Seasonal variation and longitudinal distribution of copepods in the main river area of the
Seasonal variation and longitudinal distribution of copepods in the main river area of the Three
Gorges Reservoir
Jianliang YAO;Junzeng XUE;Dengyuan WANGt;Qinghua CAI;Xiangfei HUANG;Jiankang LIU
【期刊名称】《中国高等学校学术文摘·生物学》 【年(卷),期】2008(003)004
【摘要】The ecosystem of the Three Gorges in the Yangtze River was changed
impoundment in June 2003. We surveyed the seasonal variation and spatial distribution of copepods from April 2004 to January 2005 in order to provide data for clarifying the successional pattern of the ecosystem. From Jiangjin to Maoping, eight copepod species were collected and classified into Calanoida (2), Harpacticoida (1), and Cyclopoida (5). Among them, Mesocyclops pehpeiensis, M. leuckarti and Sinocalanus dorrii had a relatively wide distribution. No distinct dif-ference in species number was found among the sampling sites, but the species composition was different. Species composition, distribution and density of copepods showed significant seasonal variations. In addition, cope-pod density showed an obvious gradient with the distance from the reservoir dam: the nearer to the dam, the denser the copepods.
Seasonal variation and longitudinal distribution of copepods in the main river area of the