effect would take place without the presence of the wire, of course.
One way to accelerate ions to high speed is to provide a large potential difference between a source of charges and a target. Two devices of this type are commonly used. The first is the voltage multiplier (电压倍增器) or Cockroft-Walton machine (考-瓦氏加速器 ).
核技术英语-Chapter8- Particle Accelerators