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10kV distribution substation abrupt change of voltage accumulation of electric energy actuating coil adjustment diagram alarm alarm signal alternating light ammeter apparent energy consumption unit arc furnace armature arrester; lighting arrester; surge diverters automatic voltage regulator backlighting; background illumination battery box battery charger battery contactor battery fuse battery resistor blow-out coil boom bracket (OCS) bracket for headspan wire bridge brush built-in wardrobe; built-in closet; closet bulb; light(lamp) bulb; electric bulb butterfly valve with electric actuator button cable and accessories cable armour cable bays cable box cable bracket; cable tray cable continuity test cable differential protection 10kV配电所 电压突变 电能存储 动作线圈 调整图 报警 报警信号 变光灯 电流表 单位视在能耗 电弧炉 电枢 避雷器 电压自动调整器 背景照明 电池箱 电池充电器 电池接触器 电池保险丝 电池电阻器 磁吹线圈 吊杆 底座(接触网);支架;托架 定位索底座 电桥 电刷 壁灯 灯泡 电动蝶阀 电钮 电缆及附件 电缆铠装 电缆电线间隔 电缆箱 电缆托架 电路复测 电缆差动保护 cable distribution cabinets (CDCs) cable drum cable duct cable conduit cable duct; cable trench cable end; cable lug cable fault locator cable gallery cable hanger; cable suspender cable laying laying of cables cable marking cable rack cable shaft cable sleeve; electrical wire conduit cable support cable tapping box cable terminal cable terminal box cable tray cable trenches with chequer plates cable trough cable trough; trough cable tunnel; cable-subway cable vault cable work capacitance capacitance compensation capacitive charges capacitive voltage transformer capacitor capacitor bank capacitor compensator capacitor coupling capacitor filtering catenary/messenger catenary; messenger wire; catenary wire ceiling lamp ceiling light ceramic wall bushings changeover box changeover box for smoke curtain 电缆分线箱(电缆分歧箱) 电缆盘 电缆管道 电缆沟 电缆端头 电缆故障探测仪 电缆廊道 电缆吊架 电缆敷设 电缆标志 电缆架 电缆竖井 电缆套管 电缆支架 电缆分接箱 电缆终端 电缆盒 电缆托架 带方形盖板的电缆沟槽 电缆沟槽 电缆槽 电缆隧道 电缆室 电缆厂 电容 电容补偿 电容电荷 电容式电压互感器 电容器 电容器组 电容补偿器 电容耦合 电容滤波 承力索 承力索 顶灯 穿墙套管 电源切换箱 挡烟垂幕电源切换箱 circuit circuit connection circuit diagram circuit diagrams circuit diagrams circuit parameter circuit-breaker unit closed circuit closed circuit TV (CCTV) cod for electrical design and installation coefficient of resistivity compensation compensation reactor concealed piping; concealed pipe concealed wiring; concealed electric wiring condenser condenser bank(block) condenser charge condenser discharge condenser reactance conductor conductor rail conductor resistance contact continuous carrying capacity corona cross-span drop bracket current & voltage transducer current amplification current relay current relay current transformer (CT) de-energize diesel generator; diesel dynamo diesel power plant; diesel generating station differential protection differential protection cables differential relay digital format direct feeding system with return cable 电路 电路接线 电路图 电路图 电路图 电路参数 断路器单元 闭路 闭路电视 电气设计安装规范 电阻系数 补偿 补偿电抗器 暗管 暗线 电容器 电容器组 电容器充电 电容器放电 电容器电抗 导线 导电轨 导体电阻 触头 持续载流能力 电晕 定位索定位支座 电流电压变换器 电流放大 电流继电器 电流继电器 电流互感器 断电 柴油发电机 柴油发电站 差动保护 差动保护电缆 差动继电器 电子文档 带回流线的直接供电方式(TRNF供电方式) directional coil directional coupler directional lighting dispatching centre; load dispatching centre; control centre display lighting district transformer station and distribution center drawer drawout design drop bracket drop bracket dummy load; equivalent load duration of short-circuit dust dynamic analysis method dynamic inductance elastic support structure ELE (elevator) electric bell electric coupler electric displacement electric equipment inspection railcar electric hoist (block) electric horn electric installation drawing electric joint electric potential electric power fitting electric railway electric resistance; resistivity electric siren electric system electric traction electric traction feeding system electric traction telemechanical system electrical apparatus for explosive atmospheres electrical design electrical diagrams 定向线圈 定向耦合器 定向照明 调度中心 陈列品照明 地区变、配电所 抽屉柜 抽出式设计 吊架 定位单环, 定位支座 等效负载 短路电流 (持续) 时间 尘埃 动态法 动态电感 弹性支座结构 电梯 电铃 电器连接 电位移 电气检测车 电动葫芦 电喇叭 电气图纸 电气分断点 电势 电力金具 电气铁道 电阻率 电笛 电气系统 电力牵引 电力牵引供电系统 电力牵引远动系统 爆炸环境用电气设备 电气设计 电气图 electrical energy electrical equipment (appliance) electrical experimental equipment electrical installation; electrical fitting electrical lamp; electric light electrical maintenance case electrical outlet electrical rating electrician electrification electrification interference electrification interference electrified railway electrified railway remodeling electrified track electromaginetic induction electromagnetic relay electronic AC stabilizer electronic information processing electroplated coating of zinc emergency battery energy transmission exit light factory site; location of factory fall of current fall of voltage fastening blacket fiber glass steel floor special purpose receptacle fluorescent lamp ballast with emergency function fly light gallery frequency-modulated, digital telegram galvanized iron wire strands galvanized steel sheet galvanometer; rheometer; current meter glass reinforced plastic ice impulse current incandescent lamp base incandescent lamp; incandescent filament lamp 电能 电器 电工实验设备 电气安装 电灯 电器维修箱 电气出线口 电气额定值 电工 电气化 电气化干扰 电气化干扰 电气化铁路 电气化铁道改造, 电气化铁路改造 电气化铁道 电磁感应 电磁继电器 电子交流稳压器 电子信息处理 电镀锌 备用电池 电能传输 安全出口灯 场致发光灯 电流下降 电压下降 抱箍 玻璃钢 地面专用插座 带应急功能的荧光灯镇流器 灯光天桥 调频数字电报 镀锌钢绞线 镀锌钢管 电流计 玻璃纤维加劲塑料 冰雪 冲击电流 白炽灯灯头 白炽灯



