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辅导科目 英语 年级 复习专项: 根据首字母填空 六年级 授课教师 申苗老师 备课日期 班型 小组 授课日期 授课时段 教 学 掌握首字母填空的技巧和做题思路。 目 标 重、 难 首字母填空的训练。 考 点 教学内容 一、基础不丢 首字母填空三步走: 一.通读全文(对全文大意有了解。而不是盲目地读,学会跳读,对不理解的地方可以暂时跳过去,不要管它)。

二.认真分析,填写单词(在了解大意的情况下,开始一边阅读一遍做题。在阅读的过程中要注意根据上下文的意思,进行猜测,找出关键词,短语或句子,还要结合所给单词的首字母进行填空,并注意单词的正确形式)。 三.通读全文,进行检查。 做这类题目应注意: 1.单词量;

2.一定要根据上下文的关系进行判断。可以采用以下方法进行做题: (1)根据习惯用法和固定搭配来进行填空; (2)根据语法知识来做题; (3)根据常识积累来做题目。 3.利用词性帮助判断; 4.注意检查。 二、经典例题 根据首字母填空:

M people like to travel by p , because it is fast. But I don’t like it because an airport(机场) is usually far f the city. You have to g there early and wait f hours for the plane to take off(起飞) and it is often late. You can’t open the window. You can’t choose the food. Planes a fast, but they still take hours to get out of the airport and into the city.

I l traveling by train. I think trains are safe(安全的). Railway stations are usually in cities. When you are l for a train, you can catch another one .You can walk around in the train and open the windows. You c see many interesting things on your way. I know it takes(花费)a little more t . 三、过手训练 根据首字母填空:

Jean is an E girl. She lives in Nanjing w her parents. She doesn’t know Chinese very w . But she studies very h . She often s Chinese in and after class. Sometimes her classmates don’t understand (明白) her because she c speak Chinese well.

It’s Saturday morning. Jean wants to b some flowers, but she doesn’t know the way to the flower s . She asks a Chinese boy for help. The boy doesn’t understand her, then she takes out a pen and draws a p of a shop and some flowers. The boy looks at it and then shows h the way. 四、课后作业 根据首字母填空:

Tom is a little boy, and he is only s years old. One day he w to the cinema. It was the first time for h to do that. He was late. He b a ticket( 票 ) quickly and ran into the cinema. But after two or three minutes( 分钟 ) he came out, bought a second ticket

and ran into the cinema again. After a f minutes he came out again and bought a ticket. Two or three minutes later he came out and bought another (另一张 ) ticket. Then the girl in the ticket office asked him,” W do you buy so many tickets? How m friends

do you meet?” Tom answered, “ No, I h no friends here. But a big boy always stops m at the door and tears ( 撕 ) my ticket.” 五、拓展训练 根据首字母填空:

Mr. Smith h a nice , blue coat. He l it very much , but his wife d not like it , because it is old .She often says ,”Give it t a poor man .” But Mr. Smith always says, ”No, I like this coat .” Then a cigarette (香烟) falls on it and m a hole in it . Mr. Smith t it to a small tailor shop and says to the tailor , “Please make another coat l this one .” The tailor makes the coat very c . Then he lights ( 点燃 ) a cigarette and makes a hole in it in the s place.


here be句型复习与练习

一:there be 句型基本认识

1、 定义:There be句型表示某处存在某物或某人。

2、结构:(1) There is +单数可数名词/不可数名词+ 地点状语. (2) There are +复数名词+地点状语.

注意事项: 谓语动词be要与主语(某人或某物)的数保持一致。当主语是两个或两个以上的名词时,谓语动词要与跟它最近的那个名词一致(就近原则)如:

① There is a bird in the tree. 树上有一只鸟。

② There is a teacher and many students in our classroom. 我们教室里有一位老师和许多学生。

③ There are two boys and a girl under the tree. 树下有两个男孩,一个女孩。

二: there be 句型的常考点 考点一:各种句型转化。 1:变成否定

There be否定形式 There is not a/an/any + n. 相当于no+ n.,

There are not +n. , 相当于no+ n.

例如: There are some pictures on the wall. →There aren't any pictures on the wall. =There are no

pictures on the wall.

There is a bike behind the tree. → There isn't a bike behind the tree. =There is no bike behind the tree.


There be: 把be动词调整到句首,再在句尾加上问号即可。但同时要注意:当肯定句中有some时,要将其改为any(否定变化也一样)。

There is some water on Mars. → Is there any water on Mars?

There are some fish in the water. →Are there any fish in the water? 3:特殊疑问句

对主语提问:当主语是人的时候,则用who 引导,当主语是物的时候,则用what 引导。注意:无论原句的主语是单数还是复数,对之提问时一般都用be的单数形式(回答时却要根据实际情况来决定)。如:

There are many things over there. →What's over there? There is a little girl in the room.→Who is in the room? 对地点状语提问:则用where 引导。如:

There is a computer on the desk. → Where is the computer?

There are four children on the playground. →Where are the four children? 对数量提问:一般有两种句型结构:

How many+复数名词+are there+介词短语? How much+不可数名词+is there+介词短语? ---How many computers are there on the table? ---There is one computer on the table. ---How much bread is there on the table? ---There are two pieces of bread on the table. 考点二:there be 句型的时态。

现在时(there is/are) 过去时(there was/were)

将来时(there is/are going to be或there will be)

完成时(there have/has been)

还可用there must be ,there can’t be, there used to be等。 如: ---There ______ a concert this evening. ---Yeah. Exciting news!

A. are going to be B. is going to be C. is going to have D. will have

考点三:there be 句型反意疑问句的构成:be (not) there? 如:

There is some milk in the bottle, ____ ?

A.isn't there B.aren't there C.isn't it D.are there

考点四:there be 句型的主谓一致:

There be 结构中的be动词要和后面所跟名词保持一致,遵循就近原则。如: 1.There ___ any rice in the bowl. A. are B. is C. isn’t D. aren’t

2.There ___ many apples on the tree last year. A. have been B. were C. are D. is

注意事项:there be 句型与have句型的区别

(1) There be表示“某处存在 某物或某人”;have表示“某人拥有某物/某人”,如: He has two sons. 他有两个儿子。

There are two men in the office. 办公室里有两个男人。

(2)当have表示“包括”、“存在”的含义时,There be 句型与其可互换。如: A week has seven days. =There are seven days in a week. 一个星期有七天。


I. 将下列句子变成否定句和一般疑问句。 1.There is some water in the bottle. 2.There are many apples in the box.

II. 对句子划线部分提问。

3.There are seven days in a week. 4.There are lots of books in our library. 5.There is a knife over there.

6.There is a little milk in the glass.

Ⅲ. 单项填空。

( )8.There___ not ____ milk in the cup on the table .

A. are, many B. are , much C. is ,many D. is ,much ( )10.How many ___ are there in the room ? A. apple B. students C. milk D. paper ( )11.Do you know if ___ a meeting next Sunday ? A. there was going to have B. there was going to be C. is there going to be D. there will be

( )12.- Is this the last exam we have to take ? C

- No, but there ____ another test three months later from now. A. will be going to B. is C. will be D. has been

( )13.There ______ great changes in such kind of computers in the last few years.

A. is B. are C. will be D. have been

( )14.There _____ a film tomorrow evening.

A.will have B.have C.is going to be D.has

( )15.There ________ a football match on TV this evening. A. will have B. is going to be C. has D. is going to have ( )16.There's going to ____ in tomorrow's newspapers. A. have something new B. have new something C. be something new D. be new something

( )17.How many boys ____ there in Class one? A. be B. is C. are D. am

( )18.There ____ a lot of good news in today's newspaper. A. is B. are C. was D. were

( )19.There ____ pencil-box, two books and some flowers on the desk. A. is a B. are some C. has a D. have some

( )20.There ____ an apple and ten bananas in the basket. You can take any of them. A. are B. is C. has D. have

( )21. ____ any flowers on both sides of the street? A.Is there B.Are there C.Has D.Have

( )22. There ____ great changes in our country since 1982. A. have been B. were C. has been D. are

( )23. There is little water in the glass, ____ ? A. isn't there B. isn't it C. is it D. is there

( )24. ----There is no air or water on the moon. Is there? ---- ____.

A. Yes, there are B. No, there isn't C. Yes, there isn't D. No, there is

( )25.----What did you see in the basket then ?

----There ____ a bottle of orange and some oranges. A. is B. are C. was D. were ( )26. ____ is there on the table?

A. How many apples B. How much bread C. How much breads D. How many food

( )27. There isn't ____ paper in the box. Will you go and get some for me? A. any B. some C. a D. an

( )28. How many ____ are there in your classroom? A. desks B. desk C. chair D. door

( )29. There ____ something wrong with our classroom. A. are B. has C. is D. have ( )30. There is some ____ on the table.

A. apple B. orange C. bread D. sandwich Ⅳ.汉译英。

31.房子前面有一辆小汽车。 32.我能为你做点什么吗? 33.山脚下有一棵大树。 34.你们班有多少学生?




