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1.表示在过去某个时间发生的动作或存在的状态。 2.也表示过去时间里经常或反复发生的动作。 例如:

I watched TV last night. 我昨天晚上看电视。 What did you do yesterday? 你昨天做了什么? They went to Beijing last year. 他们去年去了北京。 二、标志词

last上一个 last night昨晚 last week上星期 last Monday上周一 last month上个月 last year去年 last winter去年冬天 yesterday昨天 yesterday morning昨天上午 yesterday afternoon昨天下午 the day before yesterday 前天 ago以前 one hour ago 一个小时前 two days ago两天前 a moment ago 刚才 其他


just now,in the old days,in those days,in 1980 the other day,at that time,once upon a time 一般过去时句子中谓语动词用相应的过去式形式。 1,规则变化

A. 一般再词尾直接加ed. 例如:want-wanted, look-looked B. 以不发音的e结尾的,直接加d. 例如:live-lived, like-liked C. 重读辅元辅结尾,双写最后一个辅音字母加ed. 例如:stop-stopped D. 辅音+y结尾的,把y变i,再加ed. 例如:study-studied 2,不规则变化 A. 常见的拼写不变动词

let-let put-put cost-cost cut-cut hit-hit hurt-hurt read-read 爱永远宝贝


B. 其他不规则

Am/is - was are-were do-did go-went Have-had come-came make-made take-tookSwim-swam run-ran get-got sit-sat buy-bought think-thought teach-taught bring-brought Eat-ate draw-drew drink-drank drive-drove Fall-fell feel-felt find-found give-gave Fly-flew hear-heard keep-kept sleep-slept

Know-knew leave-left lose-lost learn-learnt/learned Say-said see-saw sell-sold send-sent Sing-sang speak-spoke stand-stood wake-woke Win-won Will-would shall-should can-could 四、句型


否定句: 主语+be(过去式)+not+其他 一般疑问句:Be(过去式)+主语+其他 (第一人称变为第二人称) 特殊疑问句: 疑问词+Be(过去式)+主语+其他 (第一人称变为第二人称) 例如:I was at home yesterday evening.

否定句:I was not at home yesterday. Yes, I was. / No, I wasn’t. 一般疑问句: Were you at home yesterday? 特殊疑问句: Where were you yesterday evening? 2,主语+实义动词过去式+其他 否定句: 主语+didn’t+动词原型+其他 一般疑问句:Did +主语+动词原形+其他 (第一人称变为第二人称) 特殊疑问句: 疑问词+ did +主语+动词原形+其他 (第一人称变为第二人称) 例如:I watched TV last night. 否定句:I didn’t watch TV last night.

一般疑问句:Did you watch TV last night? Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t.特殊疑问句: What did you do last night?






1. look 2. live 3. stop 4. play 5. hope 6. trip 7. wash 8. want 9. watch 10. plan 11. clean 12. study 13. dance 14. cry 15. visit 16. is 17. see 18. eat 19. read 20.take 二、根据单词的适当形式填空。

1. He _________ (live) in Xinxiang three years ago. 2. I ________ (eat) some bread yesterday evening.

3. My parents _______ (have) a birthday party for me last year . 4. My grandma _________(stay) in bed yesterday. 5. Tom ________ (read) lots of books last week. 6. I ________ (make) a card for my mother yesterday. 7. We _______(not watch) TV last Monday.

8. They ________ (draw) some beautiful pictures last class. 9. ______ they ________(watch) the World Cup yesterday? 10. My mother _______ (cook) a big dinner last Sunday.

11. They ________ (sing) and _______ (dance) happily at the party. 12. Tom and I ________ (be)on the farm a moment ago. 13. What he (do) last weekend? 14. He (like) playing computer games last year. But now he playing sports.

15. The dog (come) into the room a moment ago. 三、单选

( )1. I a train to Shanghai Last Monday.

A. by B. took C. take D. on ( )2. you watch TV last night?

A. Did B. Do C. Does D. Were



( )3. My grandfather______ill yesterday.

A.is B.are C.was D.were ( )4. I finished my homework ___________.

A.with three hours B. three hours ago C. in three hours D .three hours before

( )5. Tom his homework yesterday so the teacher was angry with him.

A. didn’t B. didn’t did C. didn’t do D. doesn’t ( ) 6. ---What did you do last Sunday?

--- I ___ some shopping with my friends. A. do B. did C. does D. doing ( ) 7. Jack ____ to school yesterday.


A. doesn’t go B. didn’t goes C. doesn’t went D. didn’t go ( ) 8. My father ____ a book for me yesterday.

A. buy B. buys C. bought D. buyed ( ) 9. I ___ a bird in the tree yesterday afternoon.

A. see B. sees C. saw D. seed ( ) 10. I ____ to my pen pal every day last year . A. write B. writed C. wrote D. writing ( ) 11. Everything ___ ready before Father came. A. were B. was C. is D. are ( ) 12. My English teacher always _____me last term. A. helped B. helps C. helping D. help

( ) 13. Micheal off his bike and hurt his leg last week.

A. fall B. falls C. fell D. falled

( ) 14. Where you last summer holiday?

A. did, go B. did ,went C. do, went D. do, go ( ) 15. -- .

-- I went to Hainan with my parents.

A. What did you do last summer? B. What do you do on weekend?



C. Where did you go last weekend? D. Where do you go yesterday? 四、句型转换

1. We were very excited yesterday.

否定句: __________________________________________________ 一般疑问句: ______________________________________________ 肯定和否定回答:___________________ _______________________ 2. Tom did his homework last weekend.

否定句: __________________________________________________ 一般疑问句: ______________________________________________ 肯定和否定回答:___________________ _______________________ 3. I visited my grandparents last summer holiday.

否定句: __________________________________________________ 一般疑问句: ______________________________________________ 肯定和否定回答:___________________ _______________________ 4. My mother taught us English last year.

否定句: __________________________________________________ 一般疑问句: ______________________________________________ 肯定和否定回答:___________________ _______________________ 5. There was a big tree here last year.

否定句: __________________________________________________ 一般疑问句: ______________________________________________ 肯定和否定回答:___________________ _______________________ 6. Mary took some photos in the park yesterday. (对划线部分提问) __________________________________________________ 7. I ate lunch at home the day before yesterday. (对划线部分提问) __________________________________________________ 8. We had a party at my house last night. (对划线部分提问) __________________________________________________



参考答案 一、

1.looked 2. lived 3. stopped 4. played 5.hoped 6. tripped 7. washed 8. wanted 9.watched 10. planned 11. cleaned 12. studied 13.danced 14. cried 15. visited 16. was 17 saw 18.ate 19. read 20.took

二、1.lived 2.ate 3.had 4.stayed 5.read 6.made 7.didn’t watch 8.drew 9.Did, watch 10.cooked 11.sang,danced 12.were 13. did, do 14.liked, likes 15.came 三、1-5 BADBC 6-10 BDCCC 11-15 BACAB 四、

1. We were not very excited yesterday. Were you very excited yesterday? Yes, I was. / No, I wasn’t.

2.Tom didn’t do his homework last weekend. Did Tom do his homework last weekend? Yes, he did. / No, he didn’t.

3.I didn’t visit my grandparents last summer holiday. Did you visit your grandparents last summer holiday? Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t.

4.My mother didn’t teach us English last year.Yes, she did. / No, she didn’t. 5.There wasn’t a big tree here last year. Was thee a big tree last year? Yes, there was. / No, there wasn’t. 6. What did Mary do in the park yesterday? 7.Where did you eat lunch the day before yesterday? 8. What did you do at your house last night


Did your mother taught you English last year?




