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narrowly missed crashing into the tree 差一点就撞到了树 想念;思念

Do you miss your family? 你想念家人吗? overlook忽略;漏看,没有注意或考虑到;俯瞰 ignore 不理会(故意不和某人打招呼等)

I said hello to her, but she ignored me completely. neglect 忽略,疏忽 neglect one’s duty 渎职

When I ran into Mary at the supermarket yesterday, I smiled at her, but she ______me and walked on. (2004/4)

A. missed B. overlooked C. ignored D. neglected C

18. economical economic

economical 节约的 an economical person economic 经济的

economic development/policies

My father is deeply concerned with the government’s ______policies. (2004/4) A. economical B. economy

C. economic D. economics C

19. historic historical

historic 历史上著名的,具有历史意义的 a historic meeting/battle historical 有关历史的

historical events/plays/novels /papers

a place of historical interest 历史名胜 20. classic classical

classic 经典的,一流的 classic novels classical 古典的 classical music 21. industrious industrial

industrious 勤劳的,勤勉的 an industrious people industrial 工业的 industrial development

22. imaginable imaginative imaginary imaginable 可以想象的 unimaginable difficulties imaginative 富有想像力的

an imaginative writer

imaginary 虚构的,想像的 an imaginary world

An inventor needs to have a creative and _____mind. (2004/4) A. imaginable B. imaginative C. imaginary D. imaging B

23. living alive lively liveable lovely loving living 活的,有生命的 (作表语或定语) the living and the dead n. 生活

the high cost of living 很高的生活费用

alive 活的,有生命的 (作表语或后置定语) the people alive

lively 活泼的,活跃的 a lively lecture liveable 适于居住的 live 活的,实况转播的

live programs live fish lovely 可爱的

loving 亲爱的,有爱心的

Life is not merely ________, but the enjoyment of health. (2003/4) A. living B. alive C. lively D. liveable A

24. Lie-lay-lain-lying vi. 躺,位于,(东西)平放 Lie-lied-lied-lying vi. 说谎 lie to sb. about sth.

Lay-laid-laid-laying vt. 放置,产卵

_______ on the sand, I watched the clouds and listened to the singing of the birds. (2002/10) A. Lying B. Laying C. Lie D. Lay A

25. award reward award 授予,判给

award sb. the Nobel Prize for sth. reward 酬劳,奖赏

He rewarded the boy with $10 for his help.

After the little boy recited a poem, his mother _______ him with a kiss. (2002/10) A. blessed B. rewarded C. awarded D. satisfied B

26. 表示“组成”的短语 Consist of Be made up of

Be composed of

Comprise/be comprised of (第二种用法比较少见)

At nightfall we stopped at a village, which _______ a small store and a few houses scattered here and there. (2002/10)

A. made up of B. filled with C. formed by D. consisted of D

27. effect affect influence impact

effect n. 影响,效果 v. 使……产生,引起 effect a change 引起变化 affect v. 影响,感动

influence v. 影响,支配,左右 表示的影响包含着“力量”,比如“他是个有影响的人物”。有时包含 “诱使”的意思。 They, having first persuaded themselves, contrive to influence their neighbors. 他们首先自己信服了之后,便设法诱使邻居

No one can avoid being influenced by advertisements. 谁也不能避免受到广告的影响。 impact v. 对……有影响 (通常为较强烈的巨大的影响)

The weather is something that no one can control. It _______everyone in every part of the world. (2002/10)

A. effects B. affects C. influences D. impacts

Most economists believe that the five-day work week has had a positive ______ on our economy. (2002/4)

A. influence B. affect C. after-effect D. effect B D

28. literal liberal literate literary literal 字对字的,逐字的 literal translation

liberal 自由的,宽大的 the Liberal Party 自由党

literate 有读写能力的,有文化的 相反词:illiterate (文盲) literary 文学的

a literary master 文学大师



1. He pulled off his cap and bowed gently, to my ___________ and surprise. (embarrass)

2. Since the party is very informal, whether you wear the red dress or the blue dress is really _________. (importance)

3. Thanks to his hard work, he has risen from ________ to international fame. (obscure) 4. The paint came off as the result of _______ to the rain. (expose)

embarrassment unimportant obscurity exposure

5. She knows very little Chinese; this often leads to various ______________ when she visits China. (understand)

6. My first impression of this village was ________unpleasant. Its unpleasantness is beyond description. (define)

7. They were large vessels made of clay, _______having long curved necks. (type)

8. This first repetition drill serves to _________the students with the sounds in the dialogue. (familiar)

misunderstandings indefinably typically familiarize

9. This is the normal ________ manner of introduction among speakers of American English. (courtesy)

10. Don’t be afraid. My __________ are few and reasonable. (require) 11. When he refused to talk, the soldiers ________ to kill him. (threat) 12. Fishing and mountain-climbing are his favorite _________.(relax) Courteous requirements threatened relaxations

13. The city authorities complained that low flying aircraft were _________ public safety. (danger)

14. Have you heard that there had been several ______ near here lately? (rob) 15. She is a very _________ girl and always goes out alone. (depend)

16. You must choose the career you find most _______ in terms of pay, working conditions and job satisfaction. (attract)

endangering robberies independent attractive

17. I asked her a question but she looked at me _______ and didn’t answer. (absence)

18. She looked nervous and _________ because she realized that she made the mistake again. (apology)

19. He was very _______ at cards; so far he has lost ten thousand yuan. (luck) 20. Many foreign words and phrases have ________ the English language. (rich) absently apologetic unlucky enriched

21. It was _________ discovered that several errors had been made. (subsequence) 22. The moment he got into the classroom he felt _______. (nerve) 23. Body language is a form of ________ communication. (verbal)

24. The temperature of the conductor affects its _________ to current. (resist) subsequently nervous non-verbal resistance

25. Even a child knows the _______ of a cat to a tiger. (similarly) 26. It’s _______ to learn these good sentences by heart. (advise) 27. The jury will try a case of robbery with ________. (violent)

28. Plastic bags are useful for holding many kinds of food, by virtue of their clearness, _______, and low cost. (tough)

similarity advisable violence toughness

29. The project was doomed to _______ because of the badly organizational work. (fail) 30. The measures taken by the government failed to reduce __________. (employment)

31. I find it very ______ to be repeatedly interrupted by phone calls you really don’t want to

answer. (tire)

32. The police had difficulty restraining the __________ from rushing into the Town Hall. (demonstrate)

failure unemployment tiresome demonstrators

33. The _________ passed through an anxious hour, waiting for result. (interview)

34. The computer is universally regarded as a _________ invention of 20th century. (revolution) 35. Caps in hand, they filed slowly past the grave of their ________ leader at the cemetery. (respect)

36. Hughie thought the model should have a _________. (percent) interviewees revolutionary respectable percentage



