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4. dynamic personality 5. mature love 6. mutual friends


1. college sweetheart 2. take the initiative 3. romantic relationship 4. steady boyfriend 5. casual attraction 6. fairy-tale romance 7. exceedingly embarrassed 8. madly in love

9. healthy friendship 10. traditional upbringing 11. mature love 12. mutual friends

Unit5 The money game

Text A Spend or save-The student’s dilemma

1. contradict 2. paradox 3. perspective 4. explicit 5. suspended 6. derive

7. defy 8. retains 9. manipulating 10. tackle

Ex4 -er

browse browsermessage messengerconsumer consume-ion

negotiate negotiationobject objectionreact reactionconstitute constitutioncultivate cultivationdefine definitionexpand expansion

concentration concentrate civilization civilize

1. concentrated 2. messenger 3. civilized 4. Constitution5. browser 6. objection7. expansion 8. consume9. definition 10. cultivation11. reaction 12. negotiation

1 B 2D 3O 4E 5F6C 7K 8H 9N 10I

1. referred to 2 at odds with3 put off 4 consulting with5 do their utmost 6 took stock of

7 on track 8 take in

It is often said that whatever wealth one may have will be gone quickly if the person only spends. However, some people think the purpose of life is to enjoy moment, so they spend all they have earned. Even though Bryan and Peter are close friends, their spending habits are very different.

Bryan is very careful about using his pocket money. He only spends money when it’s necessary. For example, when his pocket money is only $50,he may spend $20 on necessary stationery for schoolwork. He will try to deposit the remaining $30 in his savings account. In his opinion, though the amount is small, it will help him for a possible rainy day since people never know what could happen in the future.

Unlike Bryan, Peter usually spends money at will. He often purchases expensive electronic products such as an iPhone and iPad. Sometimes, he might buy himself an expensive brand-name shirt or a pair of expensive brand- name shoes. Different from Byan, he never deposits extra money in a

bank after meeting his basic needs. To him, saving money in a bank is something silly because he believes that he can always earn big money after he gets a decent job in the future.

All in all, Bryan and Peter are very different in the way they spend money. Spending money wisely and saving extra money for future urgent needs enable students to manage their finance and fully concentrate on their study. They will also derive great pleasure from the way they handle their money.

大发现年代,也被称为大勘探年代,是欧洲进行全球勘查的一个历史时期,始于15世纪初并一直持续到18世纪。 这一时期通常被认为是中世纪和近代之间的桥梁, 当时西方帝国主义刚兴起,欧洲各王国之间正在经济上互相竞争,他们想通过建立贸易路线和殖民地来寻找财富。 在这一时期众多伟大的探险家中,最杰出的是克里斯托弗?哥伦布,因为他发现了新大陆。欧洲的海外扩张导致了殖民帝国的崛起,旧大陆与新大陆的接触也促进了两边的互相交换:大量的植物、动物、食物、文化等得到迁移。这代表了历史上生态、农业和文化在全球范围内最重大的活动之一。欧洲大勘探让绘制全球性的世界地图成为可能,从而使人们看到一个新的世界与古老的



