A Unified Spatio-Temporal Framework of the Cuerno-Barabasi Stochastic Continuum Model of S
A Unified Spatio-Temporal Framework of the Cuerno-Barabasi Stochastic Continuum Model of
Surface Sputtering
Oluwole Emmanuel Oyewande
【期刊名称】《理论物理通讯(英文版)》 【年(卷),期】2012(058)007
【摘要】The nonlinear continuum model proposed by Cuerno and Barabasi is the most successful and widely acceptable theoretical description of oblique incidence ion sputtered surfaces to date and is quite robust in its predictions of the time evolution and scaling of interfaces driven by ion bombardment. However, this theory has thus far predicted only ripple topographies and rough surfaces for short and large scales, respectively. As a result, its application to the interpretation and study of nanodots, predicted by Monte Carlo simulations for, and observed in experiments of, oblique incidence sputtering is still unclear and, hence, an open problem. In this paper, we provide a new insight to the theory, within the same length scale, that explains nanodot formation on off-normal incidence sputtered surfaces, among others, and propose ways of observing the predicted topographies of the MC simulations, as well as possible control of the size of the nanodots, in the framework of the Cuerno-Barabasi continuum theory. 【总页数】6页(165-170)
【关键词】离子溅射;表面;连续模型;框架;模拟预测;时空;随机;连续介质模型 【作者】Oluwole Emmanuel Oyewande
【作者单位】Department of Physics,University of Ibadan 【正文语种】中文
【中图分类】O484;TQ323.41 【文献来源】
https://www.zhangqiaokeyan.com/academic-journal-cn_communications-theoretical-physics_thesis/0201241622922.html 【相关文献】
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A Unified Spatio-Temporal Framework of the Cuerno-Barabasi Stochastic Continuum Model of S