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replacement promise.

The Nextel i580 is the way to go if you're worried about durability. Bear in mind: It isn't waterproof, it's water-resistant--it'll survive a quick dunk or splash, but you can't submerge it. In my tests, it survived freezing, washing, dropping from a second-story window, and getting run over by a sports car. The i580 also has great call quality and a built-in MP3 player.

26. According to the author, why is bringing your phone to the beach a bad idea?

A. Because your carrier does not permit the use of cell phones at the beach. B. Because cell phones would not work if there is water inside. C. Because the wetness indicator would go red at the beach. D. Because few people bring their cell phones to the beach.

27. What makes the Casio Exilim C721 the ultimate summer phone?

A. Its stylish design. B. Its protective coating. C. Its resistance to shock.

D. Its waterproof, 5-megapixel camera.

28. What would happen if you want to replace your broken Sonim XP 3.10?

A. It would be replaced without question. B. It would be replaced by a locked XP 3.10.

C. You would be questioned about how you broke it.

D. You have to pay a minimum amount of fees for repairing it.

29. What qualities does the Nextel i580 have?

A. It can be submerged, frozen and washed.

B. It can be submerged, washed, and run over by a sports car.

C. It can be frozen, washed, and dropped from a second-story window. D. It can be submerged, frozen and dropped from a second-story window.

30. The main purpose of the passage is to __________.

A. explain how cell phones work

B. introduce three types of cell phones C. discuss the fun of using mobile phones D. describe the harm of water to cell phones

Passage Four

Laughter brings a range of health benefits into your daily life. Laughing boosts your immune system. Just look at the work of Dr. Lee Berk, of Loma Linda University in California. Berk doesn't tell jokes beside patients’ beds, but he does research humor. He has shown that laughing can lead to an increase in antibodies and other cells that fight viruses.

Other studies show that laughter might be helpful for people in hospitals. An organization called Rx Laughter carried out a study about humor in the hospital. The results suggest that laughter might help children deal with painful medical treatments.

The study involved children between the ages of 8 and 14. The kids placed their hands in cold water for as long as they could while watching funny old TV shows, such as I Love Lucy. Guess what happened? The kids were able to withstand pain for a longer period of time when they were watching a funny video than when watching no video. Those who laughed more felt less pain.

\away from thinking about a painful process and thus make it seem less painful,\ at the University of California at Los Angeles. As Stuber also points out, humor may even be good for your emotional health because physical and emotional health are connected. \ yourself that a medical treatment wasn't as bad as you thought it would be, then you're less likely to have nightmares, fears about going to the doctor, and other related anxieties,\ she says.

31. According to Dr. Lee Berk, laughing benefits us because __________.

A. it makes us more humorous B. it helps us feel more relaxed

C. it helps us deal with painful medical treatments

D. it leads to an increase in antibodies and the cells that fight viruses

32. Why did the children between the ages of 8 and 14 put their hands in cold water?

A. Because they wanted to cool their hands off.

B. Because they took part in an experiment on laughter. C. Because they wanted to test their ability to resist cold.

D. Because they used to do this while watching old TV shows.

33. According to Dr. Margaret Stuber, how does humor help children deal with painful medical treatments?

A. It makes them laugh more.

B. It makes them emotionally healthy.

C. It makes them think less about a painful process. D. It makes them feel less worried about the treatments.

34. Which of the following is true about laughter?

A. Laughter cures people of all their diseases. B. Laughter solves all the mental problems.

C. Laughter is beneficial to both physical and emotional health. D. Laughter makes children watch old TV shows for a longer time.

35. According to the last paragraph, what are the effects of laughter on emotional health?

A. Make people less anxious about going to the doctor. B. Make people more excited about medical treatment. C. Make people more satisfied with their health. D. Make people fall fast asleep.

Part III Vocabulary and Structure (20 points)

Directions: There are 40 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.

36. There were no other international __________doing a direct flight to New York.

A. airliners B. air force C. airlines D. aircraft

37. We will be happy to advise __________ any management matters.

A. for B. as C. on D. concerned

38. Tom would be __________advised to depend on his parents’ financial support.

A. bad B. badly C. ill D. wrongly

39. The child preferred his mother’s __________ to that of most people.

A. company B. accompany C. companion D. accompaniment

40. In the __________ of any evidence, the police had to let the gangsters go.

A. presence B. absence C. face D. presentation

41. He was too__________ in his book to hear the bell.

A. devoted B. absorbing C. keen

D. absorbed

42. Government officials are trying to seek a__________to the problem of unemployment.

A. absolution B. solution C. resolution D. dissolution

43. Our conversation came to __________ end when Harrison burst into the room.

A. a sudden B. a surprising C. a surprised D. an abrupt

44. He was looking forward to putting his ideas into__________.

A. action B. behavior C. activity D. doing

45. You may have known someone else for ten years and yet he will never be more than a casual __________.

A. friend

B. colleague

C. acquaintance

D. associate

46. He still played an__________role in running the business even after his retirement.

A. passive B. important C. acting D. passionate

47. After three months of practice, the children progressed in the __________ of basic language skills.

A. acquisition B. accomplishment C. achievement

D. absorption

48. You gain __________ to the data by typing in a user name and password.

A. admission B. way C. access D. right

49. The cost of the eight-day trip includes flight, meals and __________.

A. rooms B. accommodation C. houses D. lodgings

50. A number of social welfare reforms have come __________as a result of the report.

A. about B. out C. through D. up

51. Measures to stimulate the domestic economy will be high on the President’s __________. A. list B. agenda C. procedure D. timetable

52. She was leaning __________ a tree with her eyes closed.

A. against B. on C. off

D. onto

53. They managed to agree __________ a date for the meeting.

A. on B. in C. for D. with

54. The Vice President openly admitted__________ being wrong.

A. to B. for C. in D. as

55. The idea of having enough money to retire at the age of 40 is very__________.

A. agreeable

B. tempting

C. appealing

D. charming 56. It never __________ to him for a moment that she meant that.

A. happened

B. came

C. occurred

D. thought

57. I looked upset but __________ I was quite exited.

A. actually B. really C. genuinely

58. How did you manage to stay __________ during boring lectures?

A. wake up B. wake C. awake

59. A beautiful sunrise is a(n) __________ sight.

A. awful B. surprising C. awesome

D. truthfully

D. awaken

D. astonishing

60. The professor was so __________ that hardly anyone came to the lecture.

A. bored B. boring C. bearable D. borne

61. The two villages were __________ together by a common history.

A. being bound B. binding C. bound

62. He took a deep__________ and controlled herself.

A. breathe B. breath C. gasp

63. His __________ ambition is to be the world champion.

D. bounded

D. sigh

A. burning

B. burnt

C. firing

D. glowing

64. Jane was a thoughtful, kind, and __________ girl.

A. well-behaving B. nicely-behaving C. well-behaved

65. She is of the__________ that he loves her.

A. believing B. thought

D. nicely-behaved

C. idea D. belief

66. He looked at me with a __________ expression.

A. blanket B. blank C. dull

67. The soldier was __________ like crazy from the stomach.

A. bleeding B. blooding C. bled

D. uninteresting

D. flooding

68. The 12-year-old girl was __________ with the responsibility for taking care of the family. A. burdened B. burdening C. carried D. carrying

69. Suddenly a man burst in __________ the opposite door.

A. throughout B. from C. through

D. by

70. When we arrived there the football match __________ already started.

A. has B. had C. have D. had been

71. I __________ finished writing the book by the end of the month.

A. should have B. shall have C. must have

72. He __________tea since last year.

A. has been drinking B. has drunk

73. Does__________in the next room disturb you?

A. we talk B. us talk

74. The problem __________, they went home.

A. being solved

B. has been solved

C. been solved

D. has to be solved D. might have

C. had been drinking D. had drunk

C. we talking D. us talking

75. All the children have been well cared __________.

A. of

B. by

C. for

D. about

Part IV Cloze Test (10 points)

Directions: There are 10 blanks in the following passage. For each numbered blank, there are 4

choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best one and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.

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