HSE implementation: HSEʵʩ
All of safety rules must be obeyed. Failure to do so will result in strict disciplinary action being taken.
1. Keep your mind on your work at all times. No horseplay on the job. Injury or termination or both can be the result.
2. Personal safety equipment must be worn as prescribed for each job, such as: safety glasses for eye protection, hard hats at all times within the confines of the construction area where there is a potential for falling materials or tools, gloves when handling materials, and safety shoes are necessary for protection against foot injuries.
3. Precautions are necessary to prevent sunburn and to protect against burns from hot materials. Ô¤·ÀɹÉËÊDZØÒªµÄ£¬·ÀÖ¹ÈÈÎïÖÊ×ÆÉË
4. The use of illegal drugs or alcohol or being under the influence of the same on the project shall be cause for termination. Inform your supervisor if taking strong prescription drugs that warn against driving or using machinery.
5. Do not distract the attention of fellow workers. Do not engage in any act which would endanger another employee.
6. Sanitation facilities have been or will be provided for your use. Defacing or damaging these facilities is forbidden.
7. A good job is a clean job, and a clean job is the start of a safe job. So, keep your working area free from rubbish and debris.
8. Do not use a compressor to blow dust or dirt from your clothes, hair, or hands. ²»ÒªÊ¹ÓÃѹËõ»ú´ÓÒ·þ¡¢Í··¢»òÊÖÉÏ´µµô»Ò³¾»òÎÛ¹¸
9. Never work aloft if you are afraid to do so, if you are subject to dizzy spells, or if you are apt to be nervous or sick.
10. Never move an injured person unless it is absolutely necessary. Further injury may result. Keep the injured as comfortable as possible and utilize job site first-aid equipment until an ambulance arrives.
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11. Know where firefighting equipment is located and be trained on how to use it. Á˽âÏû·ÀÉ豸µÄλÖ㬲¢¶ÔÈçºÎʹÓÃÏû·ÀÉ豸½øÐÐÅàѵ
12. Do not use power tools and equipment until you have been properly instructed in the safe work methods and become authorized to use them.
13. Be sure that all protective measures in place. Do not remove, displace, damage, or destroy any safety device or safeguard furnished or provided for use on the job, nor interfere with the use thereof.
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15. If you must work around power shovels, trucks, and dozers, make sure operators can always see you. Barricades are required for cranes.
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16. Never oil, lubricate, or fuel equipment while it is running or in motion. ÔÚÔËÐлòÔ˶¯Ê±£¬²»Òª¸øÉ豸Ìí¼ÓÈó»¬ÓÍ¡¢Èó»¬ÓÍ»òȼÓÍ
17. Before servicing, repairing, or adjusting any powered tool or piece of equipment, disconnect it, lock out the source of power, and tag it out.
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19. Trenches over five feet deep must be shored or sloped as required. Keep out of trenches or cuts that have not been properly shored or sloped
20. Use the \height.
21. Portable ladders in use shall be equipped with safety feet unless ladder is tied, blocked or otherwise secured. Step ladders shall not be used as a straight ladder.
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22. Ladders must extend three feet above landing on roof for proper use. ÌÝ×Ó±ØÐëÔÚÎݶ¥ÉÏÑÓÉìÈýÓ¢³ß£¬ÒÔ±ãÕýȷʹÓÃ
23. Defective ladders must be properly tagged and removed from service. ÓÐȱÏݵÄÌÝ×Ó±ØÐëÕýÈ·µØ±ê¼Ç²¢´Ó·þÎñÖÐÒƳý
24. Keep ladder bases free of debris, hoses, wires, materials, etc. ±£³ÖÌÝ×ӵײ¿Ã»ÓÐÔÓÎï¡¢Èí¹Ü¡¢µçÏß¡¢²ÄÁϵÈ
25. Build scaffolds according to manufacturers' recommendations. ¸ù¾ÝÖÆÔìÉ̵Ľ¨Ò齨Ôì½ÅÊÖ¼Ü
26. Scaffold planks shall be properly lapped, cleated or otherwise secured to prevent shifting. ½ÅÊּܰåÓ¦ÕýÈ·µØ´î½Ó¡¢Çиî»òÒÔÆäËû·½Ê½¹Ì¶¨ÒÔ·ÀÖ¹ÒÆλ
27. The use of harnesses with safety lines when working from unprotected high places is mandatory. Always keep your line as tight as possible.
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28. Never throw anything \ ²»Òª°ÑÈκζ«Î÷ÈÓµ½°åÍâ¡£ÏÂÃæµÄÈË¿ÉÄÜ»áÊÜÖØÉË¡£ 29. Open fires are prohibited. ½ûÖ¹Ã÷»ð
30. Know what emergency procedures have been established for your job site. (location of emergency phone, first aid kit, stretcher location, fire extinguisher locations, evacuation plan, etc.)
31. Never enter a manhole, well, shaft, tunnel or other confined space which could possibly have a
non-respirable atmosphere because of lack of oxygen, or presence of toxic or flammable gas, or has a possibility of engulfment by solids or liquids. Make certain a qualified person tests the confined area with an appropriate detector before entry, that the necessary safety equipment is worn. Standby person may be required to be stationed at the entrance.
Safety Construction Risk Control Schedule°²È«Ê©¹¤·çÏÕ¿ØÖƽø¶È±í
S.no Danger point Description ΣÏÕµãÃèÊö Adopt Safety Technical Procedure ²ÉÓð²È«¼¼Êõ¹æ³Ì Person Charge ¸ºÔðÈË in- 1 Equipment Failure É豸¹ÊÕÏ a) Pre start checking and inspection of equipment by concerned department Ïà¹Ø²¿ÃŶÔÉ豸µÄÔ¤¼ì²é b) Equipment should be inspected and certified by the HSE / SI Contractor É豸Ӧ¾¹ý³Ð°üÉ̼ìÑéºÍÈÏÖ¤ 2 c) Area should be barricaded and safety signs should be in place ÇøÓòÓ¦ÉèÖ÷ÕϺͰ²È«±ê HSE / SI Hitting by a) A signal man should be present during work moving ÔÚ¹¤×÷ÖÐÓ¦¸ÃÓÐÒ»¸öÐźÅÔ± b) Machine Area should be cordon off. Machinery Òƶ¯»úеײ»÷ »úÆ÷ÇøÓòÓ¦¸ôÀë 3 Dust Inhaling »Ò³¾ÎüÈë a) All person should wear Approved PPE (DUST HSE / SI MASK). ËùÓÐÈËÓ¦Åå´÷¾Åú×¼µÄPPE£¨»Ò³¾ÃæÕÖ£© 4 5 Improper tools ²»Ç¡µ±¹¤¾ß a) Use appropriate tools for all activities ΪËùÓлʹÓÃÊʵ±µÄ¹¤¾ß a) Maintain good housekeeping all the time ±£³ÖÎÄÃ÷Ê©¹¤ b) Proper disposal of generated waste should be Housekeeping ÎÄÃ÷Ê©¹¤ carried outÓ¦Í×ÉÆ´¦ÖòúÉúµÄ·Ï HSE/ SI HSE / SI c) Provide waste bags at site for proper waste storage. ÔÚÏÖ³¡Ìṩ·ÏÎï´üÒÔÊʵ±µÄ´æ´¢·ÏÎï