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题 目: 基于消费者行为的品牌定位研究

院系名称:学生姓名:指导教师: 专业班级: 学 号: 教师职称:

摘 要




关键词: 消费者行为 品牌定位 购买行为


Title Research of Consumers' Purchasing Behavior Based on The Brand Positioning Abstract

Under the condition of modern market economy, social productivity is developed at full speed, the goods are supplied abundantly, consumer's choice increases, the consumption demand is complicated and changeable, form the buyer's market for overly asking, the competition between enterprises is aggravated, and it is difficult for the goods to sell day by day. Enterprises must investigate the information of the consumption demand, study consumers' behavior and psychology, research influences consumers to buy various kinds of factors of the behavior, develop the products which accord with the consumption demand pointedly, make the corresponding marketing tactics, so that the enterprises could improve the competitiveness in this way, expand the products to sell, and improve managerial skill. This subject attempts to study and draw lessons from basic theories of consumer behavior study, through the study and reach of the feeling, consciousness to consumers, consumers' memory, imagination and thinking, mood emotion process and will process of consumer, individual psychological characteristics, etc. and the basic theories of consuming psychological study, analyze further the inherent factor that influences the consumer behavior, and on this basis bring in a theory not known by compatriot so deeply by now about drawing the consumer behavior and studying brand positioning.

Brand positioning is the inevitable product when market competition developing into certain stage. It is also the hot problem to many enterprises nowadays. Accurate brand positioning is the precondition and guarantee of making brand strategy and actualizing it. The inbeing of brand positioning is obtaining competition advantages through individuation and difference of an enterprise. One thing we need pay attention to is that an available brand positioning is a bi-directional process. Positioning is to find a positioning in situation accurately and effectively through combining to situational resources and self resources. The subject analyzes relevant affected factor of brand positioning from the angle of brand and consumer interaction.


The key point of brand positioning is to build conception of brand positioning through analyzing common values of destination consumers, then refining the core conception of brand,and transmitting it efficiently to destination consumers.

It can learn through research of subject, it analyzes and researches consumer behavior, helps enterprises know consumers' inherent demand effectively, establishes suitable products make a reservation, and makes rational effective product on sale throughout the tactics, winning the market, promoting the development of enterprise. So it has very important theory meaning, higher actual using value and good effectiveness, worth the academia and business circles’ putting forth effort to study, and use and develops in practice.

Keywords Consumer Behavior Brand Positioning Purchasing Behavior



1 引言............................................................. 1 1.1 选题背景 ....................................................... 1 1.2 研究的目的和意义 ............................................... 1 1.3 文献综述 ....................................................... 2 1.4 研究的内容和方法 ............................................... 3 2 消费者的个性心理特征分析......................................... 3 2.1 消费者的能力................................................... 3 2.2 消费者的自我观念 ............................................... 4 2.3 消费者的生活方式 ............................................... 4 3 消费者心理活动规律分析........................................... 5 3.1 消费者心理活动的认知过程 ....................................... 5 3.2 消费者心理活动的情感过程....................................... 7 3.3 消费者心理活动的意志过程 ....................................... 8 4 基于消费者的品牌定位............................................ 10 4.1 从消费者角度设计品牌定位 ...................................... 10 4.2 基于消费者的品牌定位解析...................................... 11 5 利用品牌定位影响消费者购买行为.................................. 11 5.1 增加消费者的参与度 ............................................ 11 5.2 品牌定位在消费者购买决策中的影响 .............................. 13 6 实证研究——以中国移动为例...................................... 16 6.1 具有针对性的品牌定位 .......................................... 16 6.2 全方位的品牌传播 .............................................. 18 6.3 发展品牌与消费者关系 .......................................... 20 结 论............................................................. 22 致 谢............................................................. 23 参 考 文 献........................................................ 24




