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1.强调句:It is/was +被强调部分+who/whom/that


3.在强调部分时,可用only/particularly/also等强调性副词,进一步加强语气. 例:It was only Tom who protested.

4. 强调句it和先行词it的区别:如果把it is (was) that去掉,剩下的仍能组成完整的句子,就是强调句. 例:

It is clear that not all the students like English. It was this place that I met Tom. 5.强调句式的疑问形式

如:why is it that; what is it that 等等

When I try to understand _____ that prevents so many Americans from being as happy as one might expect, seems to me that there are two causes. A) why is does B) what it does C) what it is D) why it is 6. 强调句中的时态应保持一致.

例:It was my two sisters who knew her best. 7.not until 句型的强调

例:It was not until 10 o’clock that he went to bed. Not until he finished the homework did he watch TV.


1.______ that the trade between the two countries reached its highest point. A) During the 1960’s B) It was in the 1960’s C) That it was in the 1960’s D) It was the 1960’s

2.When ______that the long march started?

A) is it B) was it C) did it D) had been it B B

4. It was in 1997______ they went to Australia. A) when B) while C) that D) which 5. It ______that they painted their room.

A) was pink B) was in pink C) was into pink D) pink was

6. It was ______ that he didn’t go to school. A) because he was ill B) he was ill C) his illness D) was ill C A A

7. It ______ her mother that you saw yesterday

A) must be B) must have been C) should be D) should have been 8. It ______in the store that I lost my purse.

A) might have been B) may be C) is D) will B A




现在分词作表语时多表示主语所具有的特征,意为“令人…”,主语多为“事物”;过去分词作表语时多表示主语的状态,所以,一般而言,主语是“人”,表示“感到…” 现在分词与过去分词做定语的区别:

时态角度:the changing world & the changed world 语态角度:the oppressed class & the oppressing class



是强调分词的动作性,但一般仅限于过去分词,如 the aspects concerned, the authority involved

请牢记现在分词和过去分词的完成式形式: 现在分词doing 的完成式是:having done

Having finished his homework, he decided to read newspapers. 过去分词 done的完成式是 having been done

Having been done very carefully, his homework was praised by the teacher.



当分词的逻辑主语与句子的主语不一致时,分 词必须带上自己的主语,称为独立结构,可以 表示原因,时间,伴随等。

1. n. + 分词短语

A. (time) The dark clouds having dispersed, the sun shone again.

B. (reason) The monitor being ill, we’d better wait for her.

C. (condition) Weather permitting, we’ll visit the Forbidden City.

D. (accompanying) He guiding the blind man, they slowly went across the street. E. Homework finished, we went home.

F. All our savings gone, we started looking for a job.

2. With + n. + 分词短语 /adj. / adv/prep…

With Mr. Li taking the lead, the group accused its company of delaying their salary.

B. With the most pop television network in his hand, the man have his products advertised at the golden time for an hour.

C. With airline rules more strictly made, airline companies have to take more safety measures to ensure the passengers’ security.


1. All the tasks ___ ahead of time, they decided to go on holiday for a week. A. been fulfilled B. having been fulfilled C. were fulfilled D. had been fulfilled

2. So many directors ___, the board meeting had to be put off. A. were absent B. being absent C. been absent D. had been absent B B


1) 逻辑主语与分词的关系 - 主动与被动

2)分词与整句话谓语的动作先后关系。若无先后关系,用分词的一般式,若分词发生在前,则用分词的完成式。 There being + 主语

1. ____, the police went back to their office. A. There was so danger B. There being no danger C. Being without danger D. Without having danger

with/without + 分词逻辑主语+分词 1. With Dick _____, he finished his work. A. helped B. to help C. helping D. being helped B C


1) 不定式常在下面动词后面作宾语:afford, agree, arrange, ask, attempt, beg, care, choose, claim, decide, desire, determine, expect, fail, hope, pretend, promise, refuse, learn, tend, long, manage, offer, plan, prepare, etc.

2) 动词 + it(形式宾语) + 形容词(宾语补足语)+ 不定式(真正宾语),适用于此结构的动词:believe, consider, feel, find, realize, see, suppose, think, understand etc. We found it impossible to get everything ready in time. 3) “Wh- word + 不定式” 结构

advise, decide, discuss, find out, know, learn, see, teach, tell, show understand, wonder 等 He does not know when to start.

You can decide whether to continue or to stop. I will show you how to deal with it. 注意下面两个句子的区别:

I cannot decide which restaurant to go to. / I cannot decide where to go.


1) 动词ask, advise, allow, beg, cause, command, direct, enable, encourage, expect, feel, force, have, hear, invite, lead, let, make, notice, order, permit, persuade, tell, urge, watch, see, require etc.

2) 下列词组后面的不定式不带to:would rather … than… (宁愿…也不),had better ,can’t help but …(不得不), may/might as well … (不妨)

务必注意的是:接不带to的不定式作宾补的动词改成被动形式时必须加to。 He has seen nine presidents come and go.

Nine presidents have been seen to come and go (by him). He will make you announce the news. You’ll be made to announce the news.

不定式作状语:表示行为的目的,结果 注意 so as to和in order to的区别 so as to 句中

(in order) to 句首或句中 下列结构表示结果:

enough to …(注意enough的位置), too … to…, only to…

I rushed to the station as fast as I could, only to find the train already gone.


1) 完成式:不定式的动作在谓语表示的动作之前完成,或想像中过去的动作或事情,但并没有发生。

This book is said to have been translated into dozens of languages in the last decade. The plane was to have taken off at six, but something went wrong. 2) 进行式:

The children appear to be enjoying themselves at the party.

注意不定式的逻辑主语 of sb./for sb.

It is quite important for us to learn a foreign language well. It is very kind of you to tell me the truth.

判断标准 (1) 看形容词的性质 当作表语的形容词表示人的品质特点时(如: careless, clever,

considerate, foolish, good, impolite, kind, naughty, nice, silly, stupid, wise 等)作表语时,逻辑主语用of 引出

(2) 如果能改成 Sb. be +adj.+to do sth. 就用of.



It’s/There’s no use/no good doing … It is worthwhile doing …

There is no point in doing …做 …… 是没有意义的。


admit, avoid, delay, deny, enjoy, escape, finish, appreciate, consider, mind, risk, practise, dislike, resent(怨恨), advise, pardon, require, quit (戒除), suggest


like, love, start, continue, attempt, propose, forget, recall, endure, permit, deserve, regret, omit (疏忽,省略)etc.

to作为介词的短语 be used to,

be accustomed to, be opposed to 反对, be addicted to沉溺于, be devoted to专心于, look forward to object to

see to 负责,留意

动词need, require, want, deserve后面跟动名词的主动形式表示被动意义。 All the cars in the yard need repairing.

I think that a man like him deserves looking up to.

动名词作宾语与不定式作宾语的区别 1) plan, like, love, hate后

动名词表示抽象行为和一般动作,不定式表示具体的、特定的动作。 He likes dancing but he doesn’t like to dance with strangers. 2) 意义差别大的动词:



