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My mother, whose guiding _____in life was doing right, had a far greater influence on me than my father. (2005/10)

A. discipline B.description C. principle D.principal C

4. rise/ raise/ arise/ arouse

rise vi. (rose, risen) 上升,升起

the sun rises in the east and set in the west. raise vt. 举起,抬高,提高 raise one’s hand/head/voice

arise vi. (arose, arisen) 产生,出现

a lot of new problems have arisen since he became manager. arouse vt. 唤起,引起,激起

arouse one’s anger/curiosity/interest /sympathy/hatred

例1:He is good-tempered-he never _____ his voice to his kids. (2005/10) A. rises B.increases C. raises D.heightens

例2: To _______ wages and salaries means increasing purchasing power. (2003/4) A. raise B. rise C. lift D. improve C A

5. 表示费用的词:

admission (n.)指入场费。

如:Admission one dollar 入场费1美元 admission free 免费入场

freight (n.)运费,指海运、空运、陆运的费用。 如:Who will pay the freight on this order? 谁支付这批定货的运费? postage (n.)指邮费。

如:How much postage do I need to send this package? 寄这个包裹须付多少钱?

rent (n. )土地、建筑物、房舍、机器等定期的租费。 tip (n.)小费。 tuition (n.)学费。

fee (n.)医生、律师或其它专门职业的佣金及会费、手续费、停车费等。

Enrolled students must pay a health service _____ of ¥150 per semester for their medical care. (2005/10) A.sum B.money

C.fee D.tuition C

6. stare at glare at glance at gaze at catch/take a glimpse of stare at 凝视,盯着看 glare at 怒视

glance at 一瞥,扫视,匆匆一看 gaze at (长久地)凝视

catch/take a glimpse of一瞥,扫视,匆匆一看

In her old age, the lonely woman often sits quietly at the window, looking into the distance with a blank_____.(2005/10) A.stare B.glimpse C.glance D.glare A

7. since/ because/ for/ due to/ thanks to

because 语气最强,以why引导的疑问句只能 because 用来回答; 其前可用only, just等词强调;可用在 It is…that…强调句型中。 as 一词口气最弱,表示明显的原因。

如:As she was in a hurry, she left her key in the car. since 表示人们已知的事实,所以常译成“既然……”。 如:Since everyone is here, let's get started.

for属并列连词,不能位于句首,是对前一分句加以解释或说明。 如:It must have rained last night, for the yard is wet. due to 作表语,也可作状语

His being late is due to his laziness. thanks to 作状语,“多亏”;“因为”(含讽刺意味) Thanks to his help, we succeeded.

Thanks to the rain, the sports meet has been cancelled.

例1: Many car accidents occur _______ drunk driving. (2004/4) A. due to B. thanks to C. because D. for

例2:We no longer keep up the close friendship we used to have years ago, ______ we still visit each other occasionally. (2005/10) A.since B.though

C.because D.for A B

8. deep/deeply high/highly late/lately wide/widely

前者表明具体的意思,后者表明抽象的意思 dig the well deep/be moved deeply

jump high/speak highly of (praise sb. highly)

come back late/Lately, she has been in a blue mood. build the road wide/It’s widely believed that…

Tuition in some western universities runs ______ twenty thousand dollars a year. (2005/4) A. so highly as B. as high as C. so high to D. as high to

答案为C。run to固定搭配 “达到……”的意思 ,so high形容程度 transmit v. 传送,传染,传播(热,光,声音等) a disease that can be transmitted to humans Insects can transmit disease.

Irons transmit heat. 铁能导热。

Water transmits sound better than air. 水比空气能更好的传声。 transmission n. 传送,传染,传播 the transmission of disease

the transmission of a television program 电视节目的传送

9. transmit/ transform/ transplant/ transport/ transfer/ transit transform vt. 使改变性质,使改观 transform sth/sb (from sth) (into sth) She transformed the room by painting it.

The climate has transformed the area from a desert into a swamp.(沼泽) Caterpillars can be transformed into butterflies. 毛毛虫可以变为蝴蝶。 transformation n. 改变,改观

His character seems to have undergone a complete transformation since his marriage. transplant v./n 移植

transplant sth from sb/sth to sb/sth

transplant a kidney (肾)from one twin to another transport v. 运输,搬运

transport wheat from a farm to a mill (磨坊) transportation n. 交通,运输 public transportation 公共运输

various means of transportation 各种交通方式

transfer v/n. 将…… 由一处转移到另一处,调动,转车 transfer sth/sb (from…) (to…)

His employer transferred him to another office.

The head office (总部)has been transferred from London to Paris. She’s has been transferred to our Beijing branch(北京分部). transfer one’s affections (比喻)转移爱心 transfer to another bus 转乘另外一辆公共汽车 transit v. 过渡,通过,横越

airplanes transiting the U.S. and Canada transition n. 过渡,转变,变迁

the transition from childhood to adult life 从童年到成年的过渡阶段 a period of peaceful transition 和平过渡时期

例:1. Some diseases are ______ by certain water animals. transported B. transmitted C. transferred D. transplanted

2. The coming of the railways in the 1830s _____ our society and economic life. A. transformed B. transported C. transferred D. transmitted

3. He hoped the firm would _____ him to the Paris branch. A. exchange B. transit C. transfer D. remove


10. possibly probably reasonably likely possibly adv.可能地, 或者 probably adv.很可能地;大概

likely adj./adv.很可能的, 或许, 很可能

The weather forecast says it is most ______ to rain tomorrow. (2005/4) A. possibly B. probably C. reasonably D. likely D

11. vacant empty blank hollow vacant 闲置的,空缺的

a vacant hotel room/position empty 空荡荡的 an empty house bare 光秃秃的 a bare wall

blank 空白的,茫然的 a blank expression blank paper

bald 秃的 a bald man

barren 贫瘠的 a barren desert hollow 中空的

During the interview, I was so nervous that my mind went ______ and I didn't know how to answer the questions. (2005/4)

A. vacant B. empty C. blank D. hollow C

12. persist insist assist consist persist (in) 坚持 insist (on) 坚持

assist 帮助,援助 assist sb. in sth. consist (of) 由…..组成; (in) 在于

One of the effective ways to enlarge your vocabulary is to ______ in reading English newspapers every day. (2005/4)

A. persist B. insist C. assist D. consist A

13. considerate considering considerable considerate 体贴的,考虑周到的

considering prep./conj. 鉴于,考虑到

Considering his interest in children, I think he can make a good teacher. considerable 相当(大)的 a considerable sum of money

It was very ______ of you to take care of my pet dog while I was away. (2005/4) A. considered B. considerate

C. considering D. considerable B

14. except/ except for/ in addition to/ besides

except 除了,排除在外 (前后同一范畴) All the other students passed the exam except Tom. except for 除了,排除在外 (前后同一范畴)

Your composition is very good except some small spelling mistakes. in addition to 除了(相当于besides)

apart from 除…外;除…外还 (with the exception of; besides) Apart from a few scratches, the car was undamaged. 除了几处刮痕外,汽车没有什么损坏 besides 除了……还有,包含在内

______ a large collection of works of science in Chinese, this library also keeps many science books in foreign languages. (2004/10) A. Except B. Except for

C. In reference to D. In addition to D

15. respectable respectful respective respectable 值得尊敬的,应受尊敬的 a respectable teacher/career

respectful 表示尊敬的,恭敬的 respectful students

respective 各自的,分别得

After the meeting, they went back to their respective rooms.

The trashman’s neighbors consider him highly ______ as he does work society needs. (2004/10) A. respectable B. respectful C. respective D. respected A

16. adopt adapt adjust admit adept adopt vt. 采纳,收养 adopt a plan/a child adapt vt. 调整(以适应) adapt oneself to society

adjust vt. 调整,调整……以适应 adjust a watch admit vt. 承认 admit the truth

adept adj. 熟练的,拿手的

The kindhearted couple decide to ______ the child whose parents had been killed in an accident. (2004/10) A. adopt B. adapt C. adjust D. admit A

17. miss overlook ignore neglect miss 错过;失去

miss a chance.错过一次机会



