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It is (has been)…since…这一结构也常用于现在完成时。

It has been (也可用is) a long time since they last met each other.

“This/It/That be the first (second) time that…”句型中,从句常用完成时态。 例如:Is this the first time that you have visited Hong Kong?

This will be the second time that I have broken a cup this week. That was the third time he had been interrupted that afternoon.


I have knocked at the door five times, but I’m afraid nobody is in. The pop singer has sung three songs.


1. 由had +过去分词构成,表示在过去某一时刻以前已经完成的动作,常与由by, before,until等介词或连词引起的表示到过去某一时间为止的时间状语连用。 The girl had learned a lot of English words before she went to school. 2.用在表示与过去情况相反的虚拟句的从句中。

If he had studied hard last term, he would have passed the examination. I wish I had gone to the party last night.


由shall (will) + have +过去分词构成,表示将来某个时间之前会发生或可能完成的事情,常与by, before, when等介词或连词引导的表示将来的时间短语或从句连用。 When we get there they’ll probably have left.

By the end of this century China will have become one of the strongest and wealthiest country in the world.

下面我们要讲的是语法中的重中之重: 情态动词+完成式



例 What happened in the airport could have been true. The director could have produced a better film. He could have helped me, but he didn’t.

(2) might/may+have+过去分词 表示对已经发生的情况进行揣测,但语气相当不肯定,表示近乎未实现的行为.

例:You might have done the work better. 你本来可以把工作做得更好一些。

(3) must+have+过去分词 是对发生在过去的一种行为的推测,表示过去必定发生过的事情 ,语气相当肯定,表示“肯定,一定”。

例:It must have rained last night. The ground is wet.


(4) should/ought to +have+过去分词 表示该做而未做到的事,表示“本应”。 例:They should have made a good job of it. 他们本来可把工作做好。

(5) should not/oughtn’t to+have+过去分词 表示做了不该做的事,表示“本不应该”。 例:You should not have done such things. 你不该干出这种事情来。

(6) can’t(couldn’t)+have+过去分词 表示对过去的动作进行否定性推测。意为“肯定没有,肯定不是”。

例:The poem can’t have been written by the little girl; she is only four. 这首诗肯定不是这个小女孩写的,她才刚四岁。

(7) would+have+过去分词经常用于虚拟条件句中,表示与过去事实相反的猜测。 例:If she had known about it, she would have talked about it. 她要是知道这件事的话, 早就对此说东道西了。 (8) needn’t +have + 过去分词 表示不必做的事情却做了,可译为“原本不必”“其实不必”。 例:You needn’t have done all these calculations. We have a computer to deal with that sort of thing.


1. The streets are all wet. It ______ during the night. (2005/4) A. must rain B. must have rained C. must be raining

D. must have been raining

2. I ______ this three-room apartment without the money I borrowed from the bank. (2004/10) needn’t have bought mustn’t have bought C. shouldn’t have bought D. couldn’t have bought D B

3. When we reached the cinema, the film _____ started, for there were no people at the entrance. (2004/4)

A. should have B. ought to have C. had to have D. must have

4. I think you ought ______ me about the matter and not have let me make such a fool of myself. (2002/4)

A. have told B. tell

C. had told D. to have told D D

5. In the past few months the project _____held up by the heated discussion about whether it is worthwhile. (2005/10)

A.is B.was C.has been D.had been

6. This is the first time I ______ on an English-speaking soil. (2003/10) A. set my foot B. have set foot

C. set my feet D. have set feet C B

7. The job ______ by the time he comes back. (2003/10) A. will have been done B. will have done C. is being done D. has been done

8.It is the first time that I ______ really relaxed for months. (2002/4) A. feel B. have felt

C. felt D. will have felt B A



A. need/require/want/deserve doing= need/require/want/deserve to be done B. smell /sound /taste /feel /prove +adj. The story proved quite false. The flowers smell sweet.

C. Can’t, won’t…+vi. (move, lock, open,…) The door won’t shut.

D. read, write, wash, clean, draw, burn, cook, wear…+adv. (well, easily….)


This kind of rice cooks more quickly. The cloth washes easily.

His blue jeans have worn thin.

还要注意一些主动形式表示被动含义的短语: Be to blame: be responsible for don’t know who is to blame. sink in: be understood come out: be published

重点短语:have/has sth. done (考试中出现的频率极高) 该短语有三个意思: (1)请/让某人做某事

I will have my hair cut tomorrow. He has just had his bicycle repaired. (2)某物遭受到某一消极动作 He had his finger burnt yesterday.

He had his face cut when he was shaving his face.


We’ll have all the dishes cleared away before seven p.m. every day. 国考中主要考前两个意思。

还要注意介词的使用:被动形式有时by要被其它介词代替 be known to sb.

be popular with/among sb. be covered with sth. be engaged to sb. be married to sb.

接不带to的不定式(也称秃头不定式)做宾补的词改成被动时要加to. 常用的动词有(十个半动词) 一感 feel

二听 listen to/hear 三让 make/let/have

四看 watch/see/look at/notice

半帮助 help (即可用to也可不用)

Did anyone see Tom enter the room? →Was Tom seen to enter the room?

The teacher makes us do a lot of homework. → we are made to do a lot of homework by the teacher.

My house is full of dust because the old house just opposite ______. (2005/4) will be pulled down has to be pulled down C. has pulled down D. is being pulled down D




A.先行词为all everything nothing something anything little much 等不定代词时用that

e.g----A hobby can be almost anything that a person likes to do in his spare time. ----A hobby is something that we like to do in our spare time.

B.先行词被all every no some any little much 修饰时用that e.g----I’ve read all the books that you gave me.


e.g----This is the first composition that he has written in English.

----This is the best novel that I have ever read.

D.先行词被the only the very the same the last 修饰时用that e.g----The last place that we visited was the chemical works. ----The white flowers is the only one that I really like. ----This is the very book that I want to find.

E.当有两个或两个以上分别表示人或物的先行词时用that e.g.----He talked about the teachers and school that he had visited.

F.当主句是who或which开头的特殊问句时,定语从句要用that e.g----Who is the person that is standing at the gate?

----Which of us that know something about physics does not know this? 关系代词除连接句子外,一般在从句中做主语,宾语或定语

由关系副词引导的定语从句 能引导定语从句的关系副词有

when= in which, on which, at which where=in which, at which, on which why=for which

e.g----That is the reason why I did it.

----The school where I’m studying is a key school.

----The time has come when ordinary people can use computer.


引导定语从句的关系代词可以作介词的宾语,形成带介词的定语从句。这种结构有两种: 从句由“介词+which”(表示事和物) 从句由“介词+which”(表示人)

e.g----The man to/with whom he is talking is a teacher. ----The school in/at which I am studying is a key school. 解题要诀:





2.which有时用来指整个句子或句子的一部分。 e.g. He died suddenly, which made her very sad.

he said last night he went to sleep with his clothes on, which was very uncomfortable.

关系词的使用一看先行词,二看关系词在从句中的作用,在此基础上熟记几个常用的固定句式,如:the same … as , such … as… The film is the same as we have expected.

关系词在句中做定语 – whose



