22. As one of the best-known American authors of 20th century, Ernest Hemingway wrote all the followingnovels EXCEPT__________ .
A. For Whom the Bell Tolls
B. The Green Hills of Africa
C. The Sound and the Fury
D. The Old Man and the Sea
23. The period ranging from 1865 to 1914 has been referred to
as __________in the literary history of theUnited States.
A. the Age of Enlightenment
B. the Age of Romanticism
C. New England Transcendentalism
D. the Age of Realism
24. The utterance \are already working 25 hours a day, eight days a week.\is in violation of the princi-ple of__________ .
A. quality
B. manner
C. relation
D. quantity
25. The semantic components of the word \
written as__________ .
A. [ +ANIMATE], [ +MALE], [ +HUMAN], [-ADULT]
B. [ +ANIMATE], [ +MALE], [ +HUMAN], [ +ADULT]
26. As a salesman, he works on a (an) __________ basis,taking 10% of everything he sells.
A. salary
B. pension
C. commission
D. income
27. A police officer in a small town stopped a motorist who was speeding down Main Street. \officer,\said, \can explain.\\Just be quiet !\snapped the officer. \I'm going to let you cool off injail until the chief gets back.\\officer, I just wanted to say...\\I said KEEP QUIET! Nowyou're going to jail !\checked up on his prisoner and said, \is at his daughter's wedding. He'll be in a great mood when he gets here.\\count on it,\the prisoner. \the groom; he is my father-in-law.\
In recent years, we have all watched the increasing commercialization of the campus. The numerous ad-vertising posters and the golden arches of fast food outlets may be an insult to our aesthetic sensibilities, butthey are, arguably, no worse than ugly. Some of the other new features of
commercialized campus life do,however, constitute a serious threat to things we rightly respect. \\
What do these notions mean? To me, they involve an increased dependence on industry and charitableactions for operating the university; an increased amount of our resources being directed to applied orso-called practical subjects, both in teaching and in research; a proprietary treatment of research results,with the commercial interest in secrecy overriding the public's interest in free, shared knowledge;and anattempt to run the university more like a business that treats industry and students as clients and ourselves asservice providers with something to sell. We pay increasing attention to the immediate needs and demands ofour \and, as the old saying goes, \
Privatization is particularly frightening from the point of view of public well-being. A researcheremployed by a university-affiliated hospital in Canada, working under contract with a medicine-makingcompany, made public her findings that a particular drug was harmful. This violated the