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Shenzhen, Jan 1st, 2018—Shenzhen has become the world's first city to make about 16, 359, run on electricity (电;电能). 12,518 taxis in the city are electric ones. \(替换) the rest of the taxis with electric ones by 2020.\ \buses a month ago. \drive the electric buses.\

The city has built 8, 000 charging poles (充电桩) and 501 bus charging stations. \be fully charged in two hours and the charging poles can serve 300 buses a day at our station. Since the replacement, the bus station has become quiet.\Bus Station.

The use of electric buses and electric taxis plays an important role in making air fresher. In a year, the electric buses use 72. 9 % less energy than the traditional ones. The electric taxis will save the energy of 119, 000 tons of standard coal.

Shenzhen was one of the first 13 cities to take part in the National New-Energy Vehicle Program. In 2017, the city spent 3. 3 billion yuan on electric buses and the charging equipment (设备). The city also encourages people to bus new-energy cars or electric cars by spending less money. (1)How many electric taxis were there in Shenzhen in January, 2018?

A. 8, 000 B. 12, 518 C. 16, 359 D. 11, 900 (2)To drive an electric bus, a driver should ________. A. have at least 20 years' driving experience B. charge the electric bus every day

C. take part in the National New-Energy Vehicle Program D. have a lot of training and pass strict exams

(3)What is the influence of the replacement according to Mr. Guan? A. 200 buses can be charged a day. B. It causes air to be worse. C. The bus station has become quiet. D. People will pay more if they buy e-cars.

(4)The city encourages people to ________. A. buy new-energy cars or electric cars by spending less money B. spending more money in buying new cars C. use traditional cars as long as possible D. avoid driving electric buses

(5)The passage is most probably taken from ________.

A. a textbook B. a diary C. a story book D. a news report 【答案】 (1)B (2)D

(3)C (4)A (5)D


(1)细节题。根据 12,518 taxis in the city are electric ones.可知,深圳2018年一月的电动出租车的数量达到12,218辆,故选B。

(2)细节题。根据 \to drive the electric buses.可知,电动出租车司机要进行许多培训和考试,合格者才能开电动出租车,故选D。

(3)细节题。根据 the bus station has become quiet.可知车站会变得安静,故选C。 (4)细节题。根据 The city also encourages people to bus new-energy cars or electric cars by spending less money。可知深圳市鼓励人们用更少的钱买新能源汽车或电动车,故A。 (5)推断题。本文讲述深圳从事新能源工程,有望在2020年全面使用电动出租车和公交车,鼓励人们购买新能源汽车和电动车,可以推出这篇文章有可能来自新闻报道,故选D。



If someone says to you: \others laugh! The person's not asking for your money, but your fingers.

In the US, \(动作). You can see it often in films or on TV. It means the clapping (拍) of each other's raised right hands together. People do it when they meet for the first time or something happy happens. For example, a student has good marks in exams or wins a lottery ticket (彩票).If a football team wins a game, the players will give high fives to everyone around to celebrate.

This gesture may come from the old Roman gesture of raising the right arm for the emperor to show respect. This also showed that the person raising his arm did not have a sword (刀) in his hand.

Why not try to give the high five to your friends? (1)\ (2)The gesture \

(3)When you get good grades in your exam, you give your friends high fives. (4)The gesture started in America according to the story.

(5)The Romans raised the right arm without a sword in his hand for the emperor to show their respect to the emperor. 【答案】 (1)0 (2)1 (3)1

(4)0 (5)1

【解析】【分析】本文主要介绍了美国的交际用语give me five的含义和由来。

(1)句意:Give me five 是一个要钱的动作。根据The person's not asking for your money, but your fingers,这个人不是在问你要钱,而是你的手指,可知这不是要钱的动作,故答案为错误。

(2)句意:give me five的动作是拍手。根据It means the clapping (拍) of each other's raised right hands together,可知它意思是一起举起彼此的右手击掌,故答案为正确。 (3)句意:当你考试取得好成绩时给朋友一个高举双手的手势。根据 For example, a student has good marks in exams or wins a lottery ticket (彩票).If a football team wins a game, the players will give high fives to everyone around to celebrate,可知一个学生考试取得好成绩或者赢了彩票,如果一个足球队赢得比赛,运动员会高举双手来庆祝,故答案为正确。 (4)句意:根据这个故事,这个动作起源于美国。根据This gesture may come from the old Roman gesture of raising the right arm for the emperor to show respect,可知这个动作来源于古罗马,为了向帝王表示尊敬,故答案为错误。

(5)句意:罗马人手里不拿刀,举起右手臂来向帝王表示尊敬。根据This also showed that the person raising his arm did not have a sword in his hand,这也表明举手的这个人手里没有刀,可知这是为了向帝王表示尊敬,故答案为正确。



The Temple of Heaven, in southern Beijing, was first built in 1420 and was rebuilt during the Ming and Qing Dynasties. It was the place where the emperors of the Ming and Qing Dynasties would admire the god and hope for good harvest(收获). It is the largest group of buildings in the world to pay homage(致敬)to god. The Potala Palace was built in the seventh century and it has a long history of over 1300 years. In 641, Songtsan Gambo, the ruler of the Tubo kingdom, asked his people to build it for princess Wencheng of the Tang Dynasty. It has 13 floors and is 117 meters high. And it is made of wood and stone. The Terracotta Warriors and Horses (兵马俑) is the greatest historical and cultural site (遗址) in Lintong, Xi'an, Shanxi Province. Emperor Qin Shi Huang began to build it at the age of 13. It took 11 years. The terracotta figures(秦俑) have the same size as a real man. They have different heights, clothes and hairstyles because of their different levels.



