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小 学 英 语 作 文 写 作 指 导



一、 写人篇

1. 写单个的人。在写作时, 如无特别要求, 可以从他(她)的年龄、 长相、

性格、爱好、籍贯、上下班(学)的方式等方面去写。 例文 1:以“My friend”为题写一篇小作文。例文如下:

My friend

I have a good friend. His name is Zhang Peng. He is tall and strong.

He is very active. He has big eyes and a big nose. He has short hair. He is

twelve years old. He likes riding a bike. He usually goes to school by

bike. He likes making kites, too. We often go to the park to fly kites together. 2. 写群体的人物。如班级内的某些同学,家庭中的所有人物等。在写作时,

可以分别从长相、 职业、爱好、上下班的方式等方面对所要描述的人物进 行描写。

例文 2:以“My family ”为题写一篇小作文,介绍一下自己的家人。

My family

I have a warm(温暖的) family. There are four people in my family.

My father, my mother, my sister and I. My father is a doctor. He is tall and

strong. He works in a hospital. He goes to work by car. My mother is a teacher. She is beautiful. She works in a school. She goes to work by bike. I am a student. I like collecting stamps. I usually goes to work by bus. I am three years older than my sister. I love my family. 3. 其他常见写人物的题目。如: “My pen pal”,“ My English teacher”,“ My

favourite star(明星)”等。

二、 写物篇

1. 写动态的物,如动物等。在写作时,可以从所要描写动物的外貌特征、喜


例文 3:请以 My favourite animal 为题写一篇小作文。例文如下:

My favourite animal

I have a rabbit. It ’s my favourite animal. It ’s name is Sweet. It has longears. It ’s very small. It ’s white. It has a short tail. It has red eyes. It likes eating

carrots. It likes jumping. It I li’kesitlovveeryly.much. It ’s my best friend.

2. 写静态的物。如描写我的学校,我的家乡,我的房间等等。描写这类事物

时,可以用 There be句型来描述。可以写一写这些事物所拥有的景物和物 品等。

例文 4:请以 My school 为题写一篇小作文。例文如下:

My School

I study at Hope Primary School(希望小学 ). My school is very big and

beautiful. There are three buildings and a playground. There are many trees near

the buildings and the playground. There is a garden in front of our teaching

building(教学楼). There are many beautiful flowers in the garden. We often read books in the garden .I love my school very much. 3. 其他常见的写物小作文题目: “My village ”,“My bedroom”“My little dog ”

“Our classroom”等。

三、 写事篇

1. 写一写自己或他人 在某一天或某个周末的常做的事 。在这样的作文题目中, 我们要先通过作文题目来判定整篇文章的时态。再在这种时态的基础上去 写出自己或他人在某一天的日常活动。 如:什么时间起床、 什么时间上班、 怎样上班、什么时间吃饭、什么时间回家、什么时间睡觉以及在白天还做 了什么事情等。

例文 5:下面是 Uncle Bill 工作日中的部分生活场景活动剪影, 请你依据图

片和汉语提示用几句话写一写他的一天。 参考词汇: subway, after lunch, newspaper

乘地铁上班 教数学 午饭后看报纸

下午 5:30 回家 晚上看电视 10:00睡觉

写作分析:本篇小作文给我们做了要求和提示,依据要求我们可以判断 Uncle Bill 差不多每天都在做着这样的事,因此我们应该用一般现在时 来写这篇文章。 在写作时我们只要把提示要点都写出来就可以了 (当然 我们还可以依据提示要点的提示去写出与提示相关的句子) 。同时还要 注意,这篇文章的主语都是 Uncle Bill, 动词要记着用第三人称单数。 例文如下:

Uncle Bill ’s Day

Uncle Bill is a teacher. He teaches math. He works in a school. He usually goes to work by subway. He has two classesin the morning. He often read newspaper after lunch. He goes home at 5:30 in the afternoon every day. He watches TV in the evening. He goes to bed at 10:00. He is very busy every day.

其它题目:“My day”“My mother’s da”y“Li Lei ’s weeke”n等d 。 2. 介绍自己或他人在 将来的某一天或周末、节假日等的计划 。

例文 6:儿童节 (Children Day)就要到了, 你打算怎样度过这个儿童节,


写作分析: 通过要求, 我们判定这篇小作文应该用将来时。 把我们的一些


Children Day ’s P计la划n( )

Children Day is coming. I ’mvery happy. I ’mgoing to have a happy Children ’Dsay. First,I ’mgoing to the bookstore. I ’mgoing to buy some comic books. Then , I ’m going to my grandparents ’ home. I ’m going to have a

big dinner with my grandparents. And I ’m going to watch TV with them, too.

Oh, my Children Day! Come on. I can ’t wait.

3. 介绍自己或他人在 过去某一天或周末、节假日等所做的事情 。

例文 7:上个星期六下午 Mike 去Tom 家玩,他们一起看了电视、踢了足

球, Mike 还帮助 Tom 打扫了房间、洗了衣服,傍晚他们一起煮 了面条,Mike 他们很开心。

写作分析: 通过提示可以判定, 本篇小作文应用一般过去时。 在写作时把

提示要点都写出来就可以了。例文如下: Last Saturday afternoon, Mike went to Tom ’s home to play. First, they

watched TV together and played football. Then, Mike helped Tom clean his room and wash his clothes. In the evening, they cooked noodles together. They were very happy.

4. 看图描写 正在发生的事情 或依据所给定的场景写一写 正在发生的事情 。

例文 8;你们班正在打扫卫生,展开想象,用几句话写一写你们的劳动场 景。

写作分析: 通过所给定的要求, 我们可以看出, 这篇小作文应用 现在进行时来写。例文如下:

Look! We are cleaning our classroom. We are all busy. Mike is

cleaning the board. Zhang Peng and John are sweeping the floor. Wu Yifan and Tom are washing the windows. Chen Jie and Amy are cleaning the desks and chairs. Bai Ling is emptying the trash. Where is Sarah? Oh, she is there. She is watering the flowers.

四、 看图表作文

此类作文的特点是给我们一个或数个图或表格, 然后给我们一些要求, 让 我们依据表格按要求去写文章。 写此类作文,我们要在理解要求的基础上, 仔细分习图片或表格带给我们的信息, 然后把图片或表格中的信息点写出 来。

例文 9:读下面的表格,写一篇小作文,比一比谁更高、谁更壮、谁更年 轻。 Mame Age(年龄) Height(身高) Weight( 重 Class(班级)


John 11 160cm 60kg 6.1 Mike





写作分析: 根据题目要求, 在写作时我们应用比较级来对两个人物进行比 较。

依据表格内容,我们要从年龄、身高、重量更方面来对他们进行比较。 John and Mike are in the same class. John is eleven years old. Mike is one year older than John. John is 160cm tall. Mike is 166 cm tall. John is shorter than Mike, but he is heavier than Mike. He is 60kg. He is 6kg heavier than Mike.

例文 10: 看图,写一写水是怎样循环的。

The rain comes from the clouds. The cloud comes from the vapour. The vapour comes from the water in the river and sea. The sun shines and the water becomes vapour. The rain falls down into the river and becomes water.

五、 其他话题作文

例文 11:冬天,很多人感冒了,感冒又哪些症状?如何应对?用几句话


Many people have the flu in the winter. When we have the flu, we

might have a sore throat, our noses might hurt, we might have a headache, and even(甚至) we might have a fever. When we have the flu, we should see a doctor, take some medicine and drink hot drinks. And we should stay in bed for a few days. If we do that, we will feel better soon.

例文 12:下周,同学们要去旅游,你的心情是怎样的,你的同学们的心


We are going on a big trip next week. Many students are happy. We can

play together. I ’mvery happy. I don’ltike staying at home. Mike is very excited. He likes going hiking very much. But John is very sad, becausehe can’t go with us, he hurt his leg yesterday.

六、 部分应用文

在考试时,我们还遇到过一些应用文的写作。 如:写一封信、写一篇日记、 写一封电子邮件、 写一个邀请函等。 这类作文的写作需要同学们注意它们 的书写格式, 并多读课本上的例文。 从而为自己能正确而流畅地写出文章 做好准备。

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