Section 1(Part 1 Vocabulary Selection)(In this part, there are 20 incomplete sentences.Below each sentence, there are 4 choices marked by letters A, B, C and D respectively.Choose the word which best completes each sentence.There is only ONE right answer.Blacken the corresponding letter as required on your machine-scoring ANSWER SHEET)
1.Undaunted by the scale of the job, Lesley______planning how each room should look.A.set out B.set off C.setup D.set about
2.Public\society.A.incompatible B.incredible C.indefinite D.indispensable
Section 1(Part 2 Vocabulary Replacement)(This part consists of 20 sentences.In each of them one word is underlined,and below each sentence, there are 4 choices marked by letters A, B,C and D respectively.Choose the word that can replace the underlined part without causing any grammatical error or changing the basic meaning
of the sentence.There is only ONE right answer.Blacken the corresponding letter as required on your machine-scoring ANSWER SHEET.)
1.The effects of soil nutrient factors on potato yield and commodity rate were studied in different ecological conditions.A.output B.outcome C.surrender
2.The collapse of the bank is an ominous reminder of the fragility of the worlds banking system.A.fraternity B.frailty C.fallibility D.tangibility
Section 1(Part 3 Error Correction)(This part consists of 20 sentences.In each of them there is an underlined part that indicates a grammatical error,and below each,there are 4 choices marked by letters A, B,C and D respectively.Choose the word or phrase that can replace the underlined part so that the error is corrected.There is only ONE right answer.Blacken the corresponding letter as required on your machine-scoring ANSWER SHEET.)
1.There was a very interesting remark in a book by a German that I read recently being given what was a reason for this American B.gave give D.given
2.There was a smile on her face which suggested that she would be happy to have given her life for her country.A.were B.should be C.was D.might be
Section 2 Reading Comprehension(In this section you will find after each of the passages a number of questions or unfinished statements about the passage, each with 4 (A, B, C and D) choices to answer the question or complete the statement You must choose the one which you think fits best Blacken the corresponding letter as required on your machine-scoring ANSWER SHEET.)
1.According to UNICEF, around 564 million Indians, nearly half the population, still defecate in the open — in fields, forests, next to ponds, along highway medians and on the beach. That spreads diseases and causes other public and personal problems. It is no accident that \
their village right before sunrise, each one carrying a little brass jug of water to wash with. They are traveling in a group for safety. Rural women sometimes endure taunts and even sexual assault when they relieve themselves outdoors, so they travel in small groups, often before dawn, for protection. “This is a real problem,” said Jagmati Sangwan,a women’s rights advocate. “So many women, especially landless women, face a lot of violence when they go to the bathroom outside.” To avoid being leered at during the day, some women hold on for hours for darkness to fall. Waiting that long can create health problems, particularly for pregnant women, who are highly susceptible to urinary tract infections, experts say. A recent study found a troubling correlation between pregnant mothers who had no toilet facilities and low birth weight. Not helping matters, hard-liners with the governing Bharatiya Janata Party, or B.J.P., have photographed women who relieve themselves outside in an effort to shame them.Earlier this year, a man who stood up for such women was beaten to death. Government officials say they have spent $4 billion to help install 50 million toilets so far, building community latrines and providing subsidies for people to put them in their homes. The Modi government runs a website bestowing on top-performing villages a special “ODF”(Open Defecation Free) status. Their efforts have earned praise abroad. Bill Gates, the billionaire co-founder of Microsoft, wrote on his blog: “I can’t think of another time when a national leader has broached such a sensitive topic so frankly and so publicly. Even better, Modi backed up his words with actions.” But Mr. Modi’s detractors say there may be more emphasis on image than deed, and that in many
areas party apparatchiks are so eager to fall in line with the prime minister's directives that they are putting up latrines that are not connected to sewers or septic systems. Several businessmen in New Delhi said government agencies are in such a rush that they are awarding contracts left and right with little oversight and often to businesses that know nothing about sanitation. According to Indian news reports, countless rupees have disappeared in shady toilet deals. Sanitation specialists say that with less than 5 percent of India’s nearly 8,000 cities and towns having sewage treatment plants, it is far from clear where all the waste will go. “There’s a blind scramble to make a toilet,whether it is usable or not,” said Bezwada Wilson, an official with the Sanitation Workers' Movement, an advocacy organization. “It has become a business,and resulted in the corporatization of the toilet.” 【正确答案-参考解析】:参加考试可见
2.The death of Diana, Princess of Wales, on Aug. 31, 1997, shook Britain and the world.The New York Times asked journalists who covered Diana and the deadly car accident, which also killed her companion, Dodi Al-Fayed, and their driver, Henri Paul, to share their memo and reflections. Diana was considered disloyal and unhinged, an unguided missile, when she went on the BBC in 1995 to talk of her emotional distress. ('There were three of us in this marriage, so it was a bit crowded.\things have changed, William and Harry are marking the anniversary by speaking publicly about her, with royal approval. Her death also marked a turning point in the history of Britons5 relationship to their own ids, ushering in an era in which people have
new license to express themselves and feelings can weigh more heavily than reason, Mr. Freedland said. “The reaction to her death is a preview of the Brexit landscape, in which emotion trumps expertise,” he said.“It was a shock to people — we didn't think it was part of the British mind-set — and now, after Brexit, you can see there was something growing there, a willingness to give two fingers to the experts.”(Instead of using their middle fingers, Britons use what is known as a two-fingered salute.) ?Public opinion polls suggest nobody is particularly fond of Prince Charles, who at 68 is still waiting for his chance to become king. But they also show that the royal family, led by the
seemingly indestructible 91-year-old queen,endures as a comforting unifying thread,providing a constitutional underpinning for a nation whose quirks include the fact that it has no written constitution. “The royal family is key to our constitution,”, Geordie Greig, editor of The Mail on Sunday, which publishes its share of royal-related articles, said in an email. “It provides a permanent and historical foundation going back more than 1,000 years.” The pomp and circumstance of its spectacles — the weddings of Charles and Diana and of William and Kate; the funeral of Diana — unify the country “with a familial heartbeat that also resonates around the world,” he added. At the very least, the royal family provides a gossipy distraction for a nation fretting about where it belongs and where it is going in this fraught era of Brexit. When is Harry going to propose to his girlfriend, Meghan Markle, and does it matter that she is
Canadian,describes herself as mix race and is an actress? How disappointing is it that, at 35, William has already lost much of his hair? How expensive was Kate's sister's very big,
very fancy engagement ring? Not everyone loves the royal family. Clearly anyone who visits Diana's memorial fountain in Kensington Gardens is part of a self-selecting group, hardly a representative sample of public opinion. But a recent stop there showed how Diana, even after all this time, remains part of the conversation. “I feel bad for Diana, the way they treated her” said Kristina Landgraf, a German tourist. t6She was a good person, she was kicked out of the royal family, and tried to have a personal life.” Visitors to Buckingham Palace said that the royal family held a fascination, even for those who are not really a royal family sort of person. 【正确答案-参考解析】:参加考试可见
Section 3 Cloze Test(In the following passage, there are 20 blanks representing words that are missing from the context.Below the passage,each blank has 4 choices marked by letters A, B, C and D respectively.There is only ONE right answer.Blacken the corresponding letter as required on your machine-scoring ANSWER SHEET.) 1.As someone who researches generational differences, I find one of the most frequent questions I’m asked is “What generation am I in?” If you were born before 1980, that’s a relatively easy question to answer: the Silent Generation (91) born between 1925 and 1945; baby boomers were born between 1946 and 1964; Gen X followed (born between 1965 and 1979). Next (92) millennials, born after 1980. But where do millennials end, and when does the next generation begin? Until recently, I (and many others) thought the last millennial birth year would be 1999 — today's 18-year-olds. (93), that changed a few years ago, when I started to (94) big shifts in
teens’ behavior and (95) in the yearly surveys of 11 million young people that I analyze for my research. Around 2010, teens started to spend their time (96) differently from the generations that (97) them. Then, around 2012, sudden shifts in their psychological well-being began to appear. Together, these changes pointed to a generational cutoff around 1995, (98) meant that the kids of this new, post-millennial generation were already in college. These teens and young adults all have one thing in common: Their childhood or adolescence (99) with the rise of the smartphone. A 2015 survey found that two out of three U.S. teens owned an iPhone. (100) this reason, I call them iGen, and as I explain in my new book “iGen: Why Today’s Super-Connected Kids are Growing up Less Rebellious, More Tolerant, Less Happy —and Completely Unprepared for Adulthood”,they’re the first generation to spend their adolescence with a smartphone. What makes iGen different? Growing up with a smartphone has (101) nearly every aspect of their lives. They spend so much time (102) the internet,texting friends and on social media — in the large surveys I analyzed for the book, an average of about six hours per day — that they have less leisure time for (103) else. That includes (104) was once the favorite activity of most teens: (105) with their friends. Whether ifs going to parties, shopping at the mall, watching movies or aimlessly (106) around, iGen teens are participating in these social activities at a (107) lower rate than their millennial predecessors. iGen shows another pronounced break with millennials: Depression, anxiety, and loneliness have shot (108) since 2012, with happiness
declining. The teen suicide rate increased (109) more than 50 percent, (110) did the number of teens with clinical-level depression. 【正确答案-参考解析】:参加考试可见